
2024-08-14 23:20:31 1





翻译:Need to want to learn the implement being used for Web page , having to know to make Web page first. Make Web page having the following few implements mainly Frontpage: Office learns to compare simple , pragmatic since a simultaneous tool operation,relaxed, function why field , I do not like it not very. Dreamweaver: This is Web page one of three swordsmen , the speciality makes the Web page implement , being able to be automatic with Web page generating code, is that head of average Web page fabricator chooses an implement , the simple , pragmatic function of interface is comparatively big and powerful. The beginner selects and uses suggestion. A implement it is code to edit an implement besides, capital , EditPlus writing for instance etc., these implements edit an asp mainly waiting for development Web page. Still have a few network programmings implement besides, javascript , java editor implement etc. Web page fabrication is also a industry comparatively in high favor , is going to be used for a good website really , must have fine design background. Therefore having to learn many border softwares, for example photoshop , flash etc. Large-scale website needs the data base support sometimes, therefore having to know a data base. Sql , inscriptions on oracle bones etc. In short ,finish grasping Web page fabrication, the fabrication being able to accomplish a website on one’s own works , not considering problem of feeding the population. Have drifted along causually well! Website designs eight steps Be put into use going to the lavatory also Yue Lai Yue since WYSIWYG type implement is at present more and more many,be like that unlike asking by hand to compile and compose the capable source code previously therefore making Web page has already become a piece of cushy job. But the general beginner can learn to make Web page right away process brief study about , they think that Web page fabrication is very simple thereupon , bustle up right away making self website, one compares with others after making get out, only the website discovering self is very rough , this is why? As the common saying goes: "Hot-tempered fever of cannot finishing bean curd ". Build a website looking like building one building right away, it is a system engineering, have self specially appointed job technological process, you come only when abide by this step , in a proper order step-by-step , ability designs out a satisfied website. One, ascertains the website subject The website subject is main content needed to contain by the website that you build , a website must need to have a subject clear and definite. Especially to individual website, you composing such that content is large and comprehensive , cover all the phenomena of the universe like synthetical website impossibly. You do not have this ability , also have no this energy, show feel interest content , make depths , compose most therefore must need to look for a self certainty, handle out self characteristic, such ability gives consumer deep impression. The website subject has no a rule, as long as be you are interested in , any content all can be distinct , but the subject should be, content achieves within your subject range large and comprehensive , accurate but deep. Two, collects data After having made the website subject clear, you will have begun to collect data around subject. As the common saying goes: "Even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice". Need to want to make self website full of vivid details , be able to firmly attract a consumer, you will try one’s best to collect data , collect such that material is increasingly many , right away increasingly easy to make website hereafter. And then both being able to can go ahead from the book , newspaper , CD Rom , multi-media and, can material secondary Internet collect going ahead, discard the dross and keep the finer part , discard the false and retain the true with the material collecting, material making Web page’s as self. Three, plan website A level deciding the plan in the designer on designing that successfully or not , very big degree of website, the drawing sheet has designed plan website right away well like the designer designs a building, ability has established beautiful one building. The net has stood for many planning the content containing , you have arrived at only when these aspect is all considered before making Web page , when making, ability has taken up a work which one is accustomed to do , got it all together if the website structure , the column interposition , the website style , colour collocation , layout layout , characters photograph applying wait. Also only making Web page coming out like this , can have individuality , have a characteristic , have attraction. Concrete content per one how to plan website, we introduce that detailedly in being able to have underneath. Four, choose the right fabrication implement Although what implement choosing is not able to affect you designing the Web page goodness and badness, powerful one , use the simple software to be able to arrive at the effect getting twice the result with half the effort up sometimes. The implement that Web page fabrication relates to is comparatively many , it is Web page to have made an implement first, that great majority netizen select and use has all been the WYSIWYG editor implement at present , this excellent person among them certainly has been Dreamweaver and Frontpage, if being a beginner , Frontpage2000 is that the head elects. Besides, still have a photograph editing an implement, if Photoshop , Photoimpact etc.; Animated cartoon fabrication implement, if Flash , Cool 3 ds , Gif Animator etc.; Still have the Web page special efficiency implement , wait if alive, there are this many aspect softwares on net, you can need to apply in a flexible way in the light of.Five, makes Web page Material has had , the implement has also elected well, will need to have turned self idea into reality according to planning step-by-step following, this is that the young , first simple queen is complicated after complicated but meticulous one process , certain essential points are in the light of first big come to carry out fabrication. The what is called first important queen is small , in other words when making Web page, fine first with big physical design , perfects and then minor physical design still step by step. The what is called first simple queen is complicated , is to design out simple content first , designs and then complicated content again, so that regards revises when the problem appears. Want much flexible application form board when making Web page, such can improve fabrication efficiency greatly. Six, uploads a testing On the server Web page being made being finished , needing to announce to Web finally, only the friend who can by the whole world watches, the implement upload now has many, on the server some Web page fabrication implements being moved towards per se with FTP function , making use of these FTP implements , your to be able to website be announced very conveniently to the host page deposition that self applies for. Website uploads a hereafter , the website that you ask to open self in the browser , page-by-page the do test catenating one by one , discover a problem , timely modification, upload and then a testing again. All testings are finished with regard to the net location being able to hold you tell let them come to browse to the friend. Seven, extension propagates After Web page being ready for, want to be in progress unceasingly too propagate, such ability lets more friends know it , raise website visit rate and notability. The method being extended has many , arrives at registering on search engine , exchanging interlinkage with other website , adding advertisement chain and so on for instance. Eight, defends renewal That website needs to pay attention to frequent upkeep renewal content , to keep content’s is fresh , should not be invariable readjusting oneself to a certain extent in there as soon as being ready for , is able to attract living browsing person just now only when supplementing new content for it ceaselessly.


aspx文件跟asp差不多,是微软推出的一种新的网络编程方法,他不是asp的简单升级,因为他的编程方法和asp有很大的不同,他是在服务器端靠服务器编译执行的程序代码, aspx文件都是文本形式的,可以用任何的文本器打开,如notepad ,editplus,dreamwaver,frontpage但aspx文件最好用visual stdio.net来。aspx是微软的一种asp.net网络语言。aspx就是.net技术,它的安全性比较高,它与java是两个不同的分类,各有所长. docx 是Office2007使用的,是用新的基于XML的压缩文件格式取代了其目前专有的默认文件格式,在传统的文件名扩展名后面添加了字母x(即.docx取代.doc、.xlsx取代.xls,等等)

英语翻译一下 网络编程

  • web programming我是计算机系的~

  • Network programming


网络或网络技术狂热者(爱好者)network or network technology fanatics / fans电脑狂热者(爱好者)computer fanatics / fans网络编程狂热者(爱好者)network programming fanatics / fans编译人生coding life或:life of code程序人生 life of programme或:programming life


DARPA :国防高级研究计划局 ARPARNET(Internet) :阿帕网 ICCC :国际计算机通信会议 CCITT :国际电报电话咨询委员会 SNA :系统网络体系结构(IBM) DNA :数字网络体系结构(DEC) CSMA/CD :载波监听多路访问/冲突检测(Xerox) NGI :下一代INTERNET Internet2 :第二代INTERNET TCP/IP SNA SPX/IPX AppleTalk :网络协议 NII :国家信息基础设施(信息高速公路) GII :全球信息基础设施 MIPS :PC的处理能力 Petabit :10^15BIT/S Cu芯片: :铜 OC48 :光缆通信 SDH :同步数字复用 WDH :波分复用 ADSL :不对称数字用户服务线 HFE/HFC:结构和Cable-modem 机顶盒 PCS :便携式智能终端 CODEC :编码解码器 ASK(amplitude shift keying) :幅移键控法 FSK(frequency shift keying) :频移键控法 PSK(phase shift keying) :相移键控法 NRZ (Non return to zero) :不归零制 PCM(pulse code modulation) :脉冲代码调制 nonlinear encoding :非线性编程 FDM :频分多路复用 TDM :时分多路复用 STDM :统计时分多路复 DS0 :64kb/s DS1 :24DS0 DS1C :48DS0 DS2 :96DS0 DS3 :762DS0 DS4 :4032DS0 CSU(channel service unit) :信道服务部件 SONET/SDH :同步光纤网络接口 LRC :纵向冗余校验 CRC :循环冗余校验 ARQ :自动重发请求 ACK :确认 NAK :不确认 preamble :前文 postamble :后文 ITU :国际电信联合会 character-oriented :面向字符 bit-oriented :面向位 SYNC :同步字符 HDLC :面向位的方案 SDLC :面向位的方案 bit-stuffing :位插入 STP :屏蔽双绞线 UTP :非屏蔽双绞线 RG-58A/U :标准 RG-11 :用于10BASE5 RG-59U :75欧 0.25INCH CATV RG-62U :9欧 0.25INCH ARCnet 10BASE5 :IEEE802.3 RG-59U :0.25inch CATV RG-62U :0.25inch ARCnet LED(light emitting diobe) :发光二级管 ILD(injection laster diobe) :注入型激光二级管 PIN :检波器 APD :检波器 intensity modulation :亮度调制 line of sight :可视通路 CCITT V.28(EIA RS232C) :非平衡型 CCITT V.10/X.26(EIA RS423A) :新的非平衡型 CCITT V.11/X.27(EIA RS422A) :新的平衡型 TD :发送数据 RD :接收数据 XON/XOFF :流控制 Automatic Repeat Request Protocol :自动重发请求 Send and wait ARQ:continuous :ARQ停等ARQ Ward Christensen :人名 Kermit :协议 circuit switching :线路交换 packet switching :分组交换 virtual circuit :虚电路 ATM(asynchronous transfer mode) :异步传输模式 ATDM :异步时分多路复用 packetizer :打包器 VPI(vritual path identifier) :虚路径标识 VCI(virtual channel identifier) :虚通道标识 syntax :语法 semantics :语义 timing :定时 OSI(open system interconnection) :开放系统 session :会话 synchronization :同步 activity management :活动管理 AE :应用实体 UE :用户元素 CASE :公共应用服务元素 SASE :特定应用服务元素 VT :虚拟终端 JIM :作业传送和操作 reverved :保留 echo :回送 discard :丢弃 active users :活动用户 daytime :白天 netstat(who is up of NETSTAT) qotd(quote of the day) 日期引用 chargen(character generator) 字符发送器 nameserver(domani name server) 域名服务器 bootps(bootstrap protocol server/client) 引导协议服务器/客户机 tftp(trivial file transfer) 简单文件传送 sunrpc(sun microsystems RPC) SUN公司 NTP:network time protocol 网络时间协议 SNMP(SNMP net monitor) SNMP网络监控器 SNMP traps 陷井 biff unix comsat daemon e.g timed daemon syslog system log URG 紧急字段可用 ACK 确认字段可用 PSH 请求急迫操作 RST 连接复位 SYN 同步序号 FIN 发送方字节流结束 Manchester 曼彻斯特编码 FDDI(fiber distributed data interface) 光纤分布数据接口 TTRT 目标标记循环时间 aggregation of multiple link segments 多重链接分段聚合协议 MAN(metropolitan area network plus) 城域网 CSMA/CD(carrier sense multiple access/collision detection) 载波监听 Token bus 令牌总线 T oken ring 令牌环 SAP 服务访问点 request indictaion response confirmation LLC PDU LLC协议数据单元 DSAP address 目地服务访问点地址字段 SSAP address 源服务访问点地址字段 XID 交换标识 SABME 置扩充的异步平衡方式 DISC 断开连接 DM 断开 FRMR 帧拒收 solt time 时间片 AUI 连接单元接口 MAU 介质连接接口 MDI 介质相关接口 PMA 物理介质接口 SFD 起始定界符 PAD 填充字段 FCS 帧校验序列 PLS 物理层收发信号 slot time 时间 Inter Frame Gap 帧 attempt limit 最大重传次数 back off limit 避免算法参数 Jam size 阻塞参数 max frame size 最大帧 address size 地址 collaspsed backone 折叠式主干网 BSS 基本服务集 ESS 扩展服务集 DFW-MAC 分布式基础无线MAC IFS 帧间空隙 SIFS: 短 PIFS 点协调 DIFS 分布协调 CTS 发送清除 DQDB(IEEE802.6) 分布式队列双总线 TDM 时分复用 TMS 多时分交换 TSI 时间片互换 TST 网络机构 TSSST STS SSTSS TSTST 网络机构 PSTN 公用交换电话网 public switched telephone network 详细 PBX:private branch exchange 专用交换网 PABX;private automatic branch exchange 自动交换机 CBX:computerized branch exchange 程控交换 SLIP:serial line IP 串行IP LCP(link control protocol) 链路控制协议 NCP:network control protocol 网络控制协议 BRI 基本速率接口 PRI 群速率接口 LAPB:line access protocol balanced 链路访问协议平衡 registration 登录 interrupt 中断 LAP F link access procedure for frame-mode bearer serives 太长了 rotate 不知道 recovery 恢复 discard 丢弃 retransmission 重传 switched access 交换访问 intergated access 集成访问 alerting 警告 progress 进展 AAL ATM适配层 GFC 总流控 cell rate decoupling 信元率去耦 SDH 同步数字级 PDH 准国步数字级 GSM:group special mobile 移动通讯 NSS 网络子系统 OMC-R 操作维护中心 BSS 基站子系统 BSC 基站控制器 BTS 基站收发信机 MS 移动站 SIM:subscriber identity module 标识模块 MSC 移动交换机 HLR 归属位置寄存器 VLR 访问位置寄存器 AUC 鉴权中心 EIR 设备识别寄存器 OMC-S 操作维护中心 SC 短消息中心 WAP 无线应用协议 WAE 无线应用层 WSP 会话层 WTP 事务层 WTLS 安全层 WDP 传输层 MAP 移动应用部分 WML无线标记语言 SSL:secure sockets layer 安全套接层 PCS 个人通信业务 PCN 个人通信网 GEO 对地静止轨道 NON-GE0(MEO,LEO) 不清楚 ITU 国际电信联盟 VSAT:very small aperture -terminal 甚小天线终端 LEOS 低轨道卫星通信系统 repeater 中继器 bridge 网桥 router 路由器 gateway 网关 ONsemble stackable 10BASE 可叠加组合型集线器 transparent bridge 传输桥 source routing bridge 源路径桥 broadcast storm 广播风暴 encapsulation 封装 translation bridging 转换桥接方式 SRT 源地址选择透明桥 offset 偏移 more flag 标识 ICMP INTERNET控制报文协议 SPF:shortest path first 最短路径 IGP:interior gateway protocol 核心网关协议 EGP:exterior gateway protocol 扩展网关协议 RIP:routing information protocol 路由信息协议 OSPF 开放最短径优先协议 acquisition request 获取请求 acquisition confirm 获取确认 cease 中止 poll 轮询 IPX/SPX internetwork packet exchange/sequented packet exchange NOVELL interpreter 解释器 redirector 重定向器 SFT system fault tolerant 系统容错 ELS entry level solution 不认识 ODI 开放数据链路接口 NDIS network device interface specification 网络设备接口... DDCS 数据库管理和分布数据库连接服务 DCE:distributed computing environment 分布计算环境 OSF:open software foundation 开放软件基金 PWS:peer web service WEB服务器 OEM 原始设备制造商 RAS 远程访问服务 IIS:Internet Information server INTERNET信息服务 WINS:windows internet name system WINDOWS命名服务 NTDS:windows NT directory server NT目录服务 TDI 传输驱动程序接口 schedule++ 应用程序,预约本 COSE:common open software environment 普通开放软件环境 RPC 远程过程调用 SNMP:simple network management protocol 简单网管协议 SMI:structer of management information 管理信息结构 SMT:station management 管理站 SMTP:simple mail transfer protocol 简单邮件传输协议 SNA:system network architecture IBM网络 SNR:signal noise ratio 信噪比 SONENT:synchronous optical network 同步光纤网络 SPE:synchronous payload envelope 同步PAYLOAD信 CMIS/CMIP 公共管理信息服务/协议 CMISE 公共管理信息服务 agent 代理 IMT:inductive modeling technology 不知道 plaintext 明文 ciphertext 脱密 encryption 加密 decryption 解密 symmetric key cryptography 对称加密 asymmetric key cryptography 不对称加密 public key 公钥 private key 私钥 DES:data encryption standard 数据加密标准 IDEA:international data encryption algorithm 国际加密算法 PIN:personal identification number 个人标识符 session key 会话层密钥 KDC:key distribuetion center 密钥分发中心 sign 签名 seal 封装 certificate 证书 certificate authority CA 证书权威机构 OSF 开放软件中心 AFS:andrew file system 分布式文件系统 ticket 凭证 authenticatior 身份认证 timestamp 时间标记 reply attack 检测重放攻击 realm 域 PKI 公钥基础设施 certificate hierarchy 证书层次结构 across certificate 交叉证书 security domain 安全领域 cerfificate revoke list(CRL) 证书层次结构 LDAP:light weight directory access protocol 协议 access matrix 访问矩阵 ACL:access control list 访问列表 reference monitor 引用监控器 course grained 粗粒度访问控制 medium grained 中粒度访问控制 fine grained 细粒度访问控制 CORBA 面向对象的分布系统应用 MQ 报文队列 VPN 虚拟专网 IPSEC:IP security 安全IP SA:security association 安全?? encopulation security payload 封装安全负载 AH:authentication header 鉴别报头 IKE:Internet key exchange 交换 rogue programs 捣乱程序 IPSP:IP security protocol 安全 IKMP:internet key managemetn protocol 协议 IESG Internet工程领导小组 SHA 安全散列算法 MAC:message authentication code 代码 CBC 密码块链接 SSL 安全套接层协议 cerfificate verify 证书检验报文 PEM 私用强化邮件 PGP:pretty good privacy 好的 private 保密 authenticated 已认证 SEPP 安全电子付费协议 SET 安全电子交易 middleware 中间件 GSS-API 通用安全服务 SNP 安全网络编程 BWD:browser web database 浏览WEB plugin 插入件 basic authentication scheme 不知道 digest authentication scheme 摘要认证方法 open group:the open group research institute 研究所 DCE:distributed computing environment 分布式计算机环境 SLP:secure local proxy 安全局部代理 SDG:secure domain proxy 安全域代理 OMG:object management group 目标管理组 CORBS:common object request broker architecture 不清楚 authentication 鉴别 access control 访问控制 data confidnetiality 保密 data integrity 数据完整性 non-reputation 防止否认 enciphermant 加密机制 digital signature mechanisms 数据完整性 authentication mechanisms 路由控制机制 notarization mechanisms 公证 trusted function 可信 security labels 安全标记 event dectection 事件检测 security audit trail 安全审计跟踪 security recovery 安全恢复 TCSEC:trusted computer system evaluation criteria 标准 TCSEC TNI:trusted network interpretation of the TCSEC 标准 TCSEC TDI:trusted database interpretation of the TCSEC 标准 ITSEC:information technology security evaluation 标准 CC:command criteria for IT security evaluation 安全 classified criteria for secruity protection 中国安全 of computer information system 中国安全 GB17859-1999 国标 TCB:trusted computing base SNMP:simple network management protocol 网管 ICMP:internet control message protocol 互联网控制信息协议 ARP:address resolution protocol 地址解析协议 TCP:transmission control protocol 传输控制协议 UDP:user datagram protocol 用户数据报协议 SMTP:simple mail transfer protocol 简单邮件传输 DNS:domain name service 服务器 NSP:name service protocol 服务器 TElnet:telcommunication network TEL EGP:exterior gateway protocol 外部网关连接器协议 IGP:inter gateway protocol 内部网关连接器协议 SLIP 串行接口协议 PPP 点对点协议 UNICAST 单播地址 cluster 群集地址 multicast 组播地址 scable model 可伸缩模型 integrated model 集成模型 OLAP 联机分析工具 NAS:network applications support DEC公司的工具 NWC:newwave computing HP工具 OCCA:open cooperative computing architecture 开放合作计算体系结构 DAA:distributed application architecture DG的分布应用体系结构 COSE:common opensystem enviroment 通用开放系统环境 CDE:common desktop enviroment 通用桌面环境 DCE 分布式计算环境 RPC 远程过程调用 DME 分布管理环境 OSE/APP 开放系统环境应用可移植框架 ODA 开放文件体系结构 ODL 开放文件语言








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2024年8月3日 10:01




2024年7月6日 00:52



本文目录电脑上如何下载虚拟机虚拟机在哪可以下载vmware官网下载为什么到最后一步不行怎么安装虚拟机,在哪下载官网的,具体步骤!谢谢!电脑上如何下载虚拟机可以下载vmware workstation或者virtualboxvmware wo

2024年2月1日 11:20

termux安装发行版ubuntu(termux在安装ubuntu运行的时候出现了oups: cannot find name for)

termux安装发行版ubuntu(termux在安装ubuntu运行的时候出现了oups: cannot find name for)

本文目录termux在安装ubuntu运行的时候出现了oups: cannot find name for如何基于ubuntu定制自己 发行版ubuntu系统怎么安装如何安装Ubuntu Linux在哪些应用商店可以下载Termux如何安装

2024年6月26日 18:21




2024年7月3日 06:05




2024年6月30日 22:46



本文目录Android开发怎样彻底退出APP我有两个activity,在第一个activity中用system.exit(0)可以android app退出后台在进入问题离开应用,让安卓系统自动关闭后台应用Android如何实现app长时间

2024年7月20日 15:49



iphone vpn设置(ios设置vpn快捷开关)
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windows12正式版下载(操作系统Windows Server 2012 R2,在哪能下载到,公司用的)
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client mfc application未响应(每次进cf就提示client MFC Application未响应该怎么办啊!急急急)
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