
2024-07-10 17:12:36 33




创业精神是指在创业者的主观世界中,那些具有开创性的思想、观念、个性、意志、作风和品质等。 创业精神具备这五种性格特征 激情没有人能比维京集团(Virgin Group)创始人理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)更理解“激情”一词的含义。布兰森的激情,从他对创建公司的强烈欲望中可窥一斑。始建于1970年的维京集团,旗下拥有超过200家公司,业务范围涵盖音乐、出版、移动电话,甚至太空旅行。布兰森曾打过一个比方,“生意就好像公共汽车,总会有下一班车过来。”积极性亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)非常清楚积极思考的能量。他以“每个挑战都是一次机会”为座右铭。事实上,贝索斯把一家很小的互联网创业公司,发展成全球最大的书店。亚马逊于1995年7月正式启动,两个月内就轻松实现每周2万美元的销售额。1990年代末,互联网公司纷纷倒闭,亚马逊股价也从 100美元降至6美元。雪上加霜的是,一些评论家预测,美国最大的书店巴诺(Barnes & Nobles)启动在线业务,这将彻底击垮亚马逊。紧要关头贝索斯挺身而出,向外界表达了乐观和信心,针对批评言论,他还一一列举公司的积极因素,包括已经完成的和准备实施的。贝索斯带领亚马逊不断壮大,出售从图书到衣服、玩具等各种商品。今天,亚马逊年度营收已超过百亿美元,这很大程度上要得益于贝索斯的积极思考。适应性具备适应能力是企业家应具备的最重要的特质之一。每个成功的企业主,都乐于改进、提升或按照客户意愿定制服务,以持续满足客户所需。Google创办人谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)和拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)更进一步,他们不仅对变化及时反应,还引领发展方向。凭借众多新创意,谷歌不断引领互联网发展,将人们的所见所为提升到一个前所未有的新境界,你可以想想Google Earth技术带来的变化。拥有这种先锋精神,也无怪乎谷歌能跻身最强大的网络公司行列。领导力好的领导人一定具有很强的个人魅力和感召力,有道德感,有在组织里树立诚信原则的意愿;他也可能是个热心人,具有团队协作精神。在已近迟暮之年的玫琳凯·艾施女士(Mary Kay Ash)身上我们可以发现所有这些元素。她创建了玫琳凯(Mary Kay Cosmetics)品牌,帮助超过50万名女性开创了自己的事业。很早以前,身为单亲母亲的艾施为一个家用产品公司做销售。虽然25年间她的销售业绩一直名列前茅,但是由于性别歧视,艾施无法在晋升和加薪时获得和男同事一样的待遇。艾施终于受够了这种待遇,1963年她用5,000美元创办了玫琳凯公司。艾施以具有强大驱动力和富于灵感的领导风格闻名,她创办公司的态度是“你能做到!”她甚至会用卡迪拉克轿车奖给顶尖的销售者。由于其强大的领导力技巧,艾施被认为是近35年来最具影响力的25位商业领袖之一,而玫琳凯也被评为美国最适合工作的企业之一。雄心壮志20岁时,戴比·菲尔兹(Debbi Fields)几乎一无所有。作为一个年轻的家庭主妇,她毫无商业经验,但她拥有绝佳的巧克力甜饼配方,并梦想全世界的人都能分享到。1977年,菲尔兹开设了自己第一家店(Mrs. Field’s),尽管很多人认为她仅靠卖甜饼无法将业务维持下去。菲尔兹的果断决定和雄心壮志使得小小甜饼店变成了一家大公司,600多个销售点遍布美国和其他10个国家。企业使命是企业生产经营的哲学定位,也就是经营观念。企业确定的使命为企业确立了一个经营的基本指导思想、原则、方向、经营哲学等,它不是企业具体的战略目标,或者是抽象地存在,不一定表述为文字,但影响经营者的决策和思维。这中间包含了企业经营的哲学定位、价值观凸现以及企业的形象定位:经营的指导思想是什么?如何认识的事业?如何看待和评价市场、顾客、员工、伙伴和对手。

英语怎么翻译:这是一家颇具规模的公司,在上海和北京都有公司,公司涉猎的领域比较广,像航空 商贸 汽车

This is a will-established company with branches in Shanghai and Beijing. The company’s business involves aerospace, trade, automobile and mechanical manufacturing, and catering.



1946年,麦克斯·贺伯创立了海蓝之谜。2011年6月2日,雅诗兰黛集团宣布其位于中国上海的雅诗兰黛集团亚洲研发中心落成。2013年11月12日,LA MER海蓝之谜于上海国金中心揭幕其设计概念店。








  China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Ltd (hereinafter referred to as HBP) is a stockholding-system new and high-tech enterprise approved by Beijing City Government and listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange successfully. The company is mainly engaged in the development, production and marketing of oil, gas and water separator, heater, electric dehydrator, natural gas filter separator, cyclone separator, filter, dosing device and such surface process equipment and oilfield environmental-protection services, such as oily sludge treatment process proposal, tank cleaning process proposal, oily sewage treatment process proposal. The company has abundant software and hardware strength and first-class new and high-tech product researchers and Level A1 & A2 pressure vessel design qualifications and Class GC pressure pipe design qualification, so it constitutes a pattern of production, research and sales, and the business fields involves domestic and overseas petrochemical industries. Since the establishment of the company, it has been pursuing the development guideline of “Technological Innovation and People Orientation” and actively going deep into the front line of oilfield production in order to seek, find, explore and develop new and high-tech products that are good for sales, so we can commit ourselves to saving the energy, reducing the consumption, protecting the environment, decreasing the project investment and improving the management for our customers. The company has an annual income of 600,000,000 RMB.

  In early 2008, according to the demands of the international oil equipment market and the development plan, the company successfully introduced the strategic investment partners for capital injection in order to reconstruct the stockholding system. The registered capital was increased from the original 12,000,000 RMB to 202,500,000 RMB after the approval of Beijing City Administration for Industry and Commerce; meanwhile, the company established a comprehensive base integrated with production, research and service in Daqing, the largest oil production base in China. In the base, the plants cover an area of 40,000 m2, the research and comprehensive buildings 10,000 m2, the max lifting capacity 100 tons, equipped with various machining equipment, automatic welding equipment, blanking equipment, heat treatment equipment, full-automatic sand blasting and derusting equipment, baking varnish equipment, various testing equipment and material

  analysis instruments. The machining and general assembly ability is anticipated up to 30,000 tons annually, which lays the foundation for realizing the internationalization of oil equipment and technical service.

  The company has more than 500 staff, in which 2 staff with PhD degree, 26 staff with mater degree, 72 staff with senior technical title in relevant disciplines, most of the staff come from the oilfield design and production management units with abundant design and development experience. The company has developed many new and high-tech products leading in the same industry and the company has 15 national patents.

  Especially in the aspect of the oil, gas and water three-phase separation technique research, the company has a batch of middle-aged and young technicians. Xiao Rong, the deputy general manager and chief engineer of the company is a typical representative, who made major contributions in the aspect of oil, gas and water three-phase separation technique research in late 1980s, developed Type I & II three-phase separators, was awarded the 2nd Youth Technology Prize of China, Excellent Middle-Aged & Young Expert of CNPC and Excellent Designer, and was interviewed by Jiang Zemin, the former General Secretary of CPC and Comrade Wang Tao and Zhou Yongkang, the former leaders of CNPC.

  Our company especially invites Expert Pan Yuqi, the professor-class senior engineer, who made prominent contributions in the aspect of domestic fully-airtight crude gathering and transportation process research, was awarded the first batch of National-Class Design Master, as the technical consultant. Integrated with different geological conditions of reservoirs, characteristics of crude, development, gathering and transportation processes in domestic oilfields, Mr. Pan made a new breakthrough in the aspect of oil, gas and water three-phase separation technology. In resent years, HBP provided various separators, heaters, electric dehydrators, dosing devices and such products for Sudan FULA Oilfield, Kazakstan Zhanarol Oilfield, ADM Oilfield, Kenkyak Pre-salt Oilfield, North Buzachi Oilfield, Syria State-Owned Oil Company RUMELAN Oilfield, GEBEIBE Oilfield, Algeria ZARZAITINE Oilfield, BZ25-1 FPSO and WHP A/B/C/D/E/F of Bohai Sea Oilfield of CNOOC, Friendship FPSO of Bo South Oilfield, Daqing Oilfield, Dagang Oilfield, Liao River Oilfield, Shengli

  Oilfield, North China Oilfield, Sichuan Oilfield, Xinjiang Oilfield, Qinghai Oilfield and such oilfields, and provided filter separators, cyclone separators, filters and such equipment for Sino-Kazakstan Natural Gas Pipeline Project, Atasu-Alataw Pass Crude Pipeline Project, Sichuan-East Gas Transportation Project and part of domestic oil and gas pipeline projects. Both the product quality and after-sale service are praised by the customers.

  In recent years, with the consecutive increase of the business requirements in the aspect of environmental protection in the oilfields, HBP also sees this field as the important development direction of the company. HBP has developed the internationally leading process solutions in the aspects of oily sludge treatment, tank cleaning and oily sewage treatment in the oilfields, and promoted those technologies to the largest domestic oilfields. Based on a large number of practices, the environmental-protection philosophy and process solutions of HBP are verified and recognized by the customers.

  In the course of product design, machining, fabrication, commissioning and after-sale service, our company complies with the International Standard ISO9001:2000, keeps improving on design, carries out strict field management and considerate after-sale service.

  “Innovation, Pragmatism, Integrity and Humanness” is the development principle followed by our company all the time. With the help and support of all levels of leaders, we are competent and confident that we could make more contribution for the project development of your company.

  Daqing HBP Oil Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Daqing HBP) is the wholly-owned subsidiary subject to China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Ltd.

  Daqing HBP is located in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. As the integrated research and developing base of HBP, it covers an area of 40,000 m2 or so. Now it has about 300 staff, including more than 60 technicians and 12 senior engineers. The company is equipped with more than 100 sets of machining and manufacturing

  equipment and the annual production capacity is more than 30,000 tons.

  As a professional oil equipment manufacturing company, Daqing HBP can undertake the fabrication of Level I, II & III Pressure Vessel, including all kinds of non-standard pressure vessels. Daqing HBP has A2 Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Certificate (No.TS2210989-2013), ASME U Certificate of Authorization (No.39201) and the certificates of ISO9001-2000 QMS , ISO14001-2004 EMS and GB/T28001:2001 OHSMS.


  China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Ltd (hereinafter referred to as HBP) is a stockholding-system new and high-tech enterprise approved by Beijing City Government and listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange successfully. The company is mainly engaged in the development, production and marketing of oil, gas and water separator, heater, electric dehydrator, natural gas filter separator, cyclone separator, filter, dosing device and such surface process equipment and oilfield environmental-protection services, such as oily sludge treatment process proposal, tank cleaning process proposal, oily sewage treatment process proposal. The company has abundant software and hardware strength and first-class new and high-tech product researchers and Level A1 & A2 pressure vessel design qualifications and Class GC pressure pipe design qualification, so it constitutes a pattern of production, research and sales, and the business fields involves domestic and overseas petrochemical industries. Since the establishment of the company, it has been pursuing the development guideline of “Technological Innovation and People Orientation” and actively going deep into the front line of oilfield production in order to seek, find, explore and develop new and high-tech products that are good for sales, so we can commit ourselves to saving the energy, reducing the consumption, protecting the environment, decreasing the project investment and improving the management for our customers. The company has an annual income of 600,000,000 RMB.

  In early 2008, according to the demands of the international oil equipment market and the development plan, the company successfully introduced the strategic investment partners for capital injection in order to reconstruct the stockholding system. The registered capital was increased from the original 12,000,000 RMB to 202,500,000 RMB after the approval of Beijing City Administration for Industry and Commerce; meanwhile, the company established a comprehensive base integrated with production, research and service in Daqing, the largest oil production base in China. In the base, the plants cover an area of 40,000 m2, the research and comprehensive buildings 10,000 m2, the max lifting capacity 100 tons, equipped with various machining equipment, automatic welding equipment, blanking equipment, heat treatment equipment, full-automatic sand blasting and derusting equipment, baking varnish equipment, various testing equipment and material

  analysis instruments. The machining and general assembly ability is anticipated up to 30,000 tons annually, which lays the foundation for realizing the internationalization of oil equipment and technical service.

  The company has more than 500 staff, in which 2 staff with PhD degree, 26 staff with mater degree, 72 staff with senior technical title in relevant disciplines, most of the staff come from the oilfield design and production management units with abundant design and development experience. The company has developed many new and high-tech products leading in the same industry and the company has 15 national patents.

  Especially in the aspect of the oil, gas and water three-phase separation technique research, the company has a batch of middle-aged and young technicians. Xiao Rong, the deputy general manager and chief engineer of the company is a typical representative, who made major contributions in the aspect of oil, gas and water three-phase separation technique research in late 1980s, developed Type I & II three-phase separators, was awarded the 2nd Youth Technology Prize of China, Excellent Middle-Aged & Young Expert of CNPC and Excellent Designer, and was interviewed by Jiang Zemin, the former General Secretary of CPC and Comrade Wang Tao and Zhou Yongkang, the former leaders of CNPC.

  Our company especially invites Expert Pan Yuqi, the professor-class senior engineer, who made prominent contributions in the aspect of domestic fully-airtight crude gathering and transportation process research, was awarded the first batch of National-Class Design Master, as the technical consultant. Integrated with different geological conditions of reservoirs, characteristics of crude, development, gathering and transportation processes in domestic oilfields, Mr. Pan made a new breakthrough in the aspect of oil, gas and water three-phase separation technology. In resent years, HBP provided various separators, heaters, electric dehydrators, dosing devices and such products for Sudan FULA Oilfield, Kazakstan Zhanarol Oilfield, ADM Oilfield, Kenkyak Pre-salt Oilfield, North Buzachi Oilfield, Syria State-Owned Oil Company RUMELAN Oilfield, GEBEIBE Oilfield, Algeria ZARZAITINE Oilfield, BZ25-1 FPSO and WHP A/B/C/D/E/F of Bohai Sea Oilfield of CNOOC, Friendship FPSO of Bo South Oilfield, Daqing Oilfield, Dagang Oilfield, Liao River Oilfield, Shengli

  Oilfield, North China Oilfield, Sichuan Oilfield, Xinjiang Oilfield, Qinghai Oilfield and such oilfields, and provided filter separators, cyclone separators, filters and such equipment for Sino-Kazakstan Natural Gas Pipeline Project, Atasu-Alataw Pass Crude Pipeline Project, Sichuan-East Gas Transportation Project and part of domestic oil and gas pipeline projects. Both the product quality and after-sale service are praised by the customers.

  In recent years, with the consecutive increase of the business requirements in the aspect of environmental protection in the oilfields, HBP also sees this field as the important development direction of the company. HBP has developed the internationally leading process solutions in the aspects of oily sludge treatment, tank cleaning and oily sewage treatment in the oilfields, and promoted those technologies to the largest domestic oilfields. Based on a large number of practices, the environmental-protection philosophy and process solutions of HBP are verified and recognized by the customers.

  In the course of product design, machining, fabrication, commissioning and after-sale service, our company complies with the International Standard ISO9001:2000, keeps improving on design, carries out strict field management and considerate after-sale service.

  “Innovation, Pragmatism, Integrity and Humanness” is the development principle followed by our company all the time. With the help and support of all levels of leaders, we are competent and confident that we could make more contribution for the project development of your company.

  Daqing HBP Oil Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Daqing HBP) is the wholly-owned subsidiary subject to China Oil HBP Science & Technology Corporation Ltd.

  Daqing HBP is located in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. As the integrated research and developing base of HBP, it covers an area of 40,000 m2 or so. Now it has about 300 staff, including more than 60 technicians and 12 senior engineers. The company is equipped with more than 100 sets of machining and manufacturing

  equipment and the annual production capacity is more than 30,000 tons.

  As a professional oil equipment manufacturing company, Daqing HBP can undertake the fabrication of Level I, II & III Pressure Vessel, including all kinds of non-standard pressure vessels. Daqing HBP has A2 Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Certificate (No.TS2210989-2013), ASME U Certificate of Authorization (No.39201) and the certificates of ISO9001-2000 QMS , ISO14001-2004 EMS and GB/T28001:2001 OHSMS.


  Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.

  If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.


美国律师雷道夫·费尔兹(Randolph Fields)和前莱克航空(Laker Airways)的首席机长亚伦·希拉里(Alan Hellary)在1982年创立了英国大西洋航空,用以继承已结业的莱克航空的业务。在福克兰群岛战争结束之后,费尔兹认为福克兰群岛是一个理想的航点,欲经营福克兰群岛-伦敦航线,而希拉里则努力游说前莱克航空员工回英国大西洋航空工作。鉴于该岛的机场跑道太短,不宜大型客机进行升降,因此放弃了该计划。他们转而申请经营纽约-伦敦航线,但受到英国金狮航空公司和英国机场管理局反对而使计划夭折。两次航线经营的失败后,他们申请了经营纽约-伦敦航线,打算以一架载客量达380人的DC-10执行该航线。不过,受到以纽瓦克自由国际机场为基地的竞争对手人民快运航空(en:PEOPLExpress)的威胁,他们决定筹集更多的资金后再开始经营业务。在1984年,雷道夫·费尔兹询问维珍集团创办人理察·布兰森有没有兴趣合伙创设一家飞越大西洋的航空公司。布兰森对这个提议深感兴趣,他先打电话给人民快运航空的订位部门,却发现电话线十分忙碌,无法与该航空公司的员工通话。布兰森认为这家公司的管理很糟糕,能够轻易击败,不然就是顾客多得无法应付。后来,布兰森打电话给波音公司,试探能否租到一架波音747客机,为期一年,到最后波音公司答应了。不久之后,英国大西洋航空更名为维珍航空,成为维珍集团的附属公司。到了6月,维珍航空得到一架波音747-200型客机,随后正式投入服务。在1986年,第二架波音747-200交付,随即开通了伦敦-迈阿密航线,之后又开通更多新的航线。可是,维珍航空初期发展并不顺利。由于英美的竞争对手打压,布兰森爵士甚至要变卖部份音乐业务以支持维珍航空发展。在2000年,维珍航空宣布订购6架A380,并拥有6架选购权。在2002年,维珍航空成为全球首个使用A340-600客机的航空公司;在2003年,维珍航空的年客运量高达380万人次。;在2004年,于美国成立维珍美国航空,是一间廉价航空公司,以发展美国内陆航线。在2008年2月24日,维珍航空的其中一架波音747的其中一台发动机使用生物燃料驱动,成为全球首个使用生物燃料驱动的客机。


雅诗·兰黛和约瑟夫·兰黛始创于1946年的雅诗兰黛集团,傲居世界化妆品行业领先地位,生产和营销高品质的护肤、化妆、香水和护发产品,产品销售遍及全世界130多个国家和地区。公司拥有22个知名品牌:Estée Lauder雅诗兰黛、Aramis、Clinique倩碧、LA MER海蓝之谜 、Prescriptives、Origins、M.A.C、Bobbi Brown、Tommy Hilfiger、Donna Karan、Aveda、Stila、Jo Malone、Bumble and bumble、kate spade beauty、Darphin、Michael Kors、Rodan & Fields、Sean John和American Beauty、Flirt、Good Skin。雅诗兰黛集团的总部设在美国纽约市,生产设施分布在美国、比利时、瑞士、英国、德国、日本和加拿大等地,在全球范围内共有雇员2万余人。2004财政年度,雅诗兰黛集团的全球销售额达58亿美元,并创下连续56年年销售额增长佳绩。雅诗兰黛集团荣膺《财富》全球500强公司第360位。它的A级普通股票以EL代码在纽约证券交易所上市。从一开始,雅诗兰黛集团就非常注重保持品牌的平衡,并将此作为公司的一个根本立足点。即使在集中力量开发新品牌的时候,公司同样强调通过保持“经典”产品的完整性、发明护肤和化妆品的新种类以及在生产过程中不断使用新技术,使现有品牌获得纵深的发展。公司对于锐意进取、资金充盈的营销计划,不惜投以重金。在广告和商业促销中,它的每一个品牌都有自己全球独一无二的形象。雅诗兰黛集团成长的诀窍之一,就是收购对公司具有意义的品牌。它在兼并新品牌或公司时,奉行自己的标准,即这些品牌或公司必须带来独特的商业机会,而且与公司现有品牌形成互补而不是削弱的关系。另外,它们必须为公司在美国乃至国际上的长期发展,增添潜力。M.A.C、Bobbi Brown、Jane、Aveda和Stila这些品牌的购进,充分体现了公司的这一战略。


拥有总资产10多亿元,员工1000余人,其中拥有大专以上学历人员400多人,中级以上技术职称人员120多人,高级以上技术职称人员30多人。集团坚持走观念创新、管理创新、技术创新、产品创新之路,以诚实守信为原则,秉承“视今天为落后”的发展理念,不断开发新产品、新项目,积极拓展和延伸相关产业领域,在量的扩张中注重质的提高,在社会各界赢得了“重质量、守信誉”的良好口碑,被评为“AAA” 信用等级。在参与各级政府组织的评选活动中,集团下属的多家企业屡次获得“十强企业”、“品牌企业”、“消费者信得过单位”、“花园式单位”等荣誉称号,广获社会各界的好评。鑫福控股集团打破传统的家族式管理,积极推进职业化经理人队伍建设,健全企业法人治理结构,强化企业发展战略,实施现代企业的规范管理模式。集团核心团队是一支饱含激情、充满活力、高素质、高效率的经营管理团队,在董事会的领导下,围绕集团战略发展目标,齐心协力,共创辉煌。Zhejiang XinFu Holdings Group was founded in August 2007, formerly the Hangzhou Xiaoshan Hongda Transportation Co., Ltd. founded in 1995. It currently has been developed to be a cross-industry group corporation with diversified businesses involving in textile, chemical fiber, packaging materials, trade, real estate, logistics and transportation, building materials trading, recreation and entertainment, airline ticketing and other fields. Now It has the total assets of more than RMB 1 billion and more than 1,000 employees, including more than 400 employees with college degree, more than 120 employees with medium and above technical titles and more than 30 employees with senior and above technical titles.The Group adheres to the path of concept innovation, management innovation, technical innovation and products innovation, takes honesty and trustworthiness as the principle and carries forward the development philosophy of “considering the present as the backward”. It continuously develops new products and new projects and actively expands and extends the field of related industries. In the size expansion, it also focuses on the quality improvement so that it has won good reputation of “high quality and credit first” in society and has been awarded the “AAA” credit rating. A number of subsidiaries of the Group have won the “Top Ten Enterprises”, “Brand Enterprise”, “Consumer Trust Company”, “Garden-Style Company” and other honorary titles in selection activities organized by governments in all levels and are widely praised in society. Breaking the traditional family style management, XinFu Holdings Group has been actively promoting the professional manager team construction, improving the corporate governance structure, strengthening the enterprise development strategies and implementing the standard management mode for modern enterprise.The core team of the Group is a passionate and energetic operation management team with high quality and efficiency. Under the leadership of the Board of Directors, all members of the core team of the Group are focusing on the Group’s strategic development goals and working together to create a more brilliant future.







2023年8月21日 10:00





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