withtheaimto翻译(急求高手帮忙翻译成英文,请不要使用网页上的翻译工具 不胜感谢!!)

2024-07-14 10:27:55 30

withtheaimto翻译(急求高手帮忙翻译成英文,请不要使用网页上的翻译工具 不胜感谢!!)


急求高手帮忙翻译成英文,请不要使用网页上的翻译工具 不胜感谢!!

Nowadays modern English is more and more widely used , and the trend of learning English is never seen faded.with the development of society and the progress of science and technology, English vocabulary is in constant updates. and improving the capability of English depends largely on the use and expanding, accumulation of vocabulary.The enlargement of vocabulary is the precondition of improving students’ skill of listening,speaking,reading and writting.Vocabulary teaching throughouts the whole process of English teaching ,which is a long and arduous task and in the same time the key to success of English teaching.How does English learners master the vocabulary of English also reflects its one of the mark of his English level. As a famous linguist named Wilkins said:Without grammar very little can be conveyed; Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.Middle school student has the basis of vocabulary in a way,it’s important for them to enlarge their vocabulary,to master more and richer words in order to improve thier English.Therefore a teacher is bond to think highly of the learning of English vocabulary.As to the memorization and teachhing of vocabulary,the direction of scientific theory of language learning is in need,and also some certain teaching method is also of high value. All these things above are foundations of my thesis,with the aim to make a research of strategies and methods of vocabulary teaching in middle school. In the process of teaching, teachers should explore and take trials to get flexible and effective methods with multiple channels and angles,and eventually make students grasp the vocabulary they’ve learned.make deep researches, improve the teaching of vocabulary and strengthen the practicability and interests of vocabulary teaching,and use various and effective methods in every link of vocabulary teaching . 呵呵,翻译一遍不容易啊,希望能符合你的原意!


The anchoring between a metallic component, such as columns,之间的锚固金属元件,如列,and a concrete block is an essential point in stability and durability和混凝土砌块成型机是根据一个关键的稳定,经久耐用of a structure. This joint has to transfer the deadweight of the构造了一种。这种联合必须将净structure and tensile, compressive and shearing loads created by结构和抗拉、抗压、抗剪负载由the structure in service. This fastening is often performed bymeans结构的服务。这紧固往往是bymeans进行of cast-in-place anchor bolts 衬砌锚定螺栓enable the anchor bolts and the foundation block to be designed for使地脚螺栓和基础块设计为static stress of tension and/or shear. But time-dependent behav-静态应力张力和/或剪切。但时间,behaviour of concrete is often not taken into account.混凝土iour通常是不考虑。This study focuses on the joint constituted of long and smooth本研究以长而且平顺共同构成的anchor rods with an anchor washer on the end, embedded in con-锚机铁锚杆时,一种共同"crete. This type of anchor bolt is frequently used in mountainous克里特岛。这种类型的地脚螺栓经常被使用在山区areas to fasten the pylons of ski lifts to the reinforced concrete地区的发动机吊架系滑雪电梯到钢筋混凝土foundation (Fig. 1). During their service life, these joints are基金会(图1)。在他们的使用寿命,这些关节subjected to cyclic loadings. So, the challenge is to minimize the受到循环加载下。所以,现在面临的问题是如何减少了effects of fatigue in the steel anchor rod; to do that, a prestressed疲劳效应在钢锚杆;要这麽做,预应力load must be kept at a level of up to 50% of the steel rod yield负荷要保持在一个水平的多达50%的钢棒的产量strength. These joints can be considered as bolted joints between力量。这些关节可以被视为螺栓关节之间a steel rod and the compressed concrete between the anchor plate钢的杖,压缩混凝土的锚定之间板and the base plate of the column. The permanent compression of和基地盘柱。永久的压缩concrete involves a decrease in the prestress due to concrete creep具体包括减少由于的预应力混凝土徐变的.文献[7 - 9)。With the aim to predict the in?uence of the creep phenomenon,旨在预测蠕变?元代的现象,an experimental trial run coupled to numerical simulations was carried out. This paper presents a ?nite element modeling of实验的试运行连接到进行了数值模拟。介绍了一种吗? nite元素模型pullout and relaxation tests for this anchor type. A visco-elastic拉和放松测试这样的“锚类型。一个粘弹性modeling was adopted in order to take into account the time-采用建模,为了考虑时间-dependent behavior of concrete. The results of simulations were混凝土构件的依赖。仿真实验的结果compared to experimental data in order to validate the model比较实验数据为验证该模型used使用


withtime的意思是:随时间的推移。withtime的意思是:随时间的推移。withtime的例句是Hisinfluencehasdiminishedwithtime.随着时间的推移,他的影响已不如从前了。MarsandEarthhaveorbitswhichchangewithtime.火星和地球的轨道随着时间而发生改变。Withtimehecametorevisehisopinionoftheprofession.随着时间的推移,他开始修正自己对这一职业的看法。一、网络释义点此查看withtime的详细内容 随时间的推移...withreferenceto;withregard/respectto涉及;关于;与有关withthepassageoftime;withtime随时间的推移almamater母校... 常用于句首...*while后可跟v-ing形式*withtime常用于句首,表示“最后,一时间”*atthetime当时...二、例句Hisinfluencehasdiminishedwithtime.随着时间的推移,他的影响已不如从前了。MarsandEarthhaveorbitswhichchangewithtime.火星和地球的轨道随着时间而发生改变。Withtimehecametorevisehisopinionoftheprofession.随着时间的推移,他开始修正自己对这一职业的看法。withtime的相关临近词withal、with、WithPowerUnit、withtheaimto、withexperience、witharedglow、withconfidence、withsightflow、withvolubility、withonestroke、withthebarkon、withgoodintent点此查看更多关于withtime的详细信息

aim是什么意思 aim的中文翻译及音标

英音  ;, 动词: 1.把(武器、球、箭、火箭等)瞄准,把…对准;把…对准掷向(或射向);把(拳、棒等)对准挥向(at) 不及物动词: 1.以…为目标 2.努力,力求;企图,试图(通常与to或at连用) 3.针对,把努力对准目标 4.目的在于,旨在(at);致力于(for) n. 1.瞄准 2.目标,目的 3.志向 及物动词: 1.使针对;使旨在;致力于;把…用于(at) 2.引导,制导 3.(指武器)装有(制导装置),形容词 aimless,名称 aiming,时态 aimed,aiming,aims,这些名词均有“目标、目的”之意。 aim从本义“靶子”引申而来,侧重比较具体而明确的目标,但常指短期目标。 goal指经过考虑和选择,需经坚持不懈的努力奋斗才能达到的最终目标。 purpose普通用词,既指以坚决、审慎的行动去达到的目的,又指心中渴望要实际的目标。 end指心目中怀着的某种目的,强调结果而非过程。较正式用词。 target指射击的靶,军事攻击目标。引申指被攻击、批评或潮笑的目标。 object强调个人或需求而决定的目标、目的。 objective与object基本同义,但语义更广泛,指具体或很快能达到的目的,也可指军事目标。书面用词。,aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment,the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies,have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal,the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable),an anticipated oute that is intended or that guides your planned actions,intend (something) to move towards a certain goal,specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public,direct (a remark) toward an intended goal,move into a desired direction of discourse,propose or intend,the action of directing something at an object,aim to vt.目的在于,旨在,志在 ,aim for 力争…,针对 ,aim at 瞄准,对准;旨在,目的在于 ,with the aim of 以…为目的 ,aim bias 瞄准偏差 ,aim corrector 瞄准仪校正器 ,line of aim 瞄准线 ,take aim v.瞄准 ,cry aim 喝采助威予以鼓励 ,war aim 【法】 战争目标 ,aim v.的现在分词

法律文书翻译 “三步曲”

作者:林克难 籍明文 中国加入 WTO 之后,各地都有大批法律法规需要翻译成英语,以使外国投资者享受国民待遇。于是法律文书的翻译一下子变得热门起来。翻译法律文书,说难也难,说容易也容易。从来没有接触过法律文书翻译的生手头一回翻译,会感到很难,用词造句完全说的是另外一套话,像是地球人说着火星人的话,一下子会很不适应。比如, “ 应该 ” 不能翻译成 should ,而在大部分时候应该转换成 shall , if , when 一般情况下要说 where ;说容易也容易,因为法律文书有一定的程式,词汇句型虽然 “ 怪异 ” ,但是也是有一定之规可以遵循,掌握了这些词汇句型,掌握了这些程式规则,翻译法律文书一下子会变的容易起来。 我翻译文书完全是半路出家。中国入世后,当地多年积累的涉外法规需要翻译,时间紧,任务重。在这种形势下,我不想成了被赶上了架子的 “ 笨鸭 ” 。当地政府礼聘本人为 “ 专家 ” ,并暗中组织了熟谙英汉双语的境外真正的法律专家审查本人译文之后,我才真正开始干起了这一行。几年下来,有了一点体会,下面做一个简单的介绍,与大家交流。我的所谓 “ 三步曲 ” 指的是 “ 开场白 ” 、 “ 结束语 ” 以及 “ 规定与罚则 ” 。这是每一部法律必不可少的内容。我的体会是,掌握了这三步曲,法律文书的翻译会变的简单、容易的多。 先来看 “ 开场白 ” 。下面便是一部典型的地方法规的卷首语: 第一条 为加强市容和环境卫生管理,创造和维护整洁、优美的市容环境,保障人民身体健康,促进经济发展和社会文明进步,根据有关法律、法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。(摘自天津市市容和环境卫生管理条例) 开场白一般有四个雷打不动的组成部分。即 “ 为了 ” 、 “ 根据 ” 、 “ 结合 ” 、 “ 制定 ” 。根据英语行文特点,应该先翻 “ 制定 ” , These Regulations are enacted ( formulated ),一般 formulate 用的多些,从英语词义分析, enact 似乎更加准确些。有学者主张把 enact 与 formulate 一起用上。准确是准确了,但是毕竟显得有点儿累赘。下面是译文: Article 1 These Regulations are enacted in accordance with pertinent laws and regulations and in light of the concrete conditions of this Municipality, with the purpose of strengthening the administration of cityscape and environmental sanitation, creating and maintaining a clean, beautiful cityscape and environment, protecting people’s health, promoting economic growth, civilization and progress of society. 还有两处小地方需要说明一下。条例也可以用单数。 “ 条例 ” 与 “ 本市 ” 大写的目的是为了醒目、突出,并与本条例中提到的另外一些条例加以区别。 With the purpose of 或者 with the aim to 后边都应该用动词 +ing 的形式。 在开场白中,往往还有一些关键名词的解释,实施本法的范围以及负责单位的任命等项内容。现分别说明如下: 关键名词解释: 第三条 本条例所称的劳动和社会保障(以下简称劳动保障)监察,是指劳动保障行政部门依法对用人单位和劳动者、就业服务机构、医疗服务机构遵守劳动保障法律、法规的情况进行监督检查,对违反劳动保障法律、法规的行为依法进行处理的行政执法活动。(摘自《天津市劳动和社会保障监察条例》) Article 3 The labour and social security (hereinafter abbreviated as labour security) supervision mentioned in this Regulation refers to the activities of the administrative department for labour security, in supervising and checking, according to law, employing units and labourers ,employment intermediary agencies, and medical facilities of their observation of the laws and regulations on labour security and, in handling, according to law, acts breaching laws and regulations on labour security. 实施本法范围: 第二条 在本市行政区域内从事建设工程的新建、扩建、改建等有关活动,以及对建设工程质量实施监督管理的,必须遵守本规定。(摘自《天津市建设工程质量管理规定》) Article 2 These Regulations apply to the newly-built, expanded and renovated construction projects carried out in this Municipality and the quality control thereof. 负责单位: 第六条 天津经济技术开发区管理委员会(以下简称开发区管委会)是天津市人民政府(以下简称市人民政府)的派出机构,代表市人民政府对开发区实行统一管理。(摘自《天津经济技术开发区条例》) Article 6 The Administrative Committee of the Tianjin Economic—Technological Development Area (hereinafter referred to as TEDAAC) is delegated by the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal People’s Government), and shall exercise a uniform administration of TEDA on behalf of the Municipal People’s Government. 既然在中文法律文书行文中,开场白的上述内容是必不可少的,翻译起来,也有一些比较固定的译法,不妨一记。 “ 所称 ”……“ 是指 ” ,有几种常见的译法。一是如上面的译文所示 “mentioned……refers to ” ,也可以翻译成 “be referred……shall be” ; “ 必须遵守本规定 ” 或者 “ 适用本规定 ” ,可以一律翻译成 “apply to” ,似没不要把前者翻译成 “must abide by” 。。 再看一下 “ 结束语 ” 的翻译。结束语首先要说,本条例从何时起生效,有的时候还要说明以前制定的某某条例同时废止。请看上述有关市容条例的结束语以及译文: 第五十九条 本条例自公布之日起施行。 1998 年 2 月 25 目天津市第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第四十次会议通过的《天津市环境卫生管理条例》同时废止。 Article .59 These Regulations shall become effective as from the date of promulgation. The Regulations of Tianjin Municipality on Environmental Sanitation that was adopted at the 40th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress on February 25, 1998 shall be abrogated simultaneously. “ 生效 ” 译法不一而足。经常选用的有: take effect , come into effect , become effective 等等。 如果原文是从某日起实施,要用 as of 这个词组,比如从 2003 年 12 月 20 日起实施,要说 These Regulations shall take effect as of December 20 , 2003 ,而不要说成 as from December 20 , 2003 。 “ 同时废止 ” 则比较简单,译成 be abrogated simultaneously 即可。 三部曲的第三部是 “ 规定与罚则 ” 。这两部分是孪生兄弟,相辅相成。一般情况下,翻译罚则只要在规定前边加一个 “ 不 ” 字即可。在数码时代,更是不费吹灰之力,将规定中的有关内容复制,粘贴过来,先行否定,然后再稍加整理即可。请看《天津市收购废旧金属和信托寄卖业治安管理办法》里的例子: 第三条 经营收购生产性废旧金属的单位,须经经营所在地的公安分局、县公安局审查,符合规定的,由市公安局核发特种行业许可证。 经营收购非生产性废旧金属和信托寄卖业的单位和个人,须到经营所在地的公安分局备案。 禁止无证经营。 第十一条 违反本办法第三条第一款规定, 非法收购生产性废旧金属的,予以取缔,没收非法收购的物品及违法所得;对单位或直接责任者可并处 5000 元以上1万元以下罚款。 违反本办法第三条第二款规定,非法收购非生产性废旧金属的,对单位或直接责任者给予警告或处 500 元以下罚款。 违反本办法第三条第二款规定,非法经营信托寄卖业的,予以查封,对单位或直接责任者处1万元以下罚款,有违法所得的,处3万元以下罚款。(摘自《天津市收购废旧金属和信托寄卖业治安管理办法》) Article 3 The units that engage in purchasing the industrial waste and used metals shall apply to the public security sub-bureau or county bureau of their location of business for examination, pass the examination, and obtain the permit for special business issued by the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Units and individuals that engage in purchasing non-industrial waste and used metals and in running secondhand businesses shall file a report for record with the public security bureau of their location of business.. It is prohibited to run, without permits, businesses in the above- mentioned fields. Article 11 Where a unit or individual, in violation of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of these Measures, illegally purchases waste and used industrial metals, the authorities concerned shall stop its business and confiscate the illegally purchased articles , and the illegally obtained profits; It may also impose a fine of not less than Renminbi 5,000 yuan but not more than Renminbi 10,000 yuan on the unit or the person directly responsible.. Where a unit or individual, in violation of paragraph 2 of Article 3 of these Measures, illegally purchases waste or used non-industrial metals, the relevant authorities shall give the unit or the person directly responsible a warning or impose a fine of not more than Renminbi 500 yuan. Where a unit or individual, in violation of paragraph 2 of Article 3 of these Measures, illegally runs secondhand businesses, the authorities concerned shall close the shop and impose on the unit or the individual directly responsible a fine of not more than Renminbi 10,000 yuan; In case there is illegally obtained profit, the fine shall be not more than Renminbi 30,000 yuan 。 当然,规定与罚则的写法有各种不同的安排。有前后分列的,如上例,有的甚至还专门列出一章,谓之曰 “ 奖励与处罚 ” 或 “ 法律责任 ” ;也有的则把规定与罚则写在同一条款当中,这样,倒也显得更加紧凑一些。下面是一个规定与罚则并列的例子。选自《天津市市容和环境卫生管理条例》。 第三十一条 禁止下列影响环境卫生清洁的行为 : 〈一〉随地吐痰、吐口香糖、便溺 , 乱倒粪便 ; 〈二〉乱扔烟蒂、纸屑、瓜果皮核以及各类包装废弃物等 ; 〈三〉乱倒、乱堆渣土、污泥或者其他废弃物 , 向道路、河道、公共场地上抛撒杂物、废弃物 , 由建筑物或者车辆向外抛掷杂物、废弃物。 违反前款第〈一〉项规定的 , 责令即时清除 , 并处五十元以上一百元以下罚款 ; 违反第〈二〉项规定的 , 责令即时清除 , 并处十元以上五十元以下罚款 ; 违反第 ( 三〉项规定的 , 责令限期清除 , 逾期不清除的 , 处五十元以上五百元以下罚款 , 其中单位违反此项规定的 , 处五百元以上五千元以下罚款。 Article 31 The following acts that affect environmental sanitation are prohibited: (1) Spitting, throwing chewing gums, urinating and moving bowels at inappropriate places or dumping human wastes, (2) Littering, throwing cigarette butts, the core and shell of fruits and melons, and all kinds of packages; (3) Dumping or piling construction waste, dirt or other waste, dumping odds and bits, throwaways or throwing odds and bits or waste from buildings or vehicles; Anyone that violates paragraph (1) of the preceding article shall be ordered to clean the litter immediately and shall be imposed a fine of not less than Renminbi 50 yuan but not more than Renminbi 100 yuan; Anyone that violates paragraph (2) of the preceding article shall be ordered to clean the litter immediately and shall be imposed a fine of not less than Renminbi 10 yuan but not more than Renminbi 50 yuan; Anyone that violates paragraph (3) of the preceding article shall be ordered to clean the litter within a definite time limit; anyone that fails to do the cleaning when the period of validity expires, the department concerned shall imposed on him a fine of not less than Renminbi 50 yuan but not more than Renminbi 100 yuan. Where the violator is a unit, it shall be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 500 yuan but not more than RMB 5,000 yuan 这儿也有几点值得注意的地方需要讲一讲。罚则中 “xx 至 xx 元 ” ,有人简单地翻译成 from xx to xx ,似乎显得不那么正式。我们用 not less than xx ---but not more than xx ,文字上就比较庄重,严肃。 Where 的用法也值得注意。表示 “ 如果 ” 的地方,法律文书不用 if ,而一般用 where 去翻译。除此以外,有些固定词组也值得记忆,比如: impose a fine of xx on somebody ; be ordered to do ; the period of validity expires ; fail to do 等等,这儿就不一一详细阐述了。其实, 在翻译法律文书之前,认真读一下有关法律条文的译文,记住一些关键的表达法,在自己翻译过程中会十分有用的。 以上我们简要地给大家介绍了法律文书的基本框架,即 “ 开场白 ” 、 “ 结束语 ” 以及 “ 规定与罚则 ” 。掌握了这三部分的基本翻译方法,可以说法律文书翻译就入了门,剩下的就是 “ 修行在个人 ” 了。只要在此基础上,不断实践,不断积累,不断学习,就一定能使自己的翻译水平日长月进,渐臻完美。 林克难,天津外国语学院英语系教授,研究方向:翻译理论与各种文体翻译研究与教学。籍明文,天津外国语学院副教授。

withtheaimto翻译(急求高手帮忙翻译成英文,请不要使用网页上的翻译工具 不胜感谢!!)

withtheaimto翻译 ,不




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2024年7月15日 16:08



本文目录请教安川运动控制器MP2300的编程软件和使用方法安川PLC时间指令的使用plc是怎么和工业机器人通讯连接的求安川plc编程软件V6 与V7安川plc软件5.55版刚安装好怎么设置通讯工业机器人编程和plc自动化编程有什么关联哪个发

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sql 多个字段排序?sql怎样排序

sql 多个字段排序?sql怎样排序

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大家好,今天小编来为大家解答以下的问题,关于cure用法,cure是什么意思中文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!本文目录cure是什么意思中文cure的意思cure的用法和意思是什么及例句cure always什么意思cure的

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