substrate solution(Roche 11745832910 DNA高效地高辛标记及检测试剂盒I 中文说明书)

2024-07-12 02:50:29 43

substrate solution(Roche 11745832910 DNA高效地高辛标记及检测试剂盒I 中文说明书)


Roche 11745832910 DNA高效地高辛标记及检测试剂盒I 中文说明书

DIG-DNA标记与检测一、探针DNA标记方法 步骤 :1.10ng~3ugDNA每管,双蒸水定量至总体积15ul2.沸水水浴10分钟后迅速冰浴3.加入 5号试剂 2ul , 6号试剂 2ul ,7号试剂 1ul4.37度1小时~20小时5.中止反应 加2ul 0.2M EDTA (pH 8.0) 和/或 65度 水浴 10分钟 二、标记效率检测(一) 试剂配置Solution Composition PreparationWashing buffer 0.1 M Maleic acid, 0.15 M NaCl; pH 7.5 (20° C); 0.3% (v/v) Tween 20Maleic acid buffer 0.1 M Maleic acid, 0.15 M NaCl; adjustwith NaOH (solid) to pH 7.5 (20° C)Detection buffer 0.1 M Tris-HCl, 0.1 M NaCl, pH 9.5 (20° C) TE-buffer 10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0 Blocking stock solution Dissolve Blocking reagent (bottle 10) 10% (w/v) in Maleic(10 × conc.) acid buffer underconstantly stirring on a heating block(65°C) or heat in a microwave oven,autoclave. The solution remains opaque Blocking solution Prepare a 1 × working solution by dilutingthe 10 × Blocking solution 1:10in Maleic acid buffer. Antibody solution Centrifuge Anti-Digoxigenin-AP(vial 8) for 5 min at 10 000 rpm in theoriginal vial prior to each use, and pipet the necessary amount carefully from thesurface. Dilute Anti-Digoxigenin-AP 1: 5 000 (150 mU/ml) in Blocking solution. Colorsubstrate Add 40 _l of NBT/BCIP (vial 9) to 2 ml of Detection buffer.solution Note: Store protected from light! (二)对照的标记DNA(4号试剂)系列稀释(三)步骤 1、取以上制备的管2~9各1ul,以及自己标记的探针1ul,点到一小片尼龙膜 2、通过紫外线或者120度半小时使核酸交连到膜上 3、膜置塑料盒中加Maleic acid buffer 20ml ,15~25度轻摇孵育2分钟 4、10ml Blocking solution 孵育30分钟 5、10ml Antibody solution 孵育30分钟 6、10ml Washing buffer 洗2次,每次15分钟 7、10ml Detection buffer中平衡2~5分钟 8、膜在2ml新鲜配制的 Colorsubstrate solution 中避光孵育。显色期间避免摇动 9、中止反应 用TE-buffer或者双蒸水洗5分钟 蛋白酶K预处理三、样品检测与杂交(一) 步骤1、 稀释供试品及阳性对照DNA,点膜2、 通过紫外线或者120度半小时使核酸交连到膜上3、 将标记好的探针稀释到约25ng/ml, 煮沸5分钟后迅速冰浴 4、膜放入预热好的预杂交液(3.5ml/100cm2)中,充分混匀,避免起泡 5、倒掉预杂交液,加入杂交液及已变性的探针。杂交温度下至少孵育6小时 四、洗膜 1、2 × SSC, 0.1% SDS , 15-25° C,洗膜2次,每次5分钟。 2、0.5× SSC, 0.1% SDS ,预热至65~68° C,洗膜2次,每次5分钟 五、结果检测(一) 试剂配制Solution Composition PreparationWashing buffer 0.1 M Maleic acid, 0.15 M NaCl; pH 7.5 (20° C); 0.3% (v/v) Tween 20Maleic acid buffer 0.1 M Maleic acid, 0.15 M NaCl; adjustwith NaOH (solid) to pH 7.5 (20° C)Detection buffer 0.1 M Tris-HCl, 0.1 M NaCl, pH 9.5 (20° C) TE-buffer 10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0Blocking stock solution Dissolve Blocking reagent (bottle 10) 10% (w/v) in Maleic(10 × conc.) acid buffer underconstantly stirring on a heating block(65°C) or heat in a microwave oven,autoclave. The solution remains opaque Blocking solution Prepare a 1 × working solution by dilutingthe 10 × Blocking solution1:10in Maleic acid buffer. Antibody solution Centrifuge Anti-Digoxigenin-AP(vial 8) for 5 min at 10 000 rpm in theoriginal vial prior to each use, and pipet the necessary amount carefully from thesurface. Dilute Anti-Digoxigenin-AP 1: 5 000 (150 mU/ml) in Blocking solution. Colorsubstrate Add 40 _l of NBT/BCIP (vial 9) to 2 ml of Detection buffer.solution Note: Store protected from light! (二) 步骤 1、Washing buffer洗膜1~5分钟 2、100ml Blocking solution 孵育30分钟 3、20ml Antibody solution 孵育30分钟 4、100ml Washing buffer 洗2次,每次15分钟 5、20ml Detection buffer中平衡2~5分钟 6、膜在10ml新鲜配制的 Colorsubstrate solution 中避光孵育。显色期间摇动 7、中止反应 用TE-buffer或者双蒸水50ml洗5分钟

哪有详细的酶Activity Staining 的步骤

建议看看汪家政 的《 蛋白质技术手册》,上面写得比较详细 AMERSHAM的PROTOCOL: Under native PAGE conditions, polypeptides retain their higher-order structure and often retain enzymatic activity and interaction with other polypeptides. The migration of proteins depends on many factors, including size, shape, and native charge. The resolution of nondenaturing electrophoresis is generally not as high as that of SDS-PAGE, but the technique is useful when the native structure or enzymatic activity of a protein must be assayed following electrophoresis. One straightforward approach to native electrophoresis is to omit the SDS and reducing agent (DTT) from the standard Laemmli SDS protocol. Prepare the gels as described above, but do not put SDS or DTT in the sample buffer, do not heat the samples, and prepare the gel and tank buffer solutions without SDS. Nondenaturing Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins 1. Introduction SDS-PAGE (Section 2.2) is probably the most commonly used gel electrophoretic system for analyzing proteins. However, it should be stressed that this method separates denatured protein. Sometimes one needs to analyze native,nondenatured proteins, particularly if wanting to identify a protein in the gel by its biological activity (for example, enzyme activity, receptor binding, antibody binding, and so on). On such occasions it is necessary to use a nondenaturing system such as described in this section. For example, when purifying an enzyme, a single major band on a gel would suggest a pure enzyme. However this band could still be a contaminant; the enzyme could be present as a weaker (even nonstaining) band on the same gel. Only by showing that the major band had enzyme activity would you be convinced that this band corresponded to your enzyme. The method described here is based on the gel system first described by Davis ( 1). To enhance resolution a stacking gel can be included (see Section 2.2 for the theory behind the stacking gel system). 2. Materials 1. Stock acrylamide solution: 30 g acrylamide, 0.8 g bis-acrylamide. Make up to 100 mL in distilled water and filter. Stable at 4°C for months (see Note 1). Care: Acrylamide Monomer Is a Neurotoxin. Take care in handling acrylamide (wear gloves) and avoid breathing in acrylamide dust when weighing out. 2. Separating gel buffer: 1.5M Tris-HCl, pH 8.8. 3. Stacking gel buffer: 0.5M Tris-HCl, pH 6.8. 4. 10% Ammonium persulfate in water. 5. N,N,N’,N’-tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED). 6. Sample buffer (5X). Mix the following: a. 15.5 mL of 1M Tris-HCl pH 6.8; b. 2.5 mL of a 1% solution of bromophenol blue; c. 7 mL of water; and d. 25 mL of glycerol. Solid samples can be dissolved directly in 1X sample buffer. Samples already in solution should be diluted accordingly with 5X sample buffer to give a solution that is 1X sample buffer. Do not use protein solutions that are in a strong buffer that is not near to pH 6.8 as it is important that the sample is at the correct pH. For these samples it will be necessary to dialyze against 1X sample buffer. 7. Electrophoresis buffer: Dissolve 3.0 g of Tris base and 14.4 g of glycine in water and adjust the volume to 1 L. The final pH should be 8.3. 8. Protein stain: 0.25 g Coomassie brilliant blue R250 (or PAGE blue 83), 125 mL methanol, 25 mL glacial acetic acid, and 100 mL water. Dissolve the dye in the methanol component first, then add the acid and water. Dye solubility is a problem if a different order is used. Filter the solution if you are concerned about dye solubility. For best results do not reuse the stain. 9. Destaining solution: 100 mL methanol, 100 mL glacial acetic acid, and 800 mL water. 10. A microsyringe for loading samples. 3. Method 1. Set up the gel cassette. 2. To prepare the separating gel (see Note 2) mix the following in a Buchner flask: 7.5 mL stock acrylamide solution, 7.5 mL separating gel buffer, 14.85 mL water, and 150 L 10% ammonium persulfate. “Degas“ this solution under vacuum for about 30 s. This degassing step is necessary to remove dissolved air from the solution, since oxygen can inhibit the polymerization step. Also, if the solution has not been degassed to some extent, bubbles can form in the gel during polymerization, which will ruin the gel. Bubble formation is more of a problem in the higher percentage gels where more heat is liberated during polymerization. 3. Add 15 L of TEMED and gently swirl the flask to ensure even mixing. The addition of TEMED will initiate the polymerization reaction, and although it will take about 20 min for the gel to set, this time can vary depending on room temperature, so it is advisable to work fairly quickly at this stage. 4. Using a Pasteur (or larger) pipet, transfer the separating gel mixture to the gel cassette by running the solution carefully down one edge between the glass plates. Continue adding this solution until it reaches a position 1 cm from the bottom of the sample loading comb. 5. To ensure that the gel sets with a smooth surface, very carefully run distilled water down one edge into the cassette using a Pasteur pipet. Because of the great difference in density between the water and the gel solution, the water will spread across the surface of the gel without serious mixing. Continue adding water until a layer about 2 mm exists on top of the gel solution. 6. The gel can now be left to set. When set, a very clear refractive index change can be seen between the polymerized gel and overlaying water. 7. While the separating gel is setting, prepare the following stacking gel solution. Mix the following quantities in a Buchner flask: 1.5 mL stock acrylamide solution, 3.0 mL stacking gel buffer, 7.4 mL water, and 100 L 10% ammonium persulfate. Degas this solution as before. 8. When the separating gel has set, pour off the overlaying water. Add 15 L of TEMED to the stacking gel solution and use some (~2 mL) of this solution to wash the surface of the polymerized gel. Discard this wash, then add the stacking gel solution to the gel cassette until the solution reaches the cutaway edge of the gel plate. Place the well-forming comb into this solution and leave to set. This will take about 30 min. Refractive index changes around the comb indicate that the gel has set. It is useful at this stage to mark the positions of the bottoms of the wells on the glass plates with a marker pen. 9. Carefully remove the comb from the stacking gel, remove any spacer from the bottom of the gel cassette, and assemble the cassette in the electrophoresis tank. Fill the top reservoir with electrophoresis buffer ensuring that the buffer fully fills the sample loading wells, and look for any leaks from the top tank. If there are no leaks, fill the bottom tank with electrophoresis buffer, then tilt the apparatus to dispel any bubbles caught under the gel. 10. Samples can now be loaded onto the gel. Place the syringe needle through the buffer and locate it just above the bottom of the well. Slowly deliver the sample (~5-20 L) into the well. The dense sample solvent ensures that the sample settles to the bottom of the loading well. Continue in this way to fill all the wells with unknowns or standards, and record the samples loaded. 11. The power pack is now connected to the apparatus and a current of 20-25 mA passed through the gel (constant current) (see Note 3). Ensure that the electrodes are arranged so that the proteins are running to the anode (see Note 4). In the first few minutes the samples will be seen to concentrate as a sharp band as it moves through the stacking gel. (It is actually the bromophenol blue that one is observing, not the protein but, of course, the protein is stacking in the same way.) Continue electrophoresis until the bromophenol blue reaches the bottom of the gel. This will usually take about 3 h. Electrophoresis can now be stopped and the gel removed from the cassette. Remove the stacking gel and immerse the separating gel in stain solution, or proceed to step 13 if you wish to detect enzyme activity (see Notes 5 and 6). 12. Staining should be carried out, with shaking, for a minimum of 2 h and preferably overnight. When the stain is replaced with destain, stronger bands will be immediately apparent and weaker bands will appear as the gel destains.Destaining can be speeded up by using a foam bung, such as those used in microbiological flasks. Place the bung in the destain and squeeze it a few times to expel air bubbles and ensure the bung is fully wetted. The bung rapidly absorbs dye, thus speeding up the destaining process. 13. If proteins are to be detected by their biological activity, duplicate samples should be run. One set of samples should be stained for protein and the other set for activity. Most commonly one would be looking for enzyme activity in the gel. This is achieved by washing the gel in an appropriate enzyme substrate solution that results in a colored product appearing in the gel at the site of the enzyme activity (see Note 7). 4. Notes 1. The stock acrylamide used here is the same as used for SDS gels (see Section 2.2) and may already be availabe in your laboratory. 2. The system described here is for a 7.5% acrylamide gel, which was originally described for the separation of serum proteins (1). Since separation in this system depends on both the native charge on the protein and separation according to size owing to frictional drag as the proteins move through the gel, it is not possible to predict the electrophoretic behavior of a given protein the way that one can on an SDS gel, where separation is based on size alone. A 7.5% gel is a good starting point for unknown proteins. Proteins of mol wt 》100,000 should be separated in 3-5% gels. Gels in the range 5-10% will separate proteins in the range 20,000-150,000, and 10-15% gels will separate proteins in the range 10,000-80,000. The separation of smaller polypeptides is described in Section 2.7. To alter the acrylamide concentration, adjust the volume of stock acrylamide solution in Subheading 3., step 2 accordingly, and increase/decrease the water component to allow for the change in volume. For example, to make a 5% gel change the stock acrylamide to 5 mL and increase the water to 17.35 mL. The final volume is still 30 mL, so 5 mL of the 30% stock acrylamide solution has been diluted in 30 mL to give a 5% acrylamide solution. 3. Because one is separating native proteins, it is important that the gel does not heat up too much, since this could denature the protein in the gel. It is advisable therefore to run the gel in the cold room, or to circulate the buffer through a cooling coil in ice. (Many gel apparatus are designed such that the electrode buffer cools the gel plates.) If heating is thought to be a problem it is also worthwhile to try running the gel at a lower current for a longer time. 4. This separating gel system is run at pH 8.8. At this pH most proteins will have a negative charge and will run to the anode. However, it must be noted that any basic proteins will migrate in the opposite direction and will be lost from the gel. Basic proteins are best analyzed under acid conditions, as described in Sections 2.5 and 2.6. 5. It is important to note that concentration in the stacking gel may cause aggregation and precipitation of proteins. Also, the pH of the stacking gel (pH 6.8) may affect the activity of the protein of interest. If this is thought to be a problem (e.g., the protein cannot be detected on the gel), prepare the gel without a stacking gel. Resolution of proteins will not be quite so good, but will be sufficient for most uses. 6. If the buffer system described here is unsuitable (e.g., the protein of interest does not electrophorese into the gel because it has the incorrect charge, or precipitates in the buffer, or the buffer is incompatible with your detection system) then one can try different buffer systems (without a stacking gel). A comprehensive list of alternative buffer systems has been published (2). 7. The most convenient substrates for detecting enzymes in gels are small molecules that freely diffuse into the gel and are converted by the enzyme to a colored or fluorescent product within the gel. However, for many enzymes such convenient substrates do not exist, and it is necessary to design a linked assay where one includes an enzyme together with the substrate such that the products of the enzymatic reaction of interest is converted to a detectable product by the enzyme included with the substrate. Such linked assays may require the use of up to two or three enzymes and substrates to produce a detectable product. In these cases the product is usually formed on the urface of the gel because the coupling enzymes cannot easily diffuse into the gel. In this case the zymogram technique is used where the substrate mix is added to a cooled (but not solidified) solution of agarose (1%) in the appropriate buffer. This is quickly poured over the solid gel where it quickly sets on the gel. The product of the enzyme assay is therefore formed at the gel-gel interface and does not get washed away. A number of review articles have been published which described methods for detecting enzymes in gels (3-7). A very useful list also appears as an appendix in ref. 8. References 1. Davis, B. J. (1964) Disc electrophoresis IImethod and application to human serum proteins. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 121, 404-427. 2. Andrews, A. T. (1986) Electrophoresis: Theory, Techniques, and Biochem-ical and Clinical Applications. Clarendon, Oxford, UK. 3. Shaw, C. R. and Prasad, R. (1970) Gel electrophoresis of enzymesa compilation of recipes. Biochem. Genet. 4, 297-320. 4. Shaw, C. R. and Koen, A. L. (1968) Starch gel zone electrophoresis of enzymes, in Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques, vol. 2 (Smith, I., ed.), Heinemann, London, pp. 332-359. 5. Harris, H. and Hopkinson, D. A. (eds.) (1976) Handbook of Enzyme Electrophoresis in Human Genetics. North-Holland, Amsterdam. 6. Gabriel, O. (1971) Locating enymes on gels, in Methods in Enzymology, vol. 22 (Colowick, S. P. and Kaplan, N. O., eds.), Academic, New York, p. 578. 7. Gabriel, O. and Gersten, D. M. (1992) Staining for enzymatic activity after gel electrophoresis. I. Analyt. Biochem. 203, 1-21. 8. Hames, B. D. and Rickwood, D. (1990) Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins, 2nd ed., IRL, Oxford and Washington.

substrate solution(Roche 11745832910 DNA高效地高辛标记及检测试剂盒I 中文说明书)






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