
2024-06-24 13:31:55 53




总的来说,形态学就是研究英语单词的语言学分支。英文介绍:Chapter 3 Morphology Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. Open class word and closed class word Open class words----content words of a language to which we can regularly add new words, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbsClosed class words----grammatical or functional words, such as conjunction, articles, preposition and pronouns. Morpheme--the minimal unit of meaning---Words are composed of morphemes. Words may consist of one morpheme or more morphemes, e.g.1-morpheme boy, desire2-morpheme boy+ish, desir(e)+ble3-morpheme boy+ish+ness, desir(e)+bl(e)+ity4-morpheme gentle+man+li+ness, un+desir(e)+abl(e)+ity5-morpheme un+gentle+man+li+ness6-morpheme anti+dis+establish+ment+ari+an+ism PracticeblackboardvariouslyinternationalismunreasonableenvironmentalisttableswimmingapplesTypes of MorphemesFree Morpheme & bound Morpheme 自由词素与粘着词素Inflectional Affix & Derivational Affix 曲折词缀与派生词缀Root & Stern 词根与词干Free morpheme & bound morphemeFree morpheme----is one that may constitute a word (free form) by itself, such as bed, tree, sing, dance, etc.Bound morpheme----is one that may appear with at least one other morpheme. They can not stand by themselves, such as “-s” in “dogs”, “al” in “national”, “dis-” in “disclose”, “ed” in “recorded”, etc. Q: Are “teeth”; “men”; “better” Free morphemes?Derivational affix & inflectional affix Derivational affix---- the morphemes which change the category, or grammatical class of words, e.g. modern---modernize, length---lengthen, fool---foolish, etc.Inflectional affix---- the morphemes which are for the most part purely grammatical markers, signifying such concepts as tense, number, case and so on; they never change their syntactic category, never add any lexical meaning, e.g. a) number: tables apples cars b) aspect: talks/talking/talked c) case: John’s d) degree : slower slowestDerivational affixPrefix ---- morphemes that occur only before others, e.g. un-, dis, anti-, ir-, etc.Suffix ---- morphemes that occur only after others, e.g. -ful, -er, -ish, -ness, -able, -tive, tion, etc.名词后缀:-er, -ee, -or, -(i)an, -ist, ese, -ment, -ness, -(t)ion, -(t)y, -age, -ing, -th, -ship, -ism形容词后缀:-ful, -ous, -ive, -able, -al, -y, -ish, -some, -ing / ed, 动词后缀: -fy, -ize, -en Root & SternA root is that part of the word left when all the affixes (inflectional & derivational) are removed. e.g. “desire” in “desirable”, “care” in “carefully”, “nation” in “internationalism”, “believe” in “unbeliev(e)able”… A stem is part of a word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed. e.g. “undesirable” in undesirablesWord formationCompound 复合Derivation 派生CompoundsNoun compounds daybreak (N+V) playboy (V+N) haircut (N+V) callgirl (V+N) windmill (N+N)Verb compounds brainwash (N+V) lipread (N+V) babysit(N+V)Adjective compounds maneating (N+Ving) heartfelt (N+Ved) dutyfree (N+adj.)Preposition compounds into (P+P) throughout (P+P)DerivationsDerivation = root + derivational affix1.Word class changed: N → V length + en ---- lengthen N → A. fool + ish ---- foolish 2.Word class unchanged: N → N non + smoker ---- nonsmoker V → V dis + obey ---- disobeyLexical ChangeInvention 新创词Blending 混成词Abbreviation 缩写词Acronym 首字母缩写词Back-formation 逆构词Analogical 类推词Borrowing 外来词Inventioneg: nylon;clone ;e-commerceBlendingeg: smoke + fog = smog breakfast + lunch = brunch modulator + demodulator = modemAbbreviationeg: advertisement → ad mathematics → maths omnibus → bus influenza → flu refrigerator → fridgeAcronymeg: CIA = Central Intelligence Agency WTO = World Trade Organization Aids = acquired immune deficiency syndromeBack-formationeg: editor → edit hawker → hawkAnalogicaleg: OLD → NEW work wrought worked slay slew slayedBorrowingeg: Greek: atom Latin: cancer French: mortgage German: hamburger Chinese: kong-fu Japanese: Judo中文介绍:请参照百度词条的解释


I’ve reviewed this book before. I’m writing another review of it now so that it will appear on my list of reviews next to my review of the butchered 2002 screen adaptation of this epic work.Alexandre Dumas’s _The Count of Monte Cristo_ is one of the greatest novels of all time and in fact stands at the fountainhead of the entire stream of popular adventure-fiction. Dumas himself was one of the founders of the genre; every other such writer -- H. Rider Haggard, C.S. Forrester, Zane Grey, Louis L’Amour, Mickey Spillane, Ian Fleming, Tom Clancy, John Grisham -- is deeply in his debt.The cold, brooding, vampiric Count (born Edmond Dantes; known also, among other aliases, as “Sinbad the Sailor,“ Lord Wilmore, and a representative of the firm of Thomson and French) is the literary forebear of every dark hero from Sherlock Holmes and the Scarlet Pimpernel to Zorro, Batman, the Green Hornet, and Darkman. And the intricate plot provides everything any reader could want: adventure, intrigue, romance, and (of course) the elegant machinations of the Count himself as he exacts his terrible revenge on those who have wronged him -- thereby serving, or so he believes, as an agent of divine justice and retribution. Brrrrrrrr.The book is also a good deal _longer_ than many readers may be aware. Ever since the middle of the nineteenth century, the English translations have omitted everything in the novel that might offend the sensibilities of Victorian readers -- including, for example, all the sex and drugs.That’s why I strongly recommend that anyone interested in this novel read Robin Buss’s full-text translation. Unlike, say, Ayn Rand (whose cardboard hero “John Galt“ also owes his few interesting aspects to Monsieur le Comte), Dumas was entirely capable of holding a reader’s undivided attention for over a thousand pages; Buss’s translation finally does his work justice, restoring all the bits omitted from the Bowdlerized versions.The heart of the plot, as most readers will already know, is that young sailor Edmond Dantes, just as his life starts to come together, is wrongfully imprisoned for fourteen years in the dungeons of the Chateau d’If as the victim of a monstrously evil plot to frame him as a Bonapartist. While in prison he makes the acquaintance of one Abbe Faria, who serves as his mentor and teaches him the ways of the world (science, philosophy, languages and literature, and so forth), and also makes him a gift of a fabulous treasure straight out of the _Thousand and One Nights_. How Dantes gets out of prison, and what he does after that -- well, that’s the story, of course. So that’s all I’m going to tell you.However, I’ll also tell you that the 2002 screen adaptation doesn’t even begin to do it justice. The plot is so far “adapted“ as to be unrecognizable, except in its broad outlines and the names of (some of) the characters. Pretty much everything that makes Dumas’s novel so darkly fascinating has been sucked out of it. It’s not a bad movie on its own terms, but if you’re expecting an adaptation of this novel, you’ll be disappointed. And if you’ve already seen it, don’t base your judgment of the novel on it.2The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas is an amazing story of revenge, hatred, love and justice. Much can be learned from its many pages, insights to human nature and philosophies are presented, giving opportunities for in depth discussions. The Count of Monte Cristo is classic about a young man named Edmond Dantes who was wronged by his enemies and falsely thrown into prison. After escaping he takes it upon himself to serve vengeance upon his hated condemners. Near the end of the book Dantes realizes with much regret that there is more to life than simply justice and revenge.The story began in a little French town located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea where Edmond Dantes lived. He was a happy young man, a fiance and soon to be Captain of the merchant ship, the pharaoh. Two men loathed him, one because of his beautiful fianc and the other because of his newly acquired position as Captain. They plotted against him and succeeded in having him condemned to prison, were he stayed for 13 years.In the meantime his enemy married his fiance and through much cheating and lying advanced to the high position of Count, which only the wealthy attain. His other enemy, who had envied his position, was soon appointed Captain of the Pharaoh, and after investing in the exchange became very rich. Edmonds father, whom he dearly loved, died without seeing him again.While in prison Edmond was relegated to solitary confinement. This almost drove him mad to the point of suicide, especially because he was innocent. After 5 lonely and agonizing years, the Abby, another innocent prisoner, tunneled into Dantes cell. He was a symbolic type of Savior to Dantes, providing him with a renewed hope in life. They soon became best friends and tunneled together.The Abby was old and wise. He taught Edmond everything he knew. They spent there days digging an escape, while Edmond learned of science, history, mathematics and every other thing of importance in the world. Soon Edmond too, was extremely wise and learned. One tragic day the Abby had a seizure and died. Before passing away he entrusted Edmond with a secret; the location of his dead master’s wealth which was a treasure of riches beyond imagination. He told Edmond to use it for the good of others and his future happiness.When Edmond finally escaped, he went straight to the island of Monte Cristo, found the treasure and became an extraordinarily rich man. He then changed his name to The Count of Monte Cristo. Yet upon hearing of his father’s death, and his fiance’s marriage, Edmond became disturbed.He wanted his enemies to suffer as much as he had while in prison. But the goodness within him restrained him from doing so. Instead he decided to use his wealth to bless the lives of his former friends. Among these was his old employer, M. Morrel. M. Morrel had pleaded Edmonds innocence with the prosecutor many times and had also taken care of Edmonds father before he died. Because of this Monte Cristo used his wealth to save Morrel’s almost bankrupt shipping company. He also provided a dowry to Julie, M. Morrels daughter who otherwise would not have been able to marry Emanuel, the man she loved.Monte Cristo’s desire for revenge eventually became so great that he discarded the Abbeys advice and began his plot for vengeance. He began to witness cruelty beyond imagination, in the hopes of become immune to the suffering of others. Shortly afterwords he had transformed himself into an impassionate being, void of love and happiness which he replaced with revenge and hatred. He could witness the most horrible cruelty without so much as a care for the poor sufferer. Now he felt ready to unleash his revenge and wrath upon those who had taken away all his happiness, hope, joy and most importantly, his love.The Count journeyed to various countries, meeting people and learning of events that would contribute to the success of his plot. His designs eventually took him to Paris. There both his enemies lived, and there he would take his revenge. The newly weds Emanuel and Julie also lived in Paris. The Count decided to make a visit.When Monte Cristo arrived at their home Julie was busy gardening, something she loved to do. She welcomed him and summoned Emanuel. The Count seeing them together, could feel a bond between them, one of happiness and love, a bond which he too once had. They went inside and there in the center of the living room was a diamond set in a glass case. The Count inquired about it and was told it was a dowry given to them by a mysterious man. They told him the story and expressed how the diamond meant more than just money to them, but was a symbol of their happiness and joy. Edmond was deeply touched by this and new that Julie and Emanuel had what he had been yearning for almost all his life. Although the Count was a man past feeling, these words touched him deeply. He decided to cut the visit short, fearing he would show emotion.Once at home he reflected on his past. He had been a kind and loving man, with a bright and noble future before him. If he had not gone to prison, he would have had a life such as Emanuel and Julie. A life of hope, joy, happiness, love and a dear one to look after and spend the most peaceful times with. The Count had missed all of these things, the things that make life dear, the only thing which has kept men living.After much reflection the Count continued with his plot. And at the end of the book when all was avenged, he realized the awful destruction and misery he had caused. All he had wanted all his life was happiness, yet here he was ruining it for others. Now, more than ever he longed for a person to love and take care of. With his hatred and revenge all spent and complete, he felt utterly useless. He wished he had lived a different life.In the very end of the book, Monte Cristo realizes that the Arabian princes he had bought out of captivity, was the only person who could ever bring him happiness. So he departed to some unknown place with her, to live out the remainder of his life as happily as possible. And in the end, the Count truly did find that happiness which had been missing in his life for so long.Although tragic and sad, The Count of Monte Cristo teaches that revenge is not the path to peace and justification. This story captivates the mind and utterly demonstrates in immense detail, the story of a man who was destroyed by evil, wreaked vengeance and then realizes his fault as he sees the misery he had caused. The Count of Monte Cristo is truly classic that is highly recommended and enjoyed by all who have read it.3The first time I know about The Count of Monte Cristo was from a cartoon shown in the television when I was about five or six years old. At that tender age, I know nothing about the deeper feelings of injustice, revenge, greed and power. From my earliest memory, that cartoon was just fine.Later in the years, again I watched another cartoon with the same name. However, this time round it was a Japanese Anime adapted from The Count of Monte Cristo. The plot of the storyline remains largely the same with Dante as its soul of the tale.And just recently, the movie itself was shown in one of the television programmes. Sitting through the movie as the story unveiled was as exciting as just reading the book itself. Yes, I did finally picked up the novel and read through it. However, the only character that really captured me was still Dante.To suffer the betrayal of his best friend, lost his true love and finally his freedom, Dante was driven nearly to his death, emotionally and physically. Yet, his will to live on, his hope for survival and amid the years he suffered was heartwrenching and inspiring.Through the story, the judicial system was deemed definitely with flaws. So does the flaws of the human! Yet could we really blame the characters in the story? In time of war where suspicions were strife, in a world where nobility at that time rules, what is the innocence of one man?An innocent man with no dishonesty in his bones realsing his dream of being a captain and due to marry his beloved! Call me a romantic but frankly, if things did not turn out as it was, would Dante have become a different man? A stronger and more realistic man?Perhaps no. And we would never have been able to enjoy The Count of Monte Cristo.An escape convict who found the treasures left by his mentor, Dante took advantage of his newfound riches and planned his revenge. He plotted the downfall of all who had done him the injustice. The steps he took was intricate and well measured. In all, it was sophisticated.As the soul of the book, Dante has capture the attention of the reader. He may not be the angelic version of a hero, but his angst and trials has made this character more real and closer to life.4Throughout the book The Count of Monte Cristo Edmond is one of the nicest souls anyone would meet, his only fault is that he was set for life. He had just become the Captain of one of the finest sailing ships owned by one of the finest sailing firms in Europe, was engaged to one of the most beautiful Catalans in France, and was always looked up to as a role model by many even though he was younger then most. However he is thrown in jail. Edmond fills with rage and anger and for the rest of his days in jail he plots his revenge. Once he escapes from prison with the help of the Abe Faria’s hidden treasure on the island of Monte Cristo Edmond begins to extract his revenge as The Count of Monte Cristo. His plan undoubtedly begins ingeniously as he infiltrates the families of Danglers, Fernand Mondego, and Villefort and in doing so ruins not only the lives of these three men but also ruins their families. Edmond has his friend, Luiga Vampa, kidnap Danglers who steals the money he has and then Danglers flees as a bankrupt man. He also teaches Mme. Villefort in the use of poisons and eventually Mme. Villefort poisons herself and her son and M. Villefort goes mad and is tried for infanticide, and finally Edmond exposes Mondego’s betraying personality. Mercdes and her son Albert flee from him at this time and he kills himself. After Edmond has successfully completed his mission’ in life he has revealed himself to Mercdes who rejects him and chooses to live a life of misery leaving Edmond all alone and realizing that he not only ruined his own life but also the lives of the family members of Danglers, Mondego and Villefort who really didn’t do anything wrong to him, his grievances weren’t with them but he used their families like pawns to extract his revenge, leaving him miserable, showing that revenge hurts others and will still leave you empty in the end.The revenge sprees that both Edmond goes on hurt to more people than just the people they meant to harm. Edmond wanted to get back at Villefort, Mondego and Danglers. In doing so Edmond ruins the lives of many people. Albert, Mercdes, Mme. Danglers, her daughter, M. Debray, Mme Villefort, her son, her daughter Valentine and M. Noirtier are all victims of Edmond’s revenge when they did nothing to wrong him. Edmond never intended to hurt any of them, he even loved Mercdes more than life itself and would never harm a child, however his revenge and pride got the better of him and he didn’t stop while he was ahead hurting弄得好辛苦呀

这句话怎么这么难理解people who exercise often are proven to habe stronger immune systems

这个句子里who引导的定语从句用来限定修饰people。试一下:People are proved to have stronger immune systems.这个是不加定语从句的情况,但无法说明原句要表达的意思,所以才在people后加上定语从句进行修饰说明。


immuneadj.(形容词)Not subject to an obligation imposed on others; exempt:豁免的,免除的:不受其他人所承受的义务约束的;免除的:immune from taxation; immune from criminal prosecution.免于纳税;免于刑事诉讼Not affected by a given influence; unresponsive:不受影响的;没有反应的:immune to persuasion.不能被说服的Immunology Of, relating to, or having immunity to infection by a specific pathogen.【免疫学】 免疫的:属于、关于或具有对某种特定病原体的感染的免疫力的n.(名词)A person who is immune.免疫者Middle English 中古英语 from Latin imm¿s * see mei- 1源自 拉丁语 imm¿s *参见 mei- 1immune/i’mju:n; i’mjun/adj scientific study of protection against and resistance to infection 免疫学.






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