
2024-07-13 11:27:35 21




or英 黑金色、黑色网 络或;或者;还是;否则双语例句1. No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there’s always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises. 不管你生活在哪里,你有多少岁,总有新东西要学习,毕竟,生活总是充满惊喜。2. Remember, happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.--Dale Carnegie 请记住,幸福不在于你是谁或者你拥有什么,而仅仅取决于你的心态!3. If your skin becomes red, sore or very scaly, consult your doctor. 如果皮肤发红、瘙痒或脱皮,要向医生咨询。4. There is nothing sinister or conspiratorial about the export licensing system. 这种出口许可制度没有任何阴险或者见不得人的东西。5. Do you sweat a lot or flush a lot? 你常出汗或是脸上常发烫吗?


  1. 都是它的名词名词,词根是 memory。

  2. memory 记忆,记忆力;内存, 存储器;回忆。

  3. memorization 记住;暗记。

  4. memorize,英 v.记住;记录;记下 过去式:memorized;   过去分词:memorized;   现在分词:memorizing。

  5. 例句:There is no way a blogger could hire for this, and few bloggers can justify spending the years it takes to memorize The AP Stylebook.


  6. 形容词:memorizable,名词:memorization,过去式:memorized,过去分词:memorized,现在分词:memorizing,第三人称单数:memorizes。

  7. memorize的基本意思是“记住”“熟记”某事物,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。

  8. 近义词:learn学会;remember记得;learn by heart记住;learn by rote死记硬背地学习...;commit to memory牢记;memorise记住;remind使想起;recall回忆。

the history of “allegory“

用简短的事说明一个深刻含义,哲理性很强,借此喻比借小喻大,多采用拟人手法. 文学体裁的一种。含有讽喻或明显教训意义的故事。它的结构简短。主人公可以是人,可以是动物,也可以是无生物。多用借喻手法,使富有教训意义的主题或深刻的道理在简单的故事中体现。寓言是一种的历史悠久而生命力强大的影响广泛的文体。从公元前3000年的苏美尔寓言算起,它已经有了5000年的历史。寓言的产生时间仅仅晚于神话与原始歌谣;但是,在科技昌明的近现代,神话早已经失去了产生的土壤,而寓言创作却仍然兴旺蓬勃。寓言的足迹遍布五大洲的各个国家。任何一个发展到了文明社会阶段的民族,它可能没有其它文体品种,而不可能没有寓言。 东亚“寓言”的词源来源于《庄子》。《庄子·寓言》:“寓言十九,藉外论之。”郭象的注解“十九”说:“十言而九见信。”可见,庄子认为寓言的特点是假借另外的事物以说明道理,寓言说理的成功率非常大。可惜,庄子没有强调寓言的故事性,以致古人把寓言理解得过于宽泛,甚至把寓言等同于一般的比喻或者抒发理想的作品。 西方寓言主要有四大类型:1、fable型:以伊索寓言为代表,大多是拟人化的动物故事。如:《狼和小羊》。fable这个词有寓言、童话、神话的含义。

Peter, Paul & Mary的Peter,Paul & Mary 专辑

有些人唱歌是为了名利,有些人屹立歌坛,欲为了一份执着的理想,希望透过自己的歌声,传递他们坚决相信真理。在美国的现代民歌史上,曾经有许多著名的艺人与团体,都是以鲜明的政治色彩而著名,包括Pete Seeger,Peter,Paul & Mary三重唱,Bob Dylan 和Joan Baez 等等,都是最标准的例证。他们透过歌唱与实际的行动,狂热的宣扬反战的理念,即使备受争议,甚至遭到逮捕,也在所不惜。事隔多年之后,他们都已经不再年轻,除了其中年龄最大,资历也最久的Pete Seeger,因为已经将近九十岁而减少公开演唱,Bob Dylan与Joan Baez也不再像过去那样热衷于政治,可是,早已当爷爷,奶奶的Peter,Paul & Mary却依然不改初衷,仍然非常积极的继续宣扬他们的理念,而且不但唱给昔日的歌迷与群众听,还透过活泼可爱的包装,把是非对错的观念传递给新生代的儿童,堪称非常少见的特例。他们曾经在90年代为公共电视网举办过一场亲子演唱会的特别节目,许多当年听着他们歌曲长大的人,都带着稚龄的孩子,三代同堂地前去观赏。节目一开头,他们就唱出脍炙人口的Puff,the Magic Dragon,以及一系列幽默,风趣的歌曲,然后不着痕迹的带来 If I Had a Hammer 等经典,教得孩子们一起来对抗世界所有的不平。 发行时间:1962年专辑曲目:01. Early In The Morning02. 500 Miles03. Sorrow04. This Train05. Bamboo06. It’s Raining07. If I Had My Way08. Cruel War09. Lemon Tree⒑ If I Had A Hammer⒒ Autumn To May⒓ Where Have All The Flowers Gone 发行时间:1963年专辑曲目:01. Settle Down (Going Down That Highway)02. Gone The Rainbow03. Flora04. Pretty Mary05. Puff,The Magic Dragon06. This Land Is Your Land07. Man Come Into Egypt08. Old Coat09. Tiny Sparrow⒑ Big Boat⒒ Morning Train⒓ A’Soalin’ 发行时间:1963年专辑曲目:01. Very Last Day02. Hush-A-Bye03. Long Chain On04. Rocky Road05. Tell It On The Mountain06. Polly Von07. Stewball08. All My Trials09. Don’t Think Twice,It’s All Right⒑ Freight Train⒒ Quit Your Low Down Ways⒓ Blowin’ In The Wind 发行时间:1964年专辑曲目:Disc: 101. The Times They Are A’ Changin02. A’ Soalin’03. 500 Miles04. Blue05. Three Ravens06. One Kind Favor07. Blowin’ In The Wind08. Car-Car09. Puff,The Magic Dragon⒑ Jesus Met The WomanDisc: 201. Le Deserteur02. Oh,Rock My Soul03. Paultalk04. Single Girl05. There Is A Ship06. It’s Raining07. If I Had My Way08. If I Had A Hammer 发行时间:1965年专辑曲目:01. When The Ship Comes In02. Jimmy Whalen03. Come And Go With Me04. Gilgarra Mountain05. Ballad Of Spring Hill (Spring Hill Disaster)06. Motherless Child07. Wasn’t That A Time08. Monday Morning09. The Cuckoo⒑ The San Francisco Bay Blues⒒ Talkin’ Candy Bar Blues⒓ For Lovin’ Me 发行时间:1965年专辑曲目:01. If I Were Free02. Betty & Dupree03. The Rising Of The Moon04. Early Mornin’ Rain05. Jane,Jane06. Because All Men Are Brothers07. Hangman08. Brother,(Buddy) Can You Spare A Dime?09. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face⒑ Tryin’ To Win⒒ On A Desert Island (With You In My Dreams)⒓ The Last Thing On My Mind 发行时间:1966年专辑曲目:01. And When I Die02. Sometime Lovin’03. Pack Up Your Sorrows04. The King Of Names05. For Baby (For Bobbie)06. Hurry Sundown07. The Other Side Of This Life08. The Good Times We Had09. Kisses Sweeter Than Wine⒑ Norman Normal⒒ Mon Vrai Destin⒓ Well,Well,Well 发行时间:1967年专辑曲目:01. Rolling Home02. Leaving On A Jet Plane03. Weep For Jamie04. No Other Name05. The House Song06. The Great Mandella (The Wheel Of Life)07. I Dig Rock And Roll Music08. If I Had Wings09. I’m In Love With A Big Blue Frog⒑ Whatshername⒒ Bob Dylan’s Dream⒓ The Song Is Love 发行时间:1967年专辑曲目:01. Sometime Lovin’02. No Other Name03. The Other Side of this Life04. The Good Times We Had05. Paul Talk06. Puff the Magic Dragon07. Serge’s Blues08. For Baby (For Bobbie)09. If I Had My Way⒑ Don’t Think Twice It’s All Rig⒒ If I Had a Hammer⒓ This Land Is Your Land 发行时间:1968年专辑曲目:01. Apologize02. Moments Of Soft Persuasion03. Yesterday’s Tomorrow04. Too Much Of Nothing05. There’s Anger In The Land06. Love City (Postcards To Duluth)07. She Dreams08. Hymn09. Tramp On The Street⒑ I Shall Be Released⒒ Reason To Believe⒓ Rich Man Poor Man 发行时间:1969年专辑曲目:01. The Marvelous Toy02. Day Is Done03. Leatherwig Bat04. I Have A Song To Sing,O !05. All Through The Night06. It’s Raining07. Going To The Zoo08. Boa Constricter09. Make-Believe Town⒑ Mockingbird⒒ Christmas Dinner⒓ Puff (The Magic Dragon) 发行时间:1970年专辑曲目:01. Blowin’ In The Wind02. Too Much Of Nothing03. Lemon Tree04. Stewball05. Early Mornin’ Rain06. 500 Miles07. I Dig Rock & Roll Music08. Leaving On A Jet Plane09. Puff (The Magic Dragon)⒑ For Lovin’ Me⒒ Don’t Think Twice,It’s All Right⒓ If I Had A Hammer (The Hammer Song)⒔ Day Is Done 发行时间:1978年专辑曲目:01. Like the First Time02. By Surprise03. Forever Young04. Ms Rheingold05. I Need Me06. Unicorn Song07. Summer Highland08. Sweet Survivor09. Best of Friends 发行时间:1983年专辑曲目:01. Such Is Love02. Power03. Would You Like To Learn To Dance04. Music Speaks Louder Than Words05. Don’t Go Down To The Quarry06. There But For Fortune07. Every Flower08. Delivery Delayed09. Wild Places (For Caloola)⒑ Stewball 发行时间:1986年专辑曲目:01. Weave Me The Sunshine02. Right Field03. I’d Rather Be In Love04. State Of The Heart05. No Easy Walk To Freedom06. Greenland Whale Fisheries07. Whispered Words08. El Salvador09. Greenwood⒑ Light One Candle 发行时间:1988年专辑曲目:01. We Wish You A Merry Christmas02. A-Soalin03. The Friendly Beasts04. O Come,O Come Emmanuel05. I Wonder As I Wander06. The Magi07. Children,Go Where I Send Thee08. The Cherry Tree Carol09. ’Twas the Night before Christmas⒑ Hayo,Haya⒒ Light One Candle⒓ Blowin’ in the Wind 发行时间:1990年专辑曲目:01. All Mixed Up02. It Ain’t Me Babe03. Golden Vanity04. Listen,Mr. Bilbo (Mr. Bigot)05. No Mans Land06. Danny’s Downs07. With Your Face To The Wind (Harriet’s Song)08. Yuppies In The Sky09. Coming Of The Roads⒑ Dodi Li⒒ The Love In You⒓ Fair Ireland⒔ The Last Thing On My Mind⒕ I Shall Be Released 发行时间:1993年专辑曲目:01. Puff (The Magic Dragon)02. The Fox03. Somagwaza/Hey,Motswala04. Inside05. Garden Song06. The Eddystone Light07. I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly08. Somos El Barco09. Pastures Of Plenty⒑ Home On The Range/Don’t Ever Take Away My...⒒ Right Field⒓ Poem For Erika/For Baby⒔ We Shall Overcome 发行时间:1995年专辑曲目:01. The Kid - Peter,Paul & Mary02. Wanderin’/Nobody Knows You When You’re Down & Out - Peter,Paul & Mary And Dave Van Ronk03. For The Love Of It All - Peter,Paul & Mary And Emmylou Harris04. Home Is Where The Heart Is - Peter,Paul & Mary And Holly Near05. Babylon/Oh Sinner Man - Peter,Paul & Mary06. House Of The Rising Sun - Peter,Paul & Mary And B. B. King07. Take The Chance - Peter,Paul & Mary And Judy Collins08. September Song - Peter,Paul & Mary09. Old Enough (Ode To An Aging Rocker) - Peter,Paul & Mary⒑ 24 Green Street - Peter,Paul & Mary And John Gorka⒒ The Great Mandala (The Wheel Of Life) - Peter,Paul,Mary & Richie Havens And Carly Simon⒓ Deportee - Peter,Paul & Mary Ramblin’ Jack Elliott⒔ 75 Septembers - Peter,Paul & Mary⒕ But A Moment - Peter,Paul & Mary⒖ River Of Jordan - Peter,Paul,Mary & The Weavers 发行时间:1996年专辑曲目:01. Babylon/Oh Sinner Man02. Wanderin’/Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out03. 75 Septembers04. Deportee05. Times They Are a’ Changin’,The06. Old Enough(Ode to an Aging Rocker)07. Home Is Where The Heart Is08. Great Mandala (The Wheel of Life)09. Stewball⒑ For The Love Of It All⒒ Virtual Party⒓ House Of The Rising Sun⒔ Freedom Medley⒕ Kid,The⒖ Sweet Survivor⒗ River Of Jordan 发行时间:1998年专辑曲目:Disc: 1⒈ This Land Is Your Land⒉ Garden Song⒊ Kisses Sweeter Than Wine⒋ It’s Raining⒌ Somos El Barco⒍ If I Had A Hammer⒎ River Of Jordan⒏ Light One Candle⒐ Where Have All The Flowers Gone⒑ Inside⒒ The Marvelous Toy⒓ Right FieldDisc: 2⒈ Kumbaya⒉ Michael Row The Boat Ashore⒊ Down By The Riverside (Study War No More)⒋ Puff (The Magic Dragon)⒌ 500 Miles⒍ Stewball⒎ Blowin’ In The Wind⒏ We Shall Overcome⒐ All My Trials⒑ Weave Me The Sunshine⒒ Day Is Done⒓ Leaving On A Jet Plane⒔ Goodnight,Irene 发行时间:1999年专辑曲目:01. Wasn’t That A Time02. Pastures Of Plenty03. Power04. If I Were Free05. Coming Of The Roads06. El Salvador07. The Great Mandala (The Wheel Of Life)08. All My Trails09. All Mixed Up⒑ Danny’s Downs⒒ Don’t Laugh At Me⒓ Home Is Where The Heart Is⒔ There But For Fortune⒕ Old Coat⒖ Because All Men Are Brothers 发行时间:2004年专辑曲目:01. Union Medley: You Gotta Go Down and Join the Union/Put It on the Ground02. Have You Been to Jail for Justice?03. Jesus Is on the Wire04. Don’t Laugh at Me05. Wayfaring Stranger06. How Can I Keep from Singing?/The Great Storm Is Over07. Invisible People08. Of This World09. Some Walls⒑ All God’s Critters⒒ It’s Magic⒓ Oh,Had I a Golden Thread 发行时间:2004年专辑曲目:Disc: 101. Buddy,Can You Spare A Dime - Peter Yarrow *02. Early In The Morning03. 500 Miles04. Lemon Tree05. If I Had A Hammer06. It’s Raining07. If I Had My Way08. Autumn To May09. Where Have All The Flowers Gone⒑ Puff,The Magic Dragon⒒ This Land Is Your Land⒓ Gone The Rainbow⒔ Flora⒕ Old Coat⒖ A’Soalin’⒗ Blowin’ In The Wind⒘ Polly Von⒙ Stewball⒚ All My Trial⒛ Don’t Think Twice,It’s All Right21. Freight Train22. Paultalk (Live)Disc: 201. Goodbye Baby - Noel Stookey & The Corsairs *02. The Times They Are A Changin’ (Live)03. Three Ravens (Live)04. Blue (Live)05. Oh,Rock My Soul (Live)06. When The Ship Comes In (Live)07. Come And Go With Me (Live)08. For Lovin’Me09. Jimmy Whalen⒑ Gilgarra Mountain⒒ Wasn’t That A Time⒓ Monday Morning⒔ San Francisco Bay Blues⒕ Early Mornin’ Rain⒖ The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face⒗ The Last Thing On My Mind⒘ The Cruel War (2nd Single Version)⒙ Il Faut Qu’il Vienne Le Temps (If I Were Free)⒚ And When I Die⒛ Kisses Sweeter Than Wine21. For Baby (For Bobbie)22. Hurry Sundown (Single Version)23. Mon Vrai Destin24. Well,Well,WellDisc: 301. Single Girl - Mary Travers *02. The Other Side Of This Life (Live)03. Sometime Lovin’ (Live)04. The Good Times We Had (Live)05. Leaving On A Jet Plane06. No Other Name07. The House Song08. The Great Mandella (The Wheel Of Life)09. I Dig Rock & Roll Music⒑ The Song Is Love⒒ Too Much On Nothing⒓ Moments Of Sort Persuasion⒕ Day Is Done (Live/Single Version)⒖ The Marvelous Toy⒗ Leatherwing Bat⒘ I Have A Song To Sing,O!⒙ Going To The Zoo⒚ Because All Men Are Brothers - with Dave Brubeck⒛ Follow Me - Mary Tarvers21. Wedding Song (There Is Love) - Noel Paul Stookey22. Coscientious Objector (I Shall Die) - Mary Travers23. Weave Me The Sunshine - Peter Yarrow24. By SurpriseDisc: 401. Canaan Land*02. Such Is Love (Live)03. There But For Fortune (Live)04. Wild Places (For Caloola) (Live)05. Right Field06. No Easy Walk To Freedom07. Greenland Whale Fisheries08. El Salvador09. Greenwood⒑ Children Go Where I Send Thee (Live)⒒ Light One Candle (Live)⒓ All Mixed Up⒔ It Ain’t Me Babe⒕ Pastures Of Plenty (Live)⒖ The Fox (Live)⒗ Garden Song (Live)⒘ the Kid⒙ Mi Caballo (Live)⒚ It’s Magic⒛ Don’t Laugh At MeDisc: 501. If I Had A Hammer (Civil Rights March On Washington,1963)02. Jane,Jane (The Andy Williams Show,1966)03. If I Had My Way (The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour,1969)04. Leaving On A Jet Plane - with John Denver (Something To Sing About,1969)05. The Great Mandella (The Wheel Of Live) (The Song Is Love,1970)06. No Easy Walk To Freedom (Promotional Video,1986)07. Babylon/On Sinner Man (LifeLines Sessions,1994)08. Have You Been To Jail For Justice? (Rehearsal Reference,2003) 发行时间:2005年专辑曲目:01. Early In The Morning02. 500 Miles03. Lemon Tree04. If I Had A Hammer (Single Version)05. Where Have All The Flowers Gone06. Puff,The Magic Dragon07. The Cruel War08. This Land Is Your Land09. Blowin’ In The Wind⒑ Stewball⒒ Don’t Think Twice,It’s All Right⒓ For Lovin’ Me⒔ For Baby (For Bobbie)⒕ The Times They Are A Changin’ (Live)⒖ Early Mornin’ Rain⒗ Leaving On A Jet Plane⒘ I Dig Rock And Roll Music⒙ Too Much Of Nothing⒚ The Great Mandala (The Wheel Of Life)⒛ Day Is Done (Live/Single Version)21. El Salvador22. Wedding Song (There Is Love) - Noel Paul Stookey23. Follow Me - Mary Travers24. Weave Me the Sunshine - Peter Yarrow25. Don’t Laugh At Me


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