
2024-06-15 23:30:09 19




The Harry Potter series is one of the most faithful I have ever seen, and each film brings something new. Whenever a new film comes out, there is always a certain criticism that a book fan will mention because of certain information or details left out of the film adaptation. Being the final book in the famous wizard series, this would always be the hardest book to adapt, so I was very relieved when it was announced that it would be split into two parts. Some might see this as an attempt to cash in money, but I honestly do not believe it was for that reason. The filmmakers care about this story, and being the finale, they care about adding in character development before the big action-packed finale. So after seeing Part 1, I have the obligation not just to judge it as a film adaptation but also as a film.The opening of the film is perfect for the type of tone it is trying to set. Showing us each of the home lives of the three leads and just how difficult the future will be is a hard fact to behold. The action scenes in the film are pretty impressive, but not overly done and they do not take you out of the real story. David Yates and Steve Kloves have set Part 1 as a character film with action in it, not the other way around. And so it is with the rest of the film. Last Year’s Half-Blood Prince proved to me that Yates was the best director that this series ever had. He understands mood and the challenges that the three leads are going through. Part 1 is able to capitalize on that.Each new Harry Potter film is deemed as ’darker’ than the previous, and that may be true, but it is not just about how sinister things on screen appear to be. The magical world is at a time where danger lurks around everywhere. We certainly are able to see this on screen, but the real power and the real confrontation as to just how dangerous the world is right now is brought by the quiet moments in the film. Many have said that the middle section of the film, when the three leads begin their camp out, is what weakens the pace. I was surprised by how much this was not true when I watched it. If anything, this section is much needed. It is also powerful because the three leads are able to hold their own very well. Over the years, they have matured and grown as actors, and at this point no one else could do what they are doing. There are certain scenes in the film that, while definitely subtle, are completely powerful and strengthen the characters and express the way they are feeling in a sense of loss. An example is the dance scene between Harry and Hermione, which I thought was perfectly acted by both, especially Watson.Emma Watson has been the most inconsistent throughout the series. She was good as a little kid in the first two, good as a growing teen in the 3rd film, over-dramatic in Goblet of Fire, OK in Order of the Phoenix, and it wasn’t until Half-Blood Prince when you could see she was really starting to shine. Well, here she does. While Radcliffe and Grint are very good, there is something electrifying about Watson. People have raved a lot about her performance, and while at times one is cautious not to overpraise a performance, she deserves it. She does not have scenes where in script it would seem as if she has to do something incredible. This is what makes her stand-out in this film. Starting from her first scene in the film, in a very sad and tragic scene in her home, we see her pain and her sadness over to what she has to do. She only has two words that she speaks in this scene, but her facial expressions say it all. She conveys the same powerful subtle expressions throughout the film. There is also another scene involving her and Helena Bonham Carter that she has been praised about, and this was a disappointment. Not that Watson wasn’t great, because she certainly was, much more than what was probably required from her, but the scene only lingered on her for short seconds and then it cut away. We could hear Watson’s incredible suffering, but I just wish it could have lingered more on her, to feel even more of what she and others like her really have to go through. Watson is incredibly effective and subtle in this film, and for the first time, she gave the best performance in a Harry Potter film, a feat that none of the three leads have ever achieved.A real stand-out of the last HP film, Half Blood Prince, was the cinematography, and while I am not sure whether Part 1 was better shot than that one, it was still pretty impressive. Of course, that is no surprise. The music score also stood-out for me. While it is true that it is not as loud, or even as recurring, as the scores of the last Harry Potter films as in it is not present in a lot of the film, it was still effective. I really hope it gets some nominations. Ultimately, the film was everything I could hope for, and not any major flaws really appeared. The ending I also thought was a good way to end Part 1, contrary to the opinions of most. This was a very effective, carefully paced, and superb beginning to the end.


Movie review: ’Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1’Much of the plot of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" involves the attempt to find and destroy a series of Horcruxes, and if you haven’t a clue about what they are or why they’re important, you might as well stay home.There is something different, however, about this Potter movie, and that is the words "Part 1" that end the title. Understandably distraught about "Hallows" being the last of the phenomenally popular J.K. Rowling novels, Warner Bros. has split the final effort into two films and is likely kicking itself for not having thought of that with the earlier books.You don’t make $5.7 billion in theatrical revenue, however, by being cavalier about your source material and the watchword for the "Potter" series in general, and this film in particular, is making the audience feel like it’s in safe hands.Though adventurous filmmakers like Alfonso Cuarón have made "Potter" films, David Yates, who directed the two previous epics as well as both installments of "Deathly Hallows," is not one of them.Capable and dependable, he can be counted on to make solid albeit unsurprising films that believe in connecting the dots rather than creating risky excitement. When studio president Alan Horn said his priority for the series was treating the books "respectfully," he wasn’t kidding.Being respectful also means making sure you have quality people behind the camera (Steve Kloves has written almost all the screenplays and the new cinematographer is Oscar-nominated "Girl With a Pearl Earring" veteran Eduardo Serra) as well as top acting talent in front of it. Even if you don’t always have enough for them to do.In fact, the Potter films are so loaded down with the best of British performers that Bill Nighy, who was added to the cast this time along with Rhys Ifans, wasn’t really kidding when he commented, "For a while, I thought I would be the only English actor of a certain age who wasn’t in a ’Harry Potter’ film."哈利波特的 你删删改改就行了


The Pianist Movie ReviewThe Pianist, Roman Polanksi’s harrowing depiction of survival in war torn Warsaw is now out to own on DVD. The director reached deep into his own past to deliver the true story of Wladyslaw Szpilman, a Jewish pianist of some repute who is forced to eek out an existence amidst the events of The Second World War, where the fear of death at the hands of Poland’s Nazi occupiers was always close at hand. Szpilman’s story in many ways mirrors Polanski’s own tale. His mother was sent to her death at Auschwitz, and he wandered the Polish countryside alone passing from family to family until being reunited with his Jewish father, who survived the concentration camps, after the war ended. No director could be better placed to do justice to Szpilman’s unique story. The film won the Palme D’or at Cannes last year and further acclaim at the Academy Awards in 2003, picking up the accolades for best picture, best actor for Adrien Brody who plays Szpilman, and most unexpectedly for Polanski himself. Despite measures in place to prevent the diminutive Pole from setting foot on US soil due to alleged sex crimes committed in the late seventies, Polanski picked up the award through the time honoured proxy of a video message! After a successful cinematic run on both sides of the Atlantic the film has been given the customary DVD treatment. Padded out with a range of extras and one particularly interesting documentary about the historical background to the story, where Polanski reveals his own methods of surviving the Polish occupation. Polanski’s most personal film by far in terms of its content, The Pianist re-evaluates the directors’ pre-occupation with the darker recesses of the human soul explored throughout his career, often in elaborately macabre ways. A sinister yet plainly demarcated force of evil is an ever present in Polanski’s films. Whether it is the elderly couple from Rosemary’s Baby who conspire on behalf of the Devil himself, John Houston’s Noah Cross the wealthy land developer in Chinatown, or the shadowy kidnappers who quietly steal Harrison Ford’s wife in Frantic. The central character is continually terrorised and tested in the face of overpowering evil, which, once ultimately unmasked appears to reside closer to home than is often comfortable to reconcile. Wadyslaw Szpilman, a local celebrity famed for his recitals on the city radio station, treats the German invasion of Poland with the same quiet unease and vigilance as his family and friends. The relatively peaceful early days of the occupation, coupled with news that Great Britain and France have declared war on Germany, buoy the Szpilman’s hope that all will soon be resolved without too much blood letting. Swiftly Polanski pulls the rug out from beneath the Szpilmans, unravelling their comfortable family lifestyle, with a steady current of persecution, turning to humiliation and then outright debasement. After being segregated into the Warsaw Ghettos and closed off from the rest of the city, Polanski exposes man’s survival instinct in all its brutal rawness. Individual episodes that scour the depths of human depravity, showing Jews turning on one another for money and scraps of food are handled in Polanski’s customarily matter-of-fact style. After his family are transported to the death camps, Szpilman is forced to exist alone in deserted and ruined buildings, at the mercy of sympathisers and under the constant threat of capture. From a collective depiction of the Jewish struggle in the first half of the war the story gradually becomes more sharply focused upon Szpilman himself. Within the sweeping historical context of the first hour of the film Wladyslaw exists within the family unit, trying desperately to stay as such. After his family is split asunder, an historical sweep turns to penetrating character study, ingrained with palpable moments of suspense. Gone are the overcrowded streets of the ghettos full of dead bodies rotting in the sunshine; Adrien Brody’s quiet, waif like presence absorbs the majority of the screen time. Outliving everyone, Szpilman soon begins to reassert his sense of self despite such a raw existence. He re-establishes contact with the life he once knew through old friends who harbour him in relative safety and by maintaining his meticulous love of music. In one of the most arresting scenes in the film we see Szpilman miming the piano with his hands hovering over the keys in order to not make a sound and be detected. Polanski pares down the story to one mans plight in the midst of 6 million others and it works resoundingly well. Soon we begin to believe that Szpilman is the only human being left in a devastated Warsaw, held completely at the mercy of outside forces, his loneliness and desperation is acutely observed. From the street-fighting between Polish resistance fighters and the Nazi’s observed from afar, to the tank shells and bombs that rip through his makeshift home, Szpilman’s fate becomes tensely poised with Polanski milking each scene for all its worth so that even in the absence of any notable dialogue or music to enhance the action, it becomes impossible to take your eyes from the screen. Intensely moving, even on the small screen, The Pianist is a rewarding watch, tinged with the deeply personal input of a mercurial director who emphasises readily with the characters and their plight. Polanski has poured a little bit of himself into this one (and you sense that it’s much more than just his substantial filmmaking talents) but instead of getting too personal he maintains his distance. Never seeking to over-elaborate on the emotion, Polanski chooses to keep things fundamentally austere. As a result the integrity of the story is undiminished.我是在国外的一个影评网站摘过来的,只是希望对你能有点帮助。


==============Legally Blonde==============You have to appreciate a movie whose title essentially sums up the whole thing. In Legally Blonde, Reese Witherspoon plays a blonde who ends up at Harvard law school. If you think you’ve got the whole movie figured out from this scenario, you may be surprised to find out your preconceptions are only half-right. This isn’t a dumb comedy; it has a certain amount of intelligence to it. It’s at least smart enough not to make Elle Woods, the Witherspoon character, stupid—just ditzy. It also has the advantage of having Witherspoon in the lead role. No matter what her character says or does, she is always charming.Elle is a student and sorority sister at CULA. She has been dating Warren Huntignton III (Matthew Davis), and the beginning of the movie has her preparing for a big night. She’s sure Warren will propose to her tonight. However, at dinner, Warren states his desire to become a Senator and dumps Elle ("I need a Jackie, not a Marilyn."). Witherspoon’s reaction is great. She tries to hide her emotions in fear of embarrassing them, but she’ll occasionally let out a loud sob that gains everyone’s attention. Warren is on his way to Harvard for law school, and during their split, Elle realizes what she needs to do to get him back. She also needs to go to Harvard. After some major studying and preparation, she actually gets accepted. Warren is, of course, shocked to discover her appearance, and after a bad first class, Elle is even more shocked to discover that Warren is engaged to an old girlfriend, Vivian Kensington (Selma Blair).Will Elle start to take law school seriously? Will she try to get Warren back? Will the opportunity for her to shine arise? Of course these things will happen, but there are actually a few surprises along the way. Elle and Vivian’s relationship takes an unexpected turn. The girls from home don’t arrive to shake things up (at least for a while). And most importantly, Elle is actually smart. Well, at least when it comes to hair treatment and fashion. But still, Elle is never dumbed down, and she never once comes across as fake or annoying.Some of the material here is throw-away. There’s an entire subplot involving a manicurist and a delivery man that seems thrown in to extend the running time. The scenes involving the subplot range from generic and predictable (a custody battle over a dog and a nose injury from flirting) to confusing and unnecessary (particularly the "bend and snap" dance sequence). The courtroom scenes are funny, and they stay true to Elle’s character. I liked how she outs a witness from his observation about designer shoes (prompting the biggest laugh in the movie). Essentially, this is Witherspoon’s movie. She’s charming and funny and stays consistent with her character while never going over the top with her shortcomings. They could have been played for easy laughs, and I appreciate the movie’s restraint.I’m surprised how much the movie grew on me. It starts off like a Clueless rehash, but then once Elle gets to Harvard, it actually gets funny in its own way. It’s harmless, amusing, and semi-smart entertainment, and that’s far better than most of the comedies around. 



















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