
2024-07-15 09:19:58 4




(2)汇聚;聚集 。如:汇奏(汇集);汇出(集中涌现);汇刻(汇集刊行);汇萃(汇集;会聚)汇报huìbào 综合材料向上级(或群众)报告汇报工作汇编huìbiān(1) 类集编次汇编了一部大书(2)∶汇总成的书籍或文件农业或自然科学方面最佳书目的汇编(3)∶把用符号语言写成的计算机程序自动转换为机器语言形式汇兑huìduì 邮电局或银行根据委托人的要求,把钱汇寄给收款者汇兑业务汇费huìfèi 汇款时按汇款额交付的手续费汇合huìhé(1)∶水流会合两条河流汇合成为一个湖(2)∶与…合在一起和他的朋友汇合汇划huìhuà 即以汇兑方法划付款项汇集huìjí 累积将大多数选票汇集起来汇寄huìjì 汇款;寄钱汇寄10元即邮去所需材料汇价huìjià 汇率汇聚huìjù 聚集;会聚汇款huìkuǎn(1)∶把款汇出(2)∶寄汇给另外某人或某地的一笔款项收到一笔汇款汇流huìliú(1)∶朝一点流动(2)(3)在三维流动中,流体自各方向均匀地流向一点的空间流动(4)在二维流动中,流体自垂直于一直线的各方向均匀地流向该直线的平面流动汇流环huìliúhuán 辐射式飞机发动机的环形排气歧管汇拢huìlǒng 把分散的东西集中;聚集;聚合三股人群汇拢在一起汇率huìlǜ 某国货币对外汇的比价汇票huìpiào(1)∶由银行开出,凭以兑取汇款的票据银行汇票(2)∶一种短期可转让的财务票据。它是由一人(即货物卖主)向另一人(即买主)或其委托的银行开出,并要求后者立即或于确定日期对指定人或持票人支付一定金额的书面通知(3)∶汇款单邮政汇票汇水huìshuǐ 汇费汇演huìyǎn 会演汇映huìyìng 选出若干部影片集中上映汇映开始时,团体订票十分踊跃,个别购票盛况空前……汇注huìzhù(1)∶交汇灌注(2)∶汇编集注汇总huìzǒng 汇集到一起把材料汇总上报


IntroductionPreface1 English lexicology1.1 Introduction1.2 The relation of lexicology to other branches of linguistics1.3 Two approaches to the study of English lexicology1.4 Aims and significance of the course of English lexicology1.5 Questions and tasks2 The development of the English vocabulary2.1 English today2.2 The Indo-European language family2.3 Native words and borrowed words2.4 English people and English vocabulary2.5 The divisions of the history of the English language2.6 The perfection of the English language2.7 Questions and tasks3 Word3.1 Introduction3.2 Sound and meaning3.3 Sound and form3.4 Lexemes,words and vocabulary3.5 Classification of words3.6 Word structure3.7 Questions and tasks4 Word-formation Ⅰ4.1 Introduction4.2 Affixation4.3 Conversion4.4 Compounding4.5 Questions and tasks5 Word-formation Ⅱ5.1 Blending5.2 Clipping5.3 Acronymy5.4 Back-formation5.5 Analogy5.6 Word-formation by onomatopoeia5.7 Words from proper names5.8 Questions and tasks6 Word meaning and motivation6.1 Some general remarks on semantics and meaning6.2 Relationship between meaning and the object6.3 Meaning and motivation6.4 Main types of word meaning6.5 Questions and tasks7 Eense relationsⅠ8 Eense relationsⅡ9 English vocabulary in motion10 English idioms11 Regional varieties of English vocabulary12 The mental lexicon13 Vocabulary in use14 Vocabulary as data for learning15 Teaching VocabularyGlossaryReferences


不知道 你们是什么课本 这个是我们上学期考过的 Lexicology—a branch of linguistics concerned with the vocabulary of the English language in respect to words and word equivalents Word—word is a fundamental unit of speech and a minimum free form; with a unity of sound and meaning, capable of performing a given syntactic function. Native/Borrow words—words of Anglo-Saxon origion or of Old English are native words. While those borrowed from other languages are loan words or borrowed words. The basic word stock—is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over a number of epochs. Common words—are words connected with the ordinary things or activities necessary to everyday life. Literary words—are chiefly used in writing, especially in books written in a more elevated style, in official documents, or in formal speeches. Colloquial words—In contrast with literary words,* are used mainly in spoken English, as in conversation among friends and colleagues. Slang words—words of a vigorous, colourful, facetious, or taboo nature. Invented for specific occasions or uses, or derived from the unconventional use of the standard vocabulary. Technical words—refer to those words used in various special fields. Every branch of science,every profession or trade,every art and every sort of sport has its own technical terms. Function words—are often short words such as determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliaries, and so forth. Morpheme—the minimal meaningful unit of the English language,possesses both sound and meaning. Free morpheme—is one that can stand by itself as a complete utterance. Bound morpheme—can not exist on its own;it must appear with at least one other morpheme,free or bound. Affixes—is a “collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme.” Hybrid—is a word made up of elements from two or more different languages. Word-formation rules—the rules of word-formation define the scope and methods whereby speakers of a language may create new words. Root—is a form which is not further analysable,either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphology. Base—is any form to which affixes of any kind can be added. Compounding or composition is a word-formation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new unit,a compound word. Derivation—is a process of forming new words by the addition of a word element,such as a prefix,suffix or combining form,to an already existing word. Prefixation—is the formation of new words by adding a prefix or combining form to the base. Suffixation—is the formation of a new word by adding a suffix or a combining form to the base,and usually changing the word-class of the base. Conversion—is a word-formation process whereby a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another word-class without the addition of an affix. Initialism—is a type of shortening,using the first letters of words to form a proper name,a technical term,or a phrase;an initialism is pronounced letter by letter. Acronyms—are words formed from the intial letters of the name of an organization or a scientific term,etc. Clipping—the process of clipping involves the deletion of one or more syllables from a word,which is also available in its full form.—back Clipping+front Clipping Blending—is a process of word formation in which a new word is formed by combining the meaning and sounds of two words,one of which is not in its full form or both of which are not in their full forms.-- chinglish Back-formation—is a term used to refer to a type of word-formation by which a shorter word is coined by the deletion of a supposed affix from a longer form already present in the language. Reduplication—is a minor type of word-formation by which a compound word is created by the repetition of one word. Neoclassical--* formation demotes the process by which new words are formed elements derived from Latin and Greek. Conventionality—most English words are conventional, arbitrary symbols; consequently ,there is no intrinsic relation between the sound-symbol and its sense.There is no way to explain why this or that sound-symbol has this or that meaning beyond the fact that the people of a given community have agreed to use one to designate the other. Motivation—refers to the connection between word-symbol and its sense. Denotative meaning—is the central factor in linguistic communication. Connotative meaning—refers to the emotional association which a word or a phrase suggests in one`s mind. Social or stylistic meaning—is that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstance of its use. Affective meaning—is concerned with the expression of feelings and attitudes of the speaker or writer. Polysemy—is a term used in semantic analysis to refer to a lexical item which has a range of different meanings. Homonymy—In the English language,there are many pairs or groups of words,which,though different in meaning,are pronounced alike,or spelled alike,or both.Such words are called homonymy. Synonym—a word having the same meaning as another word. Hyponymy—is the relationship which obtains between specific and general lexical items, such that the former is ‘included’ in the latter.


这个就是开店的广告啊懒得再写,给篇卖饮料的:Drinks of HouseWould you like to drink drink?We have all kinds of drinks.Now we have 3 good new specials.Special 1 is apple juice with ice.It’s very popular.And it’s only 2 RMB. Special 2 is atrawberry juice.Special 3 is orange juice.Come and get your drink!你希望喝饮料吗?我们有各种各样的饮料.现在我们有3种棒的特色菜.特色菜1是加冰的苹果汁.它十分受欢迎.并且它只要2人民币.特色菜2是草莓汁.特色菜3是橘子汁.来并且品尝你的饮料吧!


林承璋教授序自序I.语言学精要百问A.语言学基本概念I.1 What is language?什么是语言?I.2 What is linguistics?什么是语言学?I.3 What makes linguistics a science?语言学如何成为~门科学?I.4 What are the major branches oflinguistics?语言学有哪些分支学科?I.5 What are design features oflanguage?什么是语言的结构特征?。I.6 What is arbitrariness?什么是任意性?I.7 What is duality?什么是双层性?I.8 What is productivity?什么是能产性?I.9 What is displacement?什么是不受时空限制性?I.10 What is cultural transmission?什么是文化传递性?I.11 What is interchangeability?什么是互换性?I.12 Whydo we say language is human specific?为什么说语言是人类独有的?I.13 What functions does language have?语言有哪些功能?I.14 What is phatic function?什么是酬应功能?I.15 What is directive function?什么是指令功能?I.16 What is informative function?什么是信息功能?I.17 What is interrogative function?什么是询问功能?I.18 What is expressive function?什么是表情功能?I.19 What is evocative function?什么是感染功能?I.20 What is performative function?什么是行事功能?I.21 What is recreational function?什么是娱乐功能?I.22 What is metalingual function?什么是元语言功能?I.23 What are synchronic and diachronic studies?什么是共时研究和历时研究?I.24 What is the difference between speech and writing?语言和文字有什么差别?I.25 What is the difference between descriptivism and prescrilc’tivism?描写性研究与规定性研究有何区别?I.26 What is the difference between langue and parole?语言和言语有何区别?I.27 What is the competence/performance distinction?语言能力和语言运用有何差异?I.28 What is the difference between linguistic potential and actual linguistic behavior?语言潜势和实际语言行为有何I.29 In what way do langue competence and linguistic potential agree?And their counterparts?语言、语言能力和语言潜势有何共同点?言语、语言运用和实际语言行为之间有何异同?B.从语音学到音位学(Phonetics and Phonology)I.30 What is phonetics?什么是语音学?I.31 What makes the speech organs?发音器官是如何构造的?I.32 What is place ofarticulation?什么是发音部位?I.33 What is manner ofarticulation?什么是发音方法?I.34 How do phoneticians classify vowels?语音学家是怎样给元音分类的7I.35 What is meant by assimilation,deletion,dissimilation and metathesis?什么是同化、省略、异化和换位?I.36 What is IPA?什么是国际音标?I.37 What is narrow and broad transcription?什么是严式标音和宽式标音7I.38 What is phonology?什么是音位学?I.39 What are phones and phonemes and allophones?什么是音素、音位、音位变体?I.40 What is minimal pair?什么是最小对立体?I.41 What is free variation?什么是自由变异?I.42 What is complementary distribution?什么是互补分布?I.43 What is suprasegmental phonology?什么是超音段音位学?C.从形态学到词汇学(Morphology and Lexicology)I.44 What is morphology?什么是形态学?I.45 What is inflection?什么是屈折?I.46 What are morphemes and allomorphs?什么是词素和词素变体?I.47 What are free and bound morphemes?什么是自由词素和粘着词素?1.48 What is the difierence between root and stem and affix?词根、词干和词缀有何差别?I.49 What is word?什么是词?I.50 What is open and closed class?什么是开放性词类和封闭性词类?I.5 1 What is the difference between lexeme and lexicon and vocabulary?形素、词库、词汇有何差别?I.52 What is collocation?什么是搭配?I.53 What is lexicology and what is word.formation?什么是词汇学?什么是构词法?I.54 How does affixation occur?词语是如何派生的?I.55 What is conversion?什么叫转化法?I.56 How are compounds formed?合成词是如何合成的?1.57 What is abbreviation and what is blending?什么是缩略法和拼缀法?I.58 What is back.formation?什么是逆生法?I.59 What is analogical creation?什么是类比构词?I.60 What is bo~owing?什么是外借词?D.语法学(Grammar/Syntax)A)传统语法(Traditional Grammar)I.61 What is grammar and what is syntax?什么是语法?什么是句法?I.62 What is sentence?什么是句子?I.63 What is meant by syntactic relations?什么是句法关系?I.64 What is IC Analysis?什么是直接成分分析法?I.65 What are endocentric and exocentric constructions?什么是向心结构和离心结构?I.66 What is category?什么是范畴?:I.67 What is subject?什么是主语?I.68 What is predicate?什么是谓语?I.69 What is object?什么是宾语?I.70 What is number?什么是数?I.71 What is gender?什么是性?I.72 What is concord?什么是一致?I.73 What is government?什么是支配关系?I.74 What is the difference between phrase and clause?短语和分句有何差别?I.75 What is the difference between conjoining and embedding and recursiveness?连接、相嵌和递归性有何差别?I.76 What are hypotactic and paratactic relations?什么是连词连结句和无连词连结句?B)转换生成语法(Transformational.Generative GramlTlar)I.77 whal is Transformational.Generative Grammar?什么是转换生成语法?I.78 What is Innatist Hypothesis?什么是语言天赋说?I.79 What is Universal Grammar?什么叫普遍语法?I.80 What is Projection Principle?什么是投射原则?I.81 What are theta.roles and argument structure?什么是题元角色和论元结构?I.82 What is expletive and what is Extended Projection Principle?什么叫赘代词?什么是扩充的投射原则?I.83 What is PRO(pro)?什么是空语类PRO/pro?I.84 What is the gist ofX.Bar Theory?X一杠理论的基本思想是什么?I.85 What is head.movement?什么叫中心语移位?I.86 What is wh.movement?什么是wh一移位?I.87 What is NP-movement in passives?被动语态的NP一移位是怎样发生的?I.88 What is NP-movement in raising constructions?提升结构的NP一移位是如何发生的?I.89 What is NP.movement in unaccusative constructions?何为非宾格结构的NP一移位?I.90 What is什么叫VP一壳?I.91 What is feature checking?什么叫特征核查?I.92 what is case?什么是格?I.93 What is case grammar?What is Case Theory?什么是格语法?什么是格理论?C)从系统功能语法到语篇学(Systemic.Functional Grammar and Text Linguistics)I.94 What is systemic-functional grammar?什么是系统功能语法?I.95 What is scale in systemic grammar?系统语法中的阶是什么?I.96 What is category in systemic grammar?系统语法中的范畴是什么?I.97 What is transitivity?什么是及物性?I.98 What is mood?什么是语气?I.99 What is appraisal system?什么是评价系统?I.100 What is text linguistics?什么是语篇学?I.101 What is cohesion?什么是衔接?I.102 What is coherence?什么是连贯?I.103 What is the difference between theme and rheme?主位和述位有何区别?I.104 What is functional sentence perspective?什么是句子功能观?I.105 What is the semantic relationship between information structure and thematic structure?信息结构和主位结构的语义关系是怎样的?I.106 What is thematic progression?什么是主位推进?E.从语义学到认知语言学(Semantics and Cognitive Linguistics)I.107 What is semantics?什么是语义学?I.108 What is meaning?什么是意义?I.109 What is the difference between meaning,concept,connotation,sense,implication,denotation,notation,reference,implicature and signification?意义、概念、内涯意思、含义、外延、意念、指称、意涵、字义之间有什么区别?I.110 How many kinds ofmeaning do linguists study?语言学家研究哪几种意义?I.111 What is the Semantic Triangle?什么是语义三角?I.112 What is contextualism in semantics?语义学的语境论有些什么观点?I.113 What is synonymy?什么是同义现象?I.114 What is antonymy?什么是反义现象?I.115 What is hyponymy?什么是下义关系?I.116 What is polysemy?什么是多义现象?I.117 What is homonymy?什么是同音/同形异义现象?I.118 What is componential analysis?什么是成分分析法?I.119 What is semantic and associative field?什么是语义场和联想场?I.120 what is entailment?什么是蕴涵?I.121 What is predication analysis?什么是述谓分析?I.122 What is logical operator?什么是逻辑算子?I.123 What is cognitive linguistics?什么是认知语言学?I.124 What is cognitive semantics?什么是认知语义学?I.125 What is Prototype Theory?什么是原型范畴理论?I.126 What is image schema?什么是意象图式?I.127 What is ICM?什么是理想化认知模型?I.128 What is iconicity?什么是象似性?I.129 What is motivation?什么是理据性?I.130 What is grammaticalization?什么是语法化?I.131 How does cognitive linguistics account for metaphor and metonymy?……F.语用学律要G.社会语言学和比较语言学H.语言与文字I.二语习得与语言教学J.文件学和修辞学K.元语言学问题和语言学流派II.语言学考试和答案A.如何学好、考好语言学?B.“语言学概论”本科样板试题C.“普通语言学”考硕样板试题D.语言学考博试题E.参考答案附录1 若干高校2007年考硕试题附录2 语言学生要术语英汉对照表主要参考文献…… pg

词汇学题目,what is conversion

1. Conversation between two or more persons to dialog kill time 2. Both or multiple contacts or talks between the two countries engaged in a dialogue on trade issues 1. 两个或两个以上的人之间的谈话以对话消磨时间2. 双方或多方之间接触或会谈两国就贸易问题进行对话



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