activities for their study group(英语作文:Taking Part in School Activities 120词)

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activities for their study group(英语作文:Taking Part in School Activities 120词)

本篇文章给大家谈谈activities for their study group,以及英语作文:Taking Part in School Activities 120词对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。


英语作文:Taking Part in School Activities 120词

Taking Part in School Activities Nowadays,a large number of students show great interest in school activities.In their eyes,learning from books is not the sole task of their school career.They also wish to take every chance to obtain practical knowledge.Additionally,they find that after long hours of study,they can relax both physically and mentally by taking part in school activities.However,other students insist that school activities have nothing to do with their studies and they fear that school activities will take up too much of their time.Therefore,they would rather spend most of their time studying.As far as I’m concerned,I think we should agree with the former group of students.We can learn plenty of things from the students we meet in activities.What’s more,we can also get lots of social experience from doing so.Such experience can never be learned by being a “book-worn”. 参加学校的活动如今,许多学生感兴趣学校的活动。在他们的眼中,从书本中学习并不是唯一的任务,他们的学校生涯。他们也想抓住每个机会来获得实用的知识。此外,他们发现,长时间的学习后,他们可以放松身心参与学校的活动。然而,其他同学坚持学校活动无关,与他们的研究和他们担心学校的活动将占用太多的时间。因此,他们宁可花大部分的时间用在学习上。在我看来,我认为我们应该同意前一群学生。我们可以学习很多东西我们相遇在来自学生的活动。更重要的是,我们还可以得到很多的社会经验这样做。这种经验是永远学通过成为一个“book-worn”。

翻译 急求!!!

Abstract: "cooperative learning" in English teaching play a positive role in the new class, is an important way of learning. It is the new curriculum reform, and the development of The Times and the requirements of the development of students, at the same time, according to the countryside elementary school English teaching situation arises. "Cooperative learning" teaching mode is the basic study groups for teaching organization form, teachers should be rationally divided study group, and rational layout, cooperative learning "seat" correct application in classroom teaching and class preparation, homework and extracurricular activities. It is helpful to cultivating students’ interest of study, To drive out, experience and success, Let the students have their own space to explore, cooperation, create, and learning experience, the initiative, and expand creative thinking, thinking. But the cooperative learning "is not so simple casually, walk form, should pay attention to stimulate student’s study enthusiasm, in cultivating students’ innovative thinking ability, show students’ individuality and develop students’ learning and pay more attention to the free space of teachers and students as the main consideration, such," cooperative learning "teaching mode can play the maximum advantage.关键词:Cooperative learning English teaching positive important initiative creative

教师是意义建构的帮助者、促进者 的英语翻译

Meaning of the role of organizing———Teacher is a sense of construction, the helperOrganizing knowledge is not being considered by the teacher to pass on, but under certain circumstances which learners social and cultural background, by study and use of the necessary information through reorientation, to learn the meaning of the way. he encouraged the teachers guidance to students to study, the teacher is the meaning of helpers, for organizing, and is not the and instilling knowledge. Student’s information processing, a significant part of the initiative of construction, and is not an external stimulus passive recipient and into the object. the teacher will be the meaning of a helper, he asked the teacher in the teaching process as a good helper, position, for its full play the guiding role.1,Inspire the students’interest in study and students are encouraged to participate actively in the construction of his sense of responsibility.Learning think that students are active in organizing their own knowledge and learning is the operation of the active and passive teaching is not to accept other people by offering assistance, and their thinking, and as a coach or a pattern, and in the operation of the play an important role. Therefore, the teacher must understand what’s the goal of the learner, you should know how to motivate students to go beyond the current environment of knowledge, trying in every link of the teaching force students to learn, active and students to learn to participate in activities for students to seek the help of others, to assume the responsibility of organizing their own significance, The initiative in organizing student to the premises.2,The promotion of the theme of the relevant as true, to help students learn knowledge of the present constructionism."Situational" : sight, the situation. can stimulate the people, the feeling changes. it includes the objective environment and social environment. Language teaching is in the teaching of language teaching in order to achieve the established objective of the use of means and create the ambience and emotionally. it is a scene in the intuitive and describe language in the promotion of the situation and stimulate students’ emotion, let the students by "near" feeling "" from "real" "and" and promote the students with a warm feeling to participate in study and active construction.1)Created for learning the specific environment.The specific environment of social environment and the teaching environment, it can reduce the educator and the education, students and was the learners, as well as learners and content of education is cognitive or sight of the learners. in the mood to participate actively in, and actively developed. The promotion of the specific situation and can be the real situation, can be reason, may be simulated situation situation, can be imagined, the situation is a situation that can be the context of operation. to recreate the materials related to the situation. such as li jilin the context of teaching "is a successful example. take, for instance, the" selected water margin the recording can be used in the professional the section allows students to professional.Specific environment can also use of multimedia image, the sound, text, wait various combinations to the promotion of the material be reasonable to arouse the students to expand the students’ perspective, and associated with space to imagine, and promote the development of creative thinking ability to improve the perception, comprehension, memory of the efficiency and facilitate the full and harmonious development.2)For the promotion of reading the teaching environment.Language textbooks and has a lot of good writing has a great artistic charisma, if there is a traditional "ripped" students are difficult to get in a sloe. Such as the moonlight in the lotus on the fourth paragraph, as usual, the full text reveals the "through" on the basis of the following aloud is to analyze and describe the order before you write, write the lotus leaves ; write more dynamic and static, writing and analysis of words and figure. Finally, let the students, or has or not to do some reading back, but in fact the students in the brain is still a pile of fragments. but if from a large amount of audio-visual products, photography, art, writing, editing based on the computer aided instruction, you can help students into good understanding of contexts. A teacher teaching in the fourth part of the lotus could you use this method, when students see the bright moon shone clear, but the leaders of the lotus leaves here for the flowers and the flash and unadulterated, when the quality, the rich and the like again in beethoven’s symphony is the famous teachers, or insert into the reading of the artistic. And teacher is teaching "beautiful" and let the students to categorize and junior students, this is a more abstract, she adopted, multimedia means with the picture shows a different kind of beauty, and let the students in the classification, and enables students to know beauty, the master what "the social beauty", for further organizing the social beauty of things ready.3,Organization and coordination, guidance to students at the sense of direction. reorientationTo make sense of construction and more efficient, teachers may have conditions of the organization of coordination study and develop discussions and exchanges and cooperation in the process guidance, direction conducive to the sense of direction. the construction of the organizational facilitation include the following aspects:1) Offered to controversial questions. the initialJohann friedrich herbart "at present to solve problems in learning" model has a core ideas is through a high level of thinking based on to study the problem to solve problems. organizing activities may make students more and more extensive and more deeply into his previous experience, the activation analysis of the question of understanding the current situation, through the analysis and conclusions activities generate new understanding, our new postulate. Problem in the study emphasizes the study is set to complex, a significant problem in context, by the learners work together to solve the problem to hide behind the problem of scientific knowledge, problem solving skill, and form independent study. In the teaching, teacher the first to the study group has some elaborate, is thinking and exploratory ideological and interesting or can lead to the cognitive problem of conflict and discussion of homework to pupils to account for it. the study’s task is to discuss these questions, to make a detailed explanation. the students have only knowledge may not be easily finish this task, and in the group discussions, a choice in the form, the problem.2) Will help deepen the discussion of issues.To solve the problem by a new problem. students should have returned to study and to a discussion. then the teacher gave students a "why was this" and "through the problem you want to learn something", and then exploring and searching for answers, her knowledge of the conflict, the relevant contents deepen the understanding gradually. Or the teaching of the beauty of the teacher asked students to speak in the harvest and doubt, one student suggested a "create opportunities, it is often not a formula" the "opportunities" means, have students interpreted as "harmonious," the teacher was sure the student’s answer the questions, please, for example, cite this is an example to explain, etc. Through this activity and organizing a lenient and flexible knowledge base and develop effective problem solving skill and became effective partner, but also study the internal motive.3) The teacher’s guide, and a student studying partners.Constructivism theory point out that teaching is not a knowledge of delivery, but knowledge of the processing and conversion of knowledge, the teacher is not present, the teachers of the greatest challenge is one of the role, that is a teacher from information providers to the "trainer" and students to learn. "partners" On the co-operation of the course of study, we should attach importance to his teacher students in the understanding and listened to their views, insight into their pages, such ideas for their response to be effective. the feedback If it is true integrity, must provide clear and positive review; if it is wrong and right, we should guide the wrong and corrected them and guide them to answer the ground and, by reflection amended earlier reply, or asked the students to add an amendment to answer. the teacher is the "trainer" role in behaviour and helps develop students evaluation, and the ability to communicate. they constructed But the teacher’s knowledge is limited, and sometimes the existing knowledge and experience can’t solve the teaching process of every issue. the teacher is not likely to become student to every question, therefore, teachers and students used together should be a learner, and students common search for certain problem and in the process of mutual communication, understanding and idea, to make certain adjustments to complete the construction.4) Problem after enlightenment strengthen students to find law, to rectify and supplementary wrong or one-sided understanding.Collaboration with the learning process, is not the teaching task was finished, but to make a direct reflection of the students to solve problems. a person organizing their own knowledge may be incorrect, is reflective of the mistakes or one-sided knowledge will be timely to be more timely and meaningful construction, the effect would be better. Reflection of the process itself is, in the process of reflection to prompt students to consider the question before the problems in common with differences and even help students understand the knowledge and new applications, the supervision of their own and others of the review and study and coordination problem solving activities to rethink what they constructed in the meaning of the framework, the senior thinking skills development is a very meaningful.

“How Can Group Activities Help Us Study English better”请以这个题目为题帮我写一篇英语作文

Many people believe that group activities can help students to learn English better. The crucial question is: how to take full advantage of group activities? I think there are four points. First, the activity should have a clear task and aim. Second, the members in the team should know their job and work together. Third, the teacher ought to offer help when students get into trouble. Last but not least, the results of the activity should be shared with all classmates. Only so, students can study English better through group activities.累死我了,字数应该差不多吧。如果哪句话不懂,我可以给你翻译或者换种形式表达。



Self-regulated learning is a modern learning method corresponding to traditional receptive learning.


 Taking students as the main body of learning, students are the masters themselves, not controlled by others, and not interfered by the outside world.

 Through reading, listening, research, observation and practice, individuals can get the behavior style of continuous change (knowledge and skills, methods and processes, improvement and sublimation of emotion and value).






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activities for their study group(英语作文:Taking Part in School Activities 120词)






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