
2024-05-18 23:38:16 31




springthere are four seasons in a year.i like spring best,because it’s very nice.in china,spring returns in march.the weather gets warm,everything comes back to life.trees turn green and flowers come ...


In a year the four seasons, I like the beautiful spring, sister because when spring comes, the nature is beautiful.   Green LiuShao, when the spring breeze blows the green grass blowing, blowing is wrinkly to knit the river water, blowing drum the buds of plants. In the winter, the willow like a dying old man, dying, waiting for the final death, but at this time, saves the life of the willow spring elder sister come back, he lifted his head to willow, like a gentleman, the protection of the lake is good, not to let the human throw garbage in the lake. Spring elder sister the day really, lively, naughty to catch the birds, the birds are chirping in the same tree in concert. Suddenly, a bird flew away, I followed it, but this only birds are being naughty mouth pecked the basketball goal in our school on the net, like death, together with the basketball net fight until the last possible moment.   In the spring, spring sister put myself on a beautiful make-up, help the grass and flowers a makeup, make flowers more bright, more sweet, spray a little perfume.   Connect through the whole nature, through our red scarf, let it blowing in the wind, blowing the trees and flowers, let them become more beautiful, green trees and red flowers.   I love this charming and beautiful lovely spring.   在一年四季中,我最喜欢美丽的春天,因为当春姐姐来临的时候,整个大自然都美丽起来了。   春风吹绿了柳梢,吹青了小草,吹皱了河水,吹鼓了植物的花苞。在冬天,柳树像生命垂危的老人,奄奄一息,等待着最后的死亡,但在这时,春姐姐把柳树的生命救了回来,让柳树把头抬起来,像一位绅士似的,把湖面保护好,不让人类把垃圾扔在湖里。春姐姐把那天真、活泼、调皮捣蛋的小鸟给抓来了,小鸟们在同一棵大树上正叽叽喳喳的开着演唱会。突然,一只小鸟飞走了,我跟着它,谁知这只调皮捣蛋的小鸟正在用嘴啄着我们学校里的篮球架上的网,好像视死如归似的,跟篮球网一起奋战到最后一刻。   春天的时候,春姐姐把自已化了一个美丽的妆,帮小草、花朵也化了一个妆,让鲜花变得更鲜艳、更香、还喷了点香水。   春姑娘吹遍了整个大自然,吹遍了我们的红领巾,让它随风飘荡,吹拂着花草树木,让它们变得更加美丽,变成了绿树红花。   我非常喜欢这迷人又美丽可爱的春天。


Oh! Spring is ing.

Look! All the things are reviving. The world is colorful. The trees and grass are green. Flowers are beautiful. Some are red. Some are yellow. Some are purple. The birds are flying in the blue sky. The bees are singing. They are very busy. They are making honey. The butterflies are dancing in the garden. The children are playing games.

I like spring.





spring英语作文 篇1

  every april i am beset by the same concern-that spring might not occur this year. the landscape looks forsaken, with hills, sky and forest forming a single graymeld, like the wash an artist paints on a canvas before the masterwork. my spirits ebb, as they did during an april snowfall when i first came to maine 15 years ago. "just wait," a neithbor counseled. "you'll wake up one morning and spring will just be here." andlo, on may 3 that year i awoke to a green so startling as to be almost electric, as if spring were simply a matter of flipping a switch. hills, sky and forest revealed their purples, blues and green. leaves had unfurled, goldfinches had arrived at the feeder and daffodils were fighting their way heavenward.then there was the old apple tree. it sits on an undeveloped lot in my neighborhood. it belongs to no one and therefore to everyone. the tree's dark twisted branches sprawl in unpruned abandon. each spring it blossoms so profusely that the air becomes saturated with the aroma of apple. when i drive by with my windows rolled down, it gives me the feeling of moving in another element, like a kid on a water slide.until last year, i thought i was the only one aware of this tree. and then one day, in a fit of spring madness, i set out with pruner and lopper to remove a few errant branches. no sooner had i arrived under its boughs than neighbors opened their windows and stepped onto their porches. these were people i barely knew and seldom spoke to, but it was as if i had come unbidden into their personal gardens.my mobile-home neighbor was the first to speak."you're not cutting it down, are you?" another neighbor winced as i lopped off a branch. "don't kill it, now," he cautioned. soon half the neighborhood had joined me under the apple arbor. it struck me that i had lived there for five years and only now was learning these people's names, what they did for a living and how they passed the winter. it was as if the old apple tree gathering us under its boughs for the dual purpose of acquaintanceship and shared wonder. i couldn't help recalling robert frost's words:the trees that have it in their pent-up buds to darken nature and be summer woods one thaw led to another. just the other day i saw one of my neighbors at the local store. he remarked how this recent winter had been especially long and lamented not having seen or spoken at length to anyone in our neighborhood. and then, recouping his thoughts, he looked at me and said, "we need to prune that apple treeagain."

spring英语作文 篇2

  Spring snow falls on the vast fields. It covers ten thousand lakes, it hangs on tree branches, it spreads over roofs and slides down hillsides; it touches the faces of the young and old with surprise and delight.

  Spring snow is soft and gentle like a fairy dancing in the air. So quiet and mild is its nature. It is the snow that clears the gloomy sky and sprinkles the dusty land; it decorates trees with bridal gowns waving like gauze and floating like white clouds.

  This is Spring snow that Minnesotans cherish. It brings neither ice nor cold, but patience and encouragement. It kisses on the cheek of a restless boy as if saying: no hurry, just one more shower; it cheers up a pensive girl, whispering a promise of spring and Mayflowers

  Spring snow has disappeared. It has melted into the awakening fields; it has flown into the streams and rivers. Yet, its transient stay lightens up so many hearts and its smile remains forever in the people’s minds.You never know, until you see it dances off if winter is really gone or more important if spring has eventually come.

spring英语作文 篇3

  【试题回放】假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,为校刊英语园地写一篇题为“Our Spring Outing” 的英文稿件。 请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,叙述上周你们班从准备春游到春游结束的完整过程。

  注意: 词数不少于60.

  提示词: 游乐园amusement park 垃圾箱bin

  Last Thursday, we had a class meeting to discuss where to go for our spring outing. We came up with several choices such as going boating, climbing a mountain, and going to an amusement park. Finally, we decided to go mountain climbing.

  The next day, we set off early in the morning. While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view . However, when we reached the top, we were shocked to see litter here and there, such as bottles and banana peels. Then we started to pick up the litter and put the rubbish into the nearby recycling bin and non-recycling bin respectively.

  We were tired but happy.


  本情景作文的内容要点如下:1.讨论;2.爬山;3.检拾别人的垃圾;4.投放垃圾。内容要点可用不同方式表达。本文覆盖了所有内容要点,较好地完成了试题规定的任务。其中,写作主题突出,详略得当,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,而且有效的’使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文机构紧凑。本文叙述清楚,描写细致,准确运用了很多富有表现力的词和句型,例如:“set off early”,“enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view”, ”were shocked to see litter here and there “等,将活动的情形很形象地描述了出来。


  好词1 set off 出发2. litter n.废弃物3.respectively adv.分别地

  好句1.While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view .


  1. However, when we reached the top, we were shocked to see litter here and there, such as bottles and banana peels.



spring英语作文 篇4

  Hello, my dear friends! Whats my favourite season? Let me tell you.My favourite season is spring. Spring is a lovely season, I think. There is a garden behind my house. In spring, the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance. There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers. The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing. Sometimes it rains. It usually rains quietly. The rain moistens the trees and the flowers. I think they may say, “Were very thirsty. The rain is very good. It can help us.” What a beautiful scene! Dont you think so? And what about your favourite season,could you tell me?



spring英语作文 篇5

  spring is no longer that shy girl in my memory, who came very late, hesitated in the distance, overwhelmed by shyness until i waved to her. then she would scurry happily nearer, stop feet away, waiting to be hugged. but here and now, she, at the sight of me, grabs my hands and pulls me into her arms before i know what's happening.

  so here i am, a boy accustomed to the drab and dry and dreary spring of the north, devouring the sweetness of a south

  it rained days ago and everything glistens with moisture.trees grow with new leaves of lively light green, not the dull and dusty color of winter. several cherries are in full blossom now, with flowers clustering and squeezing and squabbling on the twigs. what attract me most are the meadows, the greenish yellow meadows.

  sprawling on the meadows with grasses kissing my face, i can hear the rustling of leaves in the brisk breeze, the whispering and chuckling and bickering of birds, and the trotting, shuffling, tramping of people passing by.

  i can smell the refreshing fragrance that pervades the air,fragrance of flowering magnolias and growing grasses and moist soil. i inhale the fresh air as deeply as i can and the aroma in vades my whole being.

  also, i can see the fallen leaves of platanes wafting around like butterflies flying from one flower to another. once so high above on the treetops enduring the trials of bitter cold and blustering gale, they are so easily torn loose by a warm breeze.why?

  i cannot help thinking of our situation. we chinese defy any powerful enemy, but how come we have been so easily attacked by sars?

spring英语作文 篇6

  Spring came with ail its glories. The new grass exposed its green colour. The pretty flowers opened their blossoms. We were tempted to go for an outing.

  It was Sunday, the 20th of April We set out very early on bikes, carrying bottles of champagne, beer and bags of cakes, bacon and cooked eggs. We rode along the winding paths in the fields, across the meadows and down the roads. The willow were fresh and green. The swallows were flying to and fro, up and down the sky. The birds, like musicians, snang their melodious songs in the trees, and the butterflies, like colorful dancers, were fluttering here and there. We breathed the fresh air deeply and laughed heartily.

  At 10 a.m. we arrived at the foot of the Shushan Hill. We left our bikes with a bike repairing shop and began to climb up the Hill. Near the top, under a big tree with luxuri ant foliage we had our picnic. We drank and ate, talked and laughed. After the picnic we stood in the breeze with our hands on our waists, enjoying the fine landscape. Then we lay on the grass talking about our life and studies.

  At about 4 p. m. , we returned with balmy greenness on our backs and freshness in our hearts.

spring英语作文 篇7

  Spring is everywhere. In spring, trees and grass begin to turn green. The flowers start to bloom. In the suburb, some children fly kites. In the garden, there are a lot of beautiful and colorful flowers. Spring is wonderful. I like spring.

spring英语作文 篇8

  Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The dates for this annual celebration falls on the lst day of the lst lunar month. Generally speaking, the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.

  Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China. Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses. And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers. During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children. People often get together and have a big meal. Some people eat dumpling for dinner. People also stick on couplets and set off fireworks to celebrate it.

  .Spring Festival has a long history. It is said that people keep the monster----”nian”, a fierce animal, away from our villages and our homes. So to celebrate Spring Festival means to pray a happy and a peaceful life. I like Spring Festival!

spring英语作文 篇9

  Spring comes at last. Everything begins to grow. The trees turn green, and the flowers come out. On the playground, in the fields, on each side of the road, the young grass grows everywhere.

  Spring also arrives in our school. Come and see, behind our teaching building, there are some small pear trees covered with white flowers; on both sides of it, there are some other flowers smiling at you, Some are yellow, some are red. In our school garden, more flowers are there. All kinds of flowers of many colours can be seen.

  Look, there are some Kites flying in the sky. The spring wind is blowing. The sun is shining brightly. Some boys are playing games in the sun, Listen, a group of girls are singing "Where’s spring?" It sounds like the singing of lark birds. All these make me think that spring is here, spring is there, and spring is just in our school. Fhe boys and the girls are all like flowers in spring.

  What a beautiful season! }tow lovely the children are!







In spring,the days get warmer and warmer,the sky is blue,the air is clean,the trees and grass turn green,and all kinds of flowers are beautiful.There are so many beautiful things.In spring,I can store my winter’s clothes in the bag under my bed and put on the sweater or other spring’s clothes.They’re colorful and trendy.I can do enough outdoor activities,like flying kites.In spring,I like going out for a walk when it rains.I think it’s a wonderful thing.The rain washes away the drought of winter and brings in nice and wet air.Spring is the most beautiful and the most wonderful season.I love everything that the spring brings.When you finish reading this passage,I hope you will love spring,too.


Spring is the beginning of a year and also it is a beautiful period of time . Everything begins to grow . The trees and flowers begin to come out . The air is fresh and it seems that we can smell the flavour of flowers and grass . Fish begin to swim in the river and birds begin to sing in the trees. People would like to go out for a trip at this moment . People often say that spring is the best time of a year so we should prepare to do what we want .春天是一年的开始也是一段美好的时光。万物复苏。花和树开始发芽。空气是那样的新鲜似乎我们能闻到花香和草香。 鱼儿开始在水中游泳。鸟儿开始在树上唱歌。人们喜欢在这个时候去春游。人们常说春天是一年是最好的时候所以我们要准备好做我们想做的事。






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