divine sense(python怎么使用wordnet)

2024-07-23 06:51:24 7

divine sense(python怎么使用wordnet)



Wordnet是一个词典。每个词语(word)可能有多个不同的语义,对应不同的sense。而每个不同的语义(sense)又可能对应多个词,如topic和subject在某些情况下是同义的,一个sense中的多个消除了多义性的词语叫做lemma。例如,“publish”是一个word,它可能有多个sense:1. (39) print,publish -- (put into print; "The newspaper published the news of the royalcouple’s divorce"; "These news should not be printed")2. (14) publish,bring out, put out, issue, release -- (prepare and issue for publicdistribution or sale; "publish a magazine or newspaper")3. (4) publish,write -- (have (one’s written work) issued for publication; "How manybooks did Georges Simenon write?"; "She published 25 books during herlong career") 在第一个sense中,print和publish都是lemma。Sense 1括号内的数字39表示publish以sense 1在某外部语料中出现的次数。显然,publish大多数时候以sense 1出现,很少以sense 3出现。 WordNet的具体用法NLTK是python的一个自然语言处理工具,其中提供了访问wordnet各种功能的函数。下面简单列举一些常用功能: 得到wordnet本身:from nltk.corpusimport wordnet 获得一个词的所有sense,包括词语的各种变形的sense:wordnet.synsets(’published’)

培根随笔论友谊 论逆境原文

论友谊(培根) “唯有圣人与野兽,才能在孤独中,自得其乐。”——这句话表达的观点,有对有错。对社会的恨,对社会的排斥,这种倾向,不管出现在谁身上,都是兽性的表现,并没有什么神圣的成分。除非他离群索居,不是为了享受孤独带来的快乐,而是出于对更高级的交流的追求。在一些异教徒身上,这样的追求徒有虚名,比如加拿大人艾皮蒙埃德、罗马人努摩、西西里岛人埃皮多科,以及他拿人阿婆罗诺。只有为数不多的古代隐士与及圣洁的神父,才让我们看到这样的追求的存在。人们很少能明白,孤独为何物,孤独存于何处。熙攘的人群中,没有你的同伴,那里没有爱:目光所触,一张张好像是从美术展览馆的图像上复制下来的脸孔,冷若冰霜;耳朵所闻,那些高谈阔论,跟钹发出的叮咚声没什么区别。拉丁语里有句格言,也表达相似的意思:一座城市,一片荒野。这是因为,居住在大城市里,可以做朋友的人散落在大街小巷,与你比邻而居的情况,少之又少。进一步说,纯粹而惨淡的孤独,就是对真正朋友的渴求——没有朋友,世界就是一片荒野,空虚而寂寥。天性注定一些人永远与友谊无缘,这也是一种孤独;但这种孤独,与野兽的孤独相同,无关人性。 人有悲欢离合。友谊之重要在于,它能够稀释排解我们心头郁结的情绪。因阻塞而引起的疾病,对我们身体的危害尤大,远甚于思想上的闭塞。萨洒(药名,音译)清肝,铁能通脾,硫磺的气味通肺,卡脱露(药名,音译)明脑。唯有朋友,才能让人敞开心扉,除此外别无他物。你将与他一起,带着向善的心情,分担悲伤、恐惧、怀疑,分享欢乐、希望、忠告。 原文: Of friendship IT HAD been hard for him that spake it to have put more truth and untruth together in few words, than in that speech, Whatsoever is delighted in solitude, is either a wild beast or a god. For it is most true, that a natural and secret hatred, and aversation towards society, in any man, hath somewhat of the savage beast; but it is most untrue, that it should have any character at all, of the divine nature; except it proceed, not out of a pleasure in solitude, but out of a love and desire to sequester a man’s self, for a higher conversation: such as is found to have been falsely and feignedly in some of the heathen; as Epimenides the Canadian, Numa the Roman, Empedocles the Sicilian, and Apollonius of Tyana; and truly and really, in divers of the ancient hermits and holy fathers of the church. But little do men perceive what solitude is, and how far it extendeth. For a crowd is not company; and faces are but a gallery of pictures; and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love. The Latin adage meeteth with it a little: Magna civitas , magna solitudo; because in a great town friends are scattered; so that there is not that fellowship, for the most part, which is in less neighborhoods. But we may go further, and affirm most truly, that it is a mere and miserable solitude to want true friends; without which the world is but a wilderness; and even in this sense also of solitude, whosoever in the frame of his nature and affections, is unfit for friendship, he taketh it of the beast, and not from humanity. A principal fruit of friendship, is the ease and discharge of the fulness and swellings of the heart, which passions of all kinds do cause and induce. We know diseases of stoppings, and suffocations, are the most dangerous in the body; and it is not much otherwise in the mind; you may take sarza to open the liver, steel to open the spleen, flowers of sulphur for the lungs, castoreum for the brain; but no receipt openeth the heart, but a true friend; to whom you may impart griefs, joys, fears, hopes, suspicions, counsels, and whatsoever lieth upon the heart to oppress it, in a kind of civil shrift or confession.

求翻译!heartbeats - the knife的中文歌词!



暗系电子乐队“The Knife”:

  “刀”乐队(the Knife)是由来自瑞典的兄妹俩Olof Dreijer和Karin Dreijer Andersson共同组建,在目前为止所发行的3张作品中,每张作品都较之前作有质的提升。2004年的专辑《深切》(Deep Cuts)中着名的单曲《心跳》(Heartbeats)后来还被独立音乐界的新新艺人乔斯·冈萨雷斯(JoséGonzalez)予以去电后的翻唱演绎,而“刀”乐队的原作品则是裹杂着混乱而撕裂般的鼓击采样、欢快的硬核节拍以及无伤大雅的合成器流行乐风的即兴演奏。

  虽然同样来自瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩(Stockholm)的双人电子音乐单位多不胜数,但能够像The Knife这样有条理地制作音乐、拍摄短片自然并不多见。发表过两张专辑以及帮Stina Nordenstam、Jenny Wilson等艺人担任歌曲混音,并以一首Heartbeats掳获Jose Gonzalez的青睐;多次拿下瑞典最佳音乐组合与音乐录像带等等奖项,今年更受邀为英国BBC Radio 6担任两小时的演出嘉宾,The Knife在今日的瑞典音乐圈中可说是锋芒毕露。

  第三张专辑"Silent Shout"已于本月15日于瑞典当地先行面世,而欧洲及其它地区则得等到三月20日。取自新专辑的首支同名单曲Silent Shout获得先前为Heartbeats操刀的导演Andreas Nilsson制作音乐录像带。为配合新专辑的发行,兄妹俩不但换上音乐录像带里头的乌鸦装扮相,并更新了官方网站的相片。根据Olof的说法,新专辑"Silent Shout"将是一张探讨黑暗与超现实主义的音乐作品;他们甚至还将录音室搬迁至一所中世纪建筑的旧教堂地下。


The Knife - Heartbeats 

One night to be confused   一夜的迷乱

one night to speed up truth    加速了靠近真相的脚步

we had a promise made    我们缔结誓约

four hands and then away    双手相系离开

both under influence    在神的感召下

we had divine scent    我们得到神喻

to know what to say    知道该说什么

mind is a razor blade   思想就如剃刀片般清明

To call for hands of above to lean on    对我来说,呼唤上帝的依靠

wouldn’t be good enough for me    已不足够

One night of magic rush    一夜魔法般的冲动

the start:a simple touch    只源于一个轻触

one night to push and scream    一夜的冲刺、尖叫

and then relief    后又归于平静

ten days of perfect tunes    完美诗歌般的10天

the colours red and blue    颜色是红和蓝

we had a promise made    我们缔结誓约

we were in love    我们坠入爱河

To call for hands of above to lean on    对我来说,呼唤上帝的依靠

wouldn’t be good enough for me    已不足够

And you   而你

you knew the hand of a devil   你了解魔鬼的利爪

and you   而你

kept us awake with wolves teeth    你让我们在浪群的利牙中保持清醒

sharing different heart beats in one night    在一夜的时间中分享心跳

To call for hands of above to lean on    对我来说,呼唤上帝的依靠

wouldn’t be good enough for me     已不足够

Clyde Mcphatter的《Baby, Baby》 歌词

Clyde Mcphatter的《Baby, Baby》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby, Baby 歌手:Clyde Mcphatter 专辑:Lover Please/The Complete Mgm & Mercury Singles Baby,Baby Vocal:市松椿 绫仓盟 Arrange:Syrufit Oringinal:禁じざるをえない游戯 Lrc:circu *** ayoko 崩れていく理想の会话 ロープレ通りできないなら 予习したって意味がなくて むなしいだけ whatever you say はぐらかして楽しんでる 私一人置いてけぼり 肝心なとき頼れなくて 寂しいだけ そうきっと 君は一人でも生きていけるからそんな逞しいんだ 弱く生れた私には难しいことばかり Baby,baby!Are you here? 君の心が どこか知らない场所にあって Baby,maybe you’re not here ガラス越しでも 消せないまま 大好き goodbye Baby,baby!Do you hear? 本当の気持ち 隠さないでよ 大丈夫って 君の指先 触れたまつげが 证明する 大好き goodbye Baby,baby!Are you here? Baby,maybe you’re not here Baby,baby!Do you hear? I’m not ready to tell you goodbye 分かり合ったつもりだった 本当は长い からっぽの距离 気づかなくて 手を伸ばした 踏み外して I almost fall down! 马鹿みたいで耻ずかしくて でも君には言えなかった もっと近くに行きたかった 寂しだけ そう まだ 君が何を背负っているのか何一つ知らないんだ 辛いことや苦しいこといろいろあったのかな Baby,baby!Are you here 君の欠片が 砂漠みたいな场所にあって Baby,maybe you’re not here 私の手では 连れ出せない ごめんね goodbye Baby,maybe you’re not here 私の気持ち 包み込んでよ 平気たよって 君の视线で 捕えたんなら 证明して 大好き明 goodbye Baby,baby!Are you here 君の心が どこか知らない场所にあって Baby,maybe you’re not here ガラス越しでも 消せないまま 大好き goodbye Baby,baby!Are you here 本当の気持ち 隠さないでよ 大丈夫って 君の指先 触れたまつげが 证明する 大好き goodbye Baby,baby!Are you here? Baby,maybe you’re not here Baby,baby!Do you hear? I’m not ready to tell you goodbye :music.baidu./song/7389122


one more try 歌手:stevie b 专辑:timmy t It’s been a long time since you left me I didn’t mean to make you cry I didn’t mean to disappoint you I didn’t mean to tell you lies And after all that we have been through Won’t you let me tell you why One more try I didn’t know how much I loved you One more try Let me put my arms around you stevie_b Living all these lonely night without you Oh baby, can we give it one more try It’s been a long time since I kissed you It always used to feel so good And if you knew how much I’ve missed you You’d five me if you could And now that we have found each other Can’t we give it one more try One more try I didn’t know how much I loved you One more try Let me put my arms around you Oh baby, can we give it one more try And after all that we have been through Won’t you let me tell you why And now that we have found each other Can’t we give it one more try One more try I didn’t know how much I loved you One more try Let me put my arms around you Living all these lonely nights without you Oh baby, can we give it one more try Oh girl, you know I love you I just want you to know, our love I’ll always treasure So please just don’t let me go one more try 歌手:divine 专辑:fairy tales Had enough danger With people on the streets Looking out for angels (angels) Just tryin tah find some peace mmm I think it’s time (now i think it’s time) It’s time that you let me know (you let me know) So if you love me, say you love me And if u don’t.. just let me go Teach her the things That i don’t want to learn (things that i don’t want to learn) And the last one i had made me cry So i don’t want to learn to Hold you, touch you And think that you’re mine Divine Cuz it ain’t no world for an uptown girl Teacher has told her goodbye, goodbye, oh goodbye When u were just a stranger I was at your feet (oooh) I didn’t feel danger Now i feel the heat (yeah) The look in your eyes (the lookin your eyes) The look in those girly eyes Is tellin me (is tellin me) No, so you think that u love me No, that you need me I wrote this song, i know it’s wrong Just let me go Teach her the things There are things that i don’t want to learn (things that i don’t want to Learn) (ooh yeah) So i don’t want to learn to Hold you, touch you Think that you’re mine No world for an uptown girl Teacher has told her goodbye, goodbye, oh goodbye So i don’t want to learn to Hold you, touch you Think that you’re mine No world for an uptown girl Who just isn’t willin to try So cold (so cold) Inside (inside) Oooh baby just one more (gimme one more try) Gimme one more try to ease my mind I feel so cold inside Gimme one more try to ease my mind I feel so cold inside Gimme one more try to ease my mind I feel so cold inside ONE MORE TRY 歌手:richard marx 专辑:paid vacation There was nothing missing, it was just a case of foolishness Girl, i must’ve been crazy Something i would just as soon fet I can only say i’m sorry and leave it up to you to say the rest Chorus If you want to go, girl, i won’t stand in your way But i’ll stand by you if you decide you want to stay Baby, don’t you see Doesn’t have to be forever or goodbye All i’m asking for is one more try I’m the one who hurt you, still i know the pain you’re going through And even if you show fiveness, there may be too much damage to undo I hear these voices telling me not to give up on you Chorus My heart and soul are searching Trying to find a way To bring your love back to me Still i hear these voices telling me not to give up on you Chorus

Blue Cafe的《Baby, Baby》 歌词

歌曲:Baby baby 专辑名称:First love 歌手姓名:Karina Pasian 发行日期:2008 by dtlz Uh uh baby baby uh uh baby -Verse 1:] Your the mission up in this option... I ain’t walking round here less(baby baby) I know them girls be gettin it poppin, strange way of gettin it poppin (baby baby) And if you can’t see it through these jeans then you won’t see it up on me (baby baby) It’s best to tell you don’t waste ya time, ya eyes don’t make me fine (baby baby) -Chorus:] I ain’t heared that g.a.m.e, y give you my love if you can’t see that I ain’t givng you whateva u want boy, I ain’t anotha toy in ya toybox for me It’s my love and my love ain’t free, it’s ya mamma fault that you can’t see that, it’s all good, pick up ya fate boy, it’s all good pick up ya fate boy... all my girlz like (uh uh baby baby, uh uh baby baby) -Verse 2:] A good good boy, s the promisin, eva since good boys ain’t so mon and good sense ain’t so mon, go head make stupid look real funny then. 2morrow might be evry word in the hook, so call me every word in the book (baby baby. it’s best to tell you don’t wast e ya time... ya eyes don’t make me fine -Chorus] I ain’t heared that g.a.m.e, y give you my love if you can’t see that I ain’t givng you whateva u want boy, I ain’t anotha toy in ya toybox for me It’s my love and my love ain’t free, it’s ya mamma fault that you can’t see that, it’s all good, pick up ya fate boy, it’s all good pick up ya fate boy... all my girlz like (uh uh baby baby, uh uh baby baby) -Lil Mama:] Karina wen he think he a pimp, what you tell em -Karina Pasian:] See you call it pimpin but I call it slippin -Lil Mama:] Cause we don’t get down like dat(noooooo) -Karina Pasian:] I’m a say wat I say with or without your attention (uh uh baby uh uh baby) -Lil Mama:] I been up on this block so long like old tomers. thought he stand for good cause like obama. through my girls off... some *** art, some dumber, the *** art was sueed, the ova s {Baby baby} -Lil Mama:] Hotter it got the more they took off. and the hotter I got the more I took off. fly like a eagle, tell da boy I don’t need em. karina mama leada. the voice of the young people -Chorus: til fade] I ain’t heared that g.a.m.e, y give you my love if you can’t see that I ain’t givng you whateva u want boy, I ain’t anotha toy in ya toybox for me It’s my love and my love ain’t free, it’s ya mamma fault that you can’t see that, it’s all good, pick up ya fate boy, it’s all good pick up ya fate boy... all my girlz like (uh uh baby baby, uh uh baby baby) :music.baidu./song/2569790

Various Artist的《Baby Baby》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Baby 歌手:Various Artist 专辑:Baby Baby Baby,Baby Vocal:市松椿 绫仓盟 Arrange:Syrufit Oringinal:禁じざるをえない游戯 Lrc:circu *** ayoko 崩れていく理想の会话 ロープレ通りできないなら 予习したって意味がなくて むなしいだけ whatever you say はぐらかして楽しんでる 私一人置いてけぼり 肝心なとき頼れなくて 寂しいだけ そうきっと 君は一人でも生きていけるからそんな逞しいんだ 弱く生れた私には难しいことばかり Baby,baby!Are you here? 君の心が どこか知らない场所にあって Baby,maybe you’re not here ガラス越しでも 消せないまま 大好き goodbye Baby,baby!Do you hear? 本当の気持ち 隠さないでよ 大丈夫って 君の指先 触れたまつげが 证明する 大好き goodbye Baby,baby!Are you here? Baby,maybe you’re not here Baby,baby!Do you hear? I’m not ready to tell you goodbye 分かり合ったつもりだった 本当は长い からっぽの距离 気づかなくて 手を伸ばした 踏み外して I almost fall down! 马鹿みたいで耻ずかしくて でも君には言えなかった もっと近くに行きたかった 寂しだけ そう まだ 君が何を背负っているのか何一つ知らないんだ 辛いことや苦しいこといろいろあったのかな Baby,baby!Are you here 君の欠片が 砂漠みたいな场所にあって Baby,maybe you’re not here 私の手では 连れ出せない ごめんね goodbye Baby,maybe you’re not here 私の気持ち 包み込んでよ 平気たよって 君の视线で 捕えたんなら 证明して 大好き明 goodbye Baby,baby!Are you here 君の心が どこか知らない场所にあって Baby,maybe you’re not here ガラス越しでも 消せないまま 大好き goodbye Baby,baby!Are you here 本当の気持ち 隠さないでよ 大丈夫って 君の指先 触れたまつげが 证明する 大好き goodbye Baby,baby!Are you here? Baby,maybe you’re not here Baby,baby!Do you hear? I’m not ready to tell you goodbye :music.baidu./song/2819675


You know you love me,I know you care 我知道你爱我,我知道你在意 just shout whenever, And I’ll be there 无论何时你呼唤我,我都会及时出现 You want my love, You want my heart 你想要我的爱,想要我的心 And we would never ever ever be apart 我们将一直永远不分离 Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是在一起的吧?女孩别折磨我了 we’re just friends, what are you saying 你说我们只是朋友 ,我却不这么认为 Said there’s another as you look right in my eyes 而你直视我的眼睛说你心里有别人 My first love broke my heart for the first time 我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心 And I was like然后我说 Baby, baby, baby ohh亲爱的 亲爱的 亲爱的 like baby, baby, baby noo 我说 亲爱的 亲爱的 亲爱的 不 like baby, baby, baby ohh 我说 亲爱的 亲爱的 亲爱的 I thought you’d always be mine mine 我以为你会永远是我的 我的 Baby, baby, baby ohh like baby, baby, baby noo like baby, baby, baby ohh I thought you’d always be mine,mine 我以为你会永远是我的 我的 oh oh For you, I would have done whatever 为了你,我可以赴汤蹈火 and I just can’t believe we ain’t together 而我无法相信我们不在一起了 And I wanna play it cool,but I’m losin’ you 我想把爱情玩的很酷,但是我却失去了你 I’ll buy you anything, I’ll buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西,我会给你买任何戒指 now I’m in pieces , baby fix me 现在我内心已成为碎片,宝贝请修复我 And just shake me till you wake me from this bad dream 请把我从这个噩梦里摇醒 I’m going down, down, down,down 我变得越来越沮丧 And I just can’t believe my first love won’t be around 我只是不敢相信我的初恋会不在我的身边 and now I’m like Baby, baby, baby ohh like baby, baby, baby noo like baby, baby, baby ohh I thought you’d always be mine mine 同上 When i was 13 I had my first love 当我13岁时,我有了我的初恋 there was nobody that pared to my baby 没有人可以和我的宝贝相比 And nobody came beeen us no one could ever e above 并且没有任何人可以介入我们也没有人可以比我们更高 She had me goin’ crazy 她让我变得疯狂 Oh i was star-struck. oh我为她沉迷 She woke me up daily don’t need no starbucks 她每天叫醒我,不需要星巴克(咖啡) She made my heart pound I skip a beat when i see her in the street 她让我心跳加速 当我在街上见到她时,心跳会漏一拍 And at school, on the playground 在学校和操场也是一样 But i really wanna see her on the weekend 但是我还想在周末见到她、 She knows she got me dazing 她知道她令我眩晕 Cause she was so amazing 因为她是如此炫丽 and now my heart is breaking 而现在我的心正在碎裂 But i just keep on saying 但是我还是继续在说。。。 Baby, baby, baby ohh like baby, baby, baby noo like baby, baby, baby ohh I thought you’d always be mine x2 yeah yeah yeah ~ I’m gone 我离开了

歌词是ilove baby baby,i love baby baby。中文歌就著这两句歌词

Ilove you 演唱: A Taste Of Honey 想着 想着 你的脸 手中咖啡不觉 已喝完 想着 想着 在一边 没有你的夜晚 快乐会远离我一光年 你的眼神 每度沉醉 让我沉醉 漫天星光 是我的歌 动情的唱着 Baby I love you love you love you Baby I love you 请给我你的手 全世界去漫游 Baby I love you love you love you Baby I love you 让所有的面孔 都为爱而感动 Baby I love you 想着 想着 你的脸 手中咖啡不觉 已喝完 想着 想着 在一边 没有你的夜晚 快乐会远离我一光年 你的眼神 每度沉醉 让我沉醉 漫天星光 是我的歌 动情的唱着 Baby I love you love you love you Baby I love you 请给我你的手 去世界去漫游 Baby I love you love you love you Baby I love you 让所有的面孔 都为爱而感动 Baby I love you 不要预言我们的以后 让感觉慢慢的成熟 不去想黑夜或白昼 瞬间或永久 让我们快乐着 唱着歌 随着自由的节奏 噢~~~ I love you love you love you Baby I love you 请给我你的手 去世界去漫游 Baby I love you love you love you Baby I love you 让所有的面孔 都为爱而感动 Baby I love you I love you

baby baby baby baby o baby baby o baby 歌词是什么歌

是不是《飞机场的10:30》——97年老大的同名专辑主打歌 应该没错,这是歌词 10:30的飞机快要到了 机场还是那么的拥挤 我喝来喝去可乐还是要剩一点 剩一点给你 oh yeh for my baby 一年前的我们过的那么快乐 充满笑与泪的时光 baby 我以为走下去是一种默契 你却说你需要离开 需要一些空间呼吸 baby baby baby baby oh baby baby oh baby 是不是拥有以后就会开始要失去 我给你的越多 你却要想要躲 爱已无法回答所有的问题 baby 10:30的飞机已经到了 可是你的影子没出现 我想你可能在等待你的行李 和你的红色和白色的披衣 1:30的我在回家的路上 旅客名单没你的名字 我想你已经做了最后决定 哦我已失去你 baby baby baby baby oh baby baby oh baby 是不是爱给的不够所以你要怀疑 你还再想要吗 你要不要回家 人总是傻到失去才想要珍惜


You Know I still Love You Baby. And it will never change I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody



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