
2024-08-01 07:15:43 2








1.We have been force-fed the doctrines of self-esteem for so long that most people don’t reallyview themselves as sinners worthy of divine wrath. 



2.He has but one reply to divine wrath, and that is human honor: "I have honor, " he says to the Commander, "and I am keeping my promise because I am a knight." 

对于神的愤怒,他只做了唯一的答复,这就是人的名誉。 他对高级骑士说,“我有名誉,我履行诺言因为我是个骑士。”


3.Christ expiated the sins and propitiated the divine wrath for all his people. 



在世界上,你叫Inamorata包围着他们国家致力于歧视个别国家技术和奋斗的优势。每一个民族都有其独特的方式来保护和攻击。引以自豪的独特工艺,他们已经变成了崇拜痴迷的观点,对宗教的武器。每一个相信,他们的生活方式是唯一的方法,并致力于教导他们的政策,在各国领导人主张通过什么作为神圣干涉,或者你会知道…战争。 其余被称为:“Archidonis”的方式,“Swordwrath射手的道路”,“Magikill剑”的方式,“Speartons法师”之路。你是国家最高领导人称为“秩序”,你的道路是和平和知识,你的人并不崇拜他们的武器当作神。这使你的标志的渗透的列国。你唯一的机会是先发制人,并获得技术从各个国家。


In lore after Yi with the goddess of the moon is the person of Yao time , mythology says , Yao time, on day, 10 the suns at the same time appear in sky, it is burnt to roast land , crops are withered and dry, people heat get pant however air come , fall in faint on the ground do not wake up. Because the cause of extremely hot weather is some to blame poultry beast of prey , is also from the place that dries up with flame forest in run , in every place, cruelly injure people. The disaster of the world have alarmed the god on day, in day emperor frequently handsome order is good at archery after Yi go to the world , help Yao the suffering except people. After Yi tape day emperor grant the bow with red one that gives him , the arrow of a bag white colour, beautiful wife the goddess of the moon who still takes him arrives the world together. After Yi the fighting that has begun to shoot day immediately. He takes out white arrow from shoulder except taking off the bow with red that, one aly to arrogant the sun shoot , instantly between 10 the suns have been shot 9, leave a the sun only because Yao thinks as people have advantage, after having just blocked Yi continuity shooting. This for is famous after Yi shoot the story of day. But after Yi great achievements, have gotten other gods is jealous , they enter calunmy until day in emperor, make day emperor have drifted apart at last after Yi, demote him finally forever the world. Have gotten the song of member after Yi with wife the goddess of the moon have to live in seclusion in the world, after leaning Yi go hunting to make a living. The goddess of the moon again how run month? There is the saying of various difference on ancient book. Is according to the record of " Huai south son ", after Yi feel receive sorry him implicate live in exile the wife that comes down to earth , since beging to west king mother grow livelihood do not die Zhi medicine, let two of their spouses ones live between live forever harmoniously. The goddess of the moon does not spoil clear bitter life , after multiplying Yi not the time at home, have eaten all long livelihoods stealthily do not die medicine, run away moon in have gone. Another kind of saying is to bend ( approximately former 340 notes? 78 )" ask in day" record, after saying Yi afterwards for the goddess of the moon have not loyal behavior, with the wife of river uncle occur warm hide relation, thus arouse the unsatisfaction with maximum the goddess of the moon, after leaving Yi run until day have gone. The goddess of the moon runs , have regreted very quickly after month, she has recalled husband flat day, is dreary for the lonely, time sleep in tender feeling and contrast moon between her benefit and world. About after Yi Zhi die , war country thinker Mencius( former approximately A.D. 372 notes? 89 years ), compose " Mencius " with Xi Chinese first year Liu install ( former 179 22 ) volume into " Huai south son " say him is the apprentice that has been requited kindness with enmity Feng murder. The means of murdering have each different record, some say is use peach wooden big stick kill , some say is use dark arrow shoot to die. In a word, this unparalleled hero dies , is in the hand of schemer. Still say in some lore, after Yi the Britain soul after dies do not break up , have become the clock of dozen ghosts Kui god. This saying is the famous historian of our country attend to Jie just ( 1893-1980 year ) basis the etc. ancient book " Huai south son" record textual criticism come out. This kind of saying has reflected actually that ancient the people of our country is for this unfortunately dead infinite memeory of the hero who goes. ..........................................................................................................................就这样吧


Deni Lv Meite’s debut "Twelve Angry Men," the film’s scenes of bizarre monotone - the entire film is only one scene, you can create the Guinness Book of World Records. This one allows all the viewers wait senselessly spotting a half-hour scene, that is, a jury lounge.Sidney art expression in his magic to the shortage of 40 bungalow house showed intriguing stories: a slum in the boy grew up in the father, and was charged with the murder weapon with onlookers and laaikus in court. As the jury to 12 cases and case discussion before a jury room, and always through discussion result, can officially final.The wrath of the rhythm of han very clever arrangement. Want to know, the movie a half hour is only one room, let the scene audience sit, unsegmented is no good, but if there are obvious segmentation and will have the opportunity to let the audience partial away. So the two segmentation adopted: one kind is the actor’s body activity, another kind is the case of the thinking activity. Thinking activity is refers to the jury members to the case of thinking, reasoning process, this process is blocked, case analysis to certain place would be stuck, all people have no idea. Now take some time to wait for a new breakthrough in the case of a figure head, but it needs jumped out. So this time is inserted some actors body activity,Most importantly characters have their own personality, every actor played their taste. But more is in the first vote only objection by the engineer, oneself also not clear for boys, it grievances elution is proposed. The possibility will be wronged suspect, So every role not only has his own personality, and their heart is contradictory. In the process of the film roles were most repeatedly thinking of his position, the ideological struggle to myself, until finally know exactly how should exercise his right of divine.Twelve Angry Men" is the heyday of Henry Fonda’s masterpiece, but also the cornerstone of special note Nily America. Public actors excellent performance, and the director of the film an accurate grasp of the rhythm to make the film in the history of film has become the classic unbeaten.There is such a poster saying: Life is in their hands, Death is on their minds.Video does not reveal a certain result, so from beginning to end, the court extremely rarely the lens.Even if all of the people viewing the debate from the outset about their outcome, films can not lose any of the charm of a second, a simple layout, the 12 individuals to express their ideas and then showing life gestos. 12 Angry Men is actually a cool and calm manner, a few voices of two people are always rude discourse high, but more people will face up to a calm, clear eyes and step by step presentation, everyone’s ideas are self-contained, even if the their relative impact is particularly severe after the friction, but eventually someone will apologize, it was also understanding. As opposed to the idea of two populations is not unusual content, in fact, such disputes can be seen everywhere, different arguments they must be on behalf of justice, and to give a child the fate of an equal treatment. The majority of controversy in the process of the subject, does not justify the high voice is a clear attitude, opinionated people who are very valuable but also very stubborn. How many people are willing to insist on a person who never met before, even if the matter of the person’s life and death, and they have to bear of being accused of grandstanding, flaunt an alternative such as the status of notoriety. How many people will not be the curse of the majority voice Ershi confidence fade, then quickly lowered the banner for an unknown person to follow suit. Correct or not is not the key, the key lies in lack of effort, so I can see from the film’s view is that the expression of 12 individuals equal opportunities, from start to finish uphold the integrity of their right to express something of the challenge is the brave the language of those. Language at this moment is believed to be more capable than a human hand, foot and makes a separate thing, and Earned dripping language environment, film script is the perfect hero. Finally, always trust each other two were initially despised by others shook hands with the men in a friendly manner, thereby to know, if we can hear different voices, please be patient to listen to and focus on the exchange, regardless of what the thing itself, would be a pleasure to .



divinewrath翻译 ,rat




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