hierarchy of difficulty(对表示尊重、尊敬英语 急用!谢谢啦)

2024-07-06 00:21:49 8

hierarchy of difficulty(对表示尊重、尊敬英语 急用!谢谢啦)


对表示尊重、尊敬英语 急用!谢谢啦


Respect, respect for sth


I respect his judgement and I’ll follow any advice he gives me.



Why respect is important? going back in time, respect played an important role in survival. if we think of a *** all tribe wandering in the desert,we can imagine that a person not respected by anyone could be left behind and die. such a person was considered to have no worth, no importance, no value to the group.This, i believe is the foundation of our psychological need to feel respected.Nowadays it seems much more possible to survive without being respected. someone could, for example, inherit a large sum of money, have many servants and employees and have sale *** en constantly calling on him and catering to him,yet not be respected in the least. someone could also make a lot of money through having a particular talent which is valued, such as being able to dunk a basketball yet not really be respected, perhaps because of the way he treats others.


您好:Respect,is face with a sincere *** ile,Respect,is published in others different opinions when listening,Respect for others,is the effort applaud.Respect looks like just dedication to the people around.Respect is a great wisdom,because she knows so passion.Respect others and has similarities beeen hard,meet the panion of excitement caper enough to cover "respect" that level slightly light.The difficulty is respect for others and yourself the differences.You think that *** oking is harmful to health and environmental pollution but he regard it as a swap,he said the life should be proactive fresh strong but you just plain blue sky.another 1 fortable life,thank vou everyone endless and same difference,respect is keep policy.it millions of his own life creed and from the objective perspective to appreciate the eyes to see each other,not demanding the same,but face are motiva ted.So,respect other people’s respect myself.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~

关于对尊重的理解的英语文章 200词左右

为什么尊重很重要?(Why Respect Is Important?)Why respect is importantgoing back in time, respect played an important role in survival. if we think of a *** all tribe wandering in the desert,we can imagine that a person not respected by anyone could be left behind and die. such a person was considered to have no worth, no importance, no value to the group.This, i believe is the foundation of our psychological need to feel respected.Nowadays it seems much more possible to survive without being respected. someone could, for example, inherit a large sum of money, have many servants and employees and have sale *** en constantly calling on him and catering to him,yet not be respected in the least. someone could also make a lot of money through having a particular talent which is valued, such as being able to dunk a basketball yet not really be respected, perhaps because of the way he treats others.Still, there is a value to respect which money can’t buy.Though someone’s life might not depend on it, there are times, many times in fact, when another person has the chance to make a personal decision--a judgment call. when that person feels sincere respect for someone else, they will make a different decision than if they feel no respect, even if they have customarily shown a false, pseudo-respect to the person.In summary, it is for both evolutionary and practical reasons that respect is important, and also why we simply feel better when we are respected.



When it es to the issue of respects, some people say that they will respect others in the condition that others show respect to them, and some people say that they only respect the stronger and richer persons. In my opinion, all men need to respect others and be respected.Firstly, all men are born to be equal. Regardleof one’s appearance, social status, health conditions and financial conditions, he has the right to be respected as a member of the society. Whereas, a criminal may be look down upon because equality is partly conditional. Since the criminal has done something harmful to the society, his rights are deprived by the law. But his basic human rights left will still be respected.Secondly, respects, in other word, esteems are crucial to an individual. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, men have five levels of needs: physiological, safety, belonging/love, esteem and self-actualization. Since we are living in 21st. century, a peaceful time, the theme of our life is peace and developing. So when we have solved the problems of surviving and safety, we are eager to achieve the other three needs. Among the three, as far as I am concerned, esteem is the base of belonging and self-actualization. We cannot live freely and fortable without others respects and esteem. Esteems are the beginning of love and the ultimate result of self-actualization.To sum up, a healthy society contains respects of each other. Aesop said, treat other people as you hope they will treat you. Therefore, please show respects to other people and you will be respected.


Respect to OthersWhen it es to the issue of respects, some people say that they will respect others in the condition that others show respect to them, and some people say that they only respect the stronger and richer persons. In my opinion, all men need to respect others and be respected.Firstly, all men are born to be equal. Regardless of one’s appearance, social status, health conditions and financial conditions, he has the right to be respected as a member of the society. Whereas, a criminal may be look down upon because equality is partly conditional. Since the criminal has done something harmful to the society, his rights are deprived by the law. But his basic human rights left will still be respected.


My mother is the person I admire the most because she has the following good qualities. Firstly, she is a tolerant person. She will be tolerant to other people’s mistakes including mine. When I make a mistake, she will let me know why I am wrong and how I am going to do to correct them, rather than simply punish me. Secondly, she is such a talented person who not only has great achievements in her work, but also can cook delicious food for my dad and me. Although she is very busy at her work, she still acpanies me see the film and go to parks on weekends. 这样的水平无需翻译



My father is the man I respect most.Stern as he may be, he never fails to show his care and consideration.Once I broke a neighbor’s window.Seeing nobody around, I ran away immediately.我父亲是我最尊敬的人。




When Dad came home, he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what had happened.I could only tell him the truth.Rather than scold me, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize to our neighbor.I learned from this episode that not only does Dad take care of our health but he also teaches us how to be good citizens.How lucky I am to have such a good father!当父亲回家时,他注意到我的不安,因而询问我发生了什么事。





怎样尊重别人展开一篇英语作文80词左右 及翻译

Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy.It is very difficult to find a better definition of friendship. A true friend does indeed find pleasure in our joy and share sorrow in our grief. In time of trial, he or she is always at our side to give us his or her help and fort.Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in our choice of a friend. We must choose someonewho has a good character, whose activities are good and who shows kindness of heart. We should avoid those shallow people who are easily changed by adversities or misfortune.A true friend can always be trusted, loved and respected. If you tell a friend your secrets, he or she won’t tell anyone else. Friends share each other’s joys and sorrows.They help each other when they are in trouble, and cheer each other up when they are sad. The most important thing is that a friend always understands you. In conclusion, when you have made a good friend, don’t fet him or her.我们一生中不能没有友谊.它是人们最大的快乐之一.很难给友谊找到一个更好的定义.一个真正的朋友会与我们分享快乐与悲伤. 在考验人的时刻, 他或她总会站在我们一边,帮助我们,安慰我们.知道了友谊的珍贵,在择友时我们就应非常谨慎.然而,选择朋友并不容易.我们一定要选择那些性格好、行为好、心地好的人.应避免选择那些遇到逆境或不幸就很容易改变的人.一个真正的朋友总是让人信任、喜爱和尊敬的.如果你把自己的秘密告诉了朋友,他不会告诉别人.朋友之间会分享快乐和悲伤.当他们遇到困难时,会互相帮助;当他们悲伤时,会互相鼓励.最重要的是,朋友总是能理解你.最后说一句,当你交到好友时,不要轻易忘记他

The Man I Respect MostMy father is the man I respect most. Stern as he may be, he never fails to show his care and consideration. Once I broke a neighbor’s window. Seeing nobody around, I ran away immediately. When Dad came home, he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what had happened. I could only tell him the truth. Rather than scold me, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize to our neighbor. I learned from this episode that not only does Dad take care of our health but he also teaches us how to be good citizens. How lucky I am to have such a good father!

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difficulty的读音是:英。difficulty的读音是:英。difficulty的意思是n.困难;争议;麻烦。difficulty名词复数:difficulties。一、详尽释义点此查看difficulty的详细内容n.(名词)困难,艰难难事,难题,难点,难局,难处,难关异议,反对争论,纠葛困境,逆境,财政困难,拮据;危难障碍麻烦二、双解释义n.(名词)困难; 难度 state or quality of being difficult; trouble or effort that sth involves难事; 麻烦 difficult thing to do; a situation or problem that causes trouble三、网络解释1. 难度:a) 难度(Difficulty)赛_选手采先锋攀登_由下方确保. 各个快扣根据规定事先依序挂上. 选手以达到之高度(在横渡或天花板部份_沿其路线之轴线的最大距离)决定其该场之名次_b) 难度淘汰(Difficulty-Duel)赛_此类比赛之技术规则与一般难度赛相同.2. difficulty2. _易度:测验的内容细则可阐明在计量心理学(psychometrics)方面所期望的试题的特性,比如,难易度(difficulty)和鉴别度(discrimination),以及所期望的测验特徵(如,试卷平均难度、试题间的相关系数、和信度).3. 困难度:射击测试的困难度(difficulty)等於射击部队队长与目标部队队长间测量的射程距离. 玩家投掷的骰数等於所使用武器的攻击次数(attack rate)乘上进行射击的战士数. 测试失败的结果可以重掷等於该武器重掷数(Re-roll value)的次数.4. difficulty的解释4.difficulty:diffc; 难度动作四、例句He experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country.他申请出国签证经历了很大的困难。He faced the difficulty with courage.他勇敢地面对困难。Have you any concrete thoughts on how to deal with this difficulty?处理这种困难你有什么具体的想法?A difficulty has cropped up at work.工作中突然出现困难。We accepted this arrangement without difficulty.我们毫无争议地接受了这个安排。Why do you come to me with every little difficulty?你为什么有一点小麻烦便来找我?But now she was in another difficulty.但现在,她又遇到麻烦。He will get into some trouble or difficulty, otherwise.不然的话,他会招麻烦的。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~avoid difficulty回避困难cause a difficulty出难题,制造麻烦clear away difficulty扫除困难clear up a difficulty排除困难come across difficulty碰到困难experience -ties经历种种困难face a difficulty面对困难fall into a difficulty陷入困境get into a difficulty陷入困境get out of difficulty摆脱困境get over a difficulty克服困境give rise to difficulty造成困难increase difficulty增加困难iron out difficulty消除困难make difficulty造成麻烦,提出异议make no difficulty表示无异议,表示赞同,没有差别meet difficulty碰到困难offer difficulty产生困难present difficulty出难题,制造麻烦raise difficulty为难,表示异议remove difficulty排除困难run into difficulty碰到困难形容词+~disheartening difficulty令人沮丧的困难economic difficulty经济困难familiar difficulty熟知的困难financial difficulty财政困难great difficulty巨大的困难political difficulty政治困难practical difficulty实际困难serious difficulty严重的困难technical difficulty技术方面的困难名词+~language difficulty语言困难money difficulty经济困难~+名词difficulty breathing呼吸困难介词+~after difficulty经过困难in difficulty处境困难a number of -ties许多困难a series of -ties一系列的困难all sorts of -ties各种困难degree of difficulty难度under difficulty在困难情况下with difficulty困难地~+介词difficulty about a matter关于某事的困难difficulty between two persons两人之间的不和difficulty in breathing呼吸困难difficulty in (learning) a foreign language(学习)外语上的困难六、经典引文Peifer twisted around on the sofa, slowly and with difficulty.出自:J. Thurber七、词语用法n.(名词)difficulty作“困难,麻烦”解时,指必须付出大量的思考和运用技巧才能解决的任何困难,当表示抽象的困难时,是不可数名词,既不能与不定冠词连用,也不能用于复数形式; 表示具体的难处、难事、麻烦时,是可数名词,既可与不定冠词连用,也可用于复数形式。difficulty引申还可作“困境(尤指经济上的拮据)”解,这时常用复数形式。difficulty后常接“of+ n. / v -ing”或“in+ v -ing”作定语, in有时可省去,不用动词不定式。difficulty的相关临近词diffidence、difficult、difficulty time、difficulty test、difficulty level、difficulty score、difficulty index、difficulty order、difficulty scale、difficulty tests、Difficulty point、difficulty arise点此查看更多关于difficulty的详细信息


difficulty是名词形式,意思是困难; 难题; 难事; 困境; 艰难; 费劲; 辛苦; 困难程度; 难度。


1、They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty. 他们面对困难表现了坚强的毅力。

2、The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty.按照困难程度对工作进行了分类。

3、I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.我认为这个问题不太难解决。

4、You soon get used to the little difficulties.你很快就会习惯这些小小的不便了。

5、His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures.不断增加的经济困难迫使他采取了挺而走险的办法。

6、The company has got itself into difficulties.公司本身陷入了困境。

7、The government had to bail the company out of financial difficulty.政府只得帮助该公司渡过财政难关。

8、He found the place without difficulty.他毫不费力地找到了那地方。

9、The changes were made with surprisingly little difficulty.这些变化几乎没有遇到阻力,简直不可思议。

10、We found the house without difficulty.我们轻而易举就找到了这栋房子。

hierarchy of difficulty(对表示尊重、尊敬英语 急用!谢谢啦)



hierarchy of difficulty(difficulty的用法)

hierarchy of difficulty(difficulty的用法)

大家好,关于hierarchy of difficulty很多朋友都还不太明白,不过没关系,因为今天小编就来为大家分享关于difficulty的用法的知识点,相信应该可以解决大家的一些困惑和问题,如果碰巧可以解决您的问题,还望关注下本站哦,

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