
2024-08-07 05:35:31 0






  • n. (Supple)人名;(意、西)苏普莱

  • adj. 柔软的;灵活的;顺从的;易弯曲的;逢迎的

  • vt. 使柔软;使顺从

  • vi. 变柔顺;变柔软



supple多用于指人体方面或身体某部位的“柔韧性好的、柔软的、灵活的、易弯曲的 ”。

例如: Mike was incredibly supple and strong.迈克身体极其灵活,还非常强壮。

This mask leaves your complexion feeling  supple.


soft 多用于指物体或物品方面的“柔软”。例如:

Those towels are nice and soft.  那些毛巾极其柔软的。

Ths cream will make your skin soft. 这冷霜会让你的肌肤光滑。

the soft grass/ground 柔软的草地/地面.


supple 英adj. 灵活的; (身体) 柔软的; 易弯曲的; 顺从的,巴结的;v. 使柔软,使柔顺; 使顺从; 驯(马); 变柔软,变柔和;


youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .

youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals.

years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living . 

in the center of your heart and my heart theres a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of

cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

thank you!

英语supple knees怎么翻译

supple knees,灵活的双膝。名词短语,前面的supple是形容词做定语。

supplement facts翻译成中文是什么意思

supplement facts:补充品标示;补充事实





  • n. 补充物,增补物;营养片剂,补品;补助,补贴;额外服务费用;(报纸或杂志的)副刊,增刊;(书籍的)补编,附录;(几何)补角

  • v. 增加,增补


Herbal Supplement Facts 草本营养成分 ; 草药补充事实

Supplement t Facts 成分说明


  • Once we’ve specified the individual fact table, we can supplement the matrix with columns to indicate the fact table’s granularity and corresponding facts (actual, calculated or implied). 


  • Choosing a supplement can be confusing if you dont have the facts. 


不想提交art supplement,行不行

很多不申请艺术类专业的同学,对于在申请的时候是否选择递交Art Supplement有些拿不准,这里有一些建议供大家参考:


What is the Arts Supplement, and who should submit an Arts Supplement?

       The Arts Supplement is an optional supplementary form to the Common Application that allows students to submit visual, audio and video media displaying their artistic talents. For students with a substantial background in the arts that cannot be adequately conveyed through essays or activities lists, the Arts Supplement can play an important role in admissions decisions. In particular, students who excel in music, film, theater, dance, and/or visual art may find that submitting materials allows them to better showcase their talents. Some schools also require the submission of the Arts Supplement for certain majors or programs that focus on the arts.

        The Arts Supplement certainly isn’t for everyone, though. Over-submission of the form at many top schools has led admissions officers to caution students considering submission. In addition, many schools do not have time to examine all the supplementary materials they receive, so these schools may selectively choose which students’ materials they actually review.

       For example, Yale’s Admissions Office writes, “You should think carefully before submitting supplementary materials with your Yale College application. Most successful applicants submit only the items that we require. There are cases in which too many submissions, or submissions that do not reflect a high level of talent, can actually work against a candidate. Because the Admissions Committee gives greatest weight to the documents required of all applicants, we recommend that you focus your energy primarily on those elements of the application.”

      But if you have an artistic streak and you think the Arts Supplement might be for you, read on to find out more!


What is different about this year’s Arts Supplement? (CA4最新的Common App系统)

        Back when the Common App was a paper-based system, students submitted supplementary materials to colleges through snail mail. This tedious process might have involved recording VHS tapes and music CD’s, printing photographs of art portfolios, etc., and then making copies of these materials for each school. But as technology advances, colleges are giving students more options. For example, a few years ago, schools began allowing students to upload video submissions via YouTube (and then students might eagerly watch the view count of the videos they uploaded to guess when the admissions committees watched them).

       This year, though, the release of a fully-digitalized Common App 4 means that many schools have also transitioned to a completely online system for the submission of the Arts Supplement.  To streamline submission, the Common App has partnered exclusively with a website called Slide Room for schools that wish for the Arts Supplements to be submitted in conjunction with the Common App.


How do I use the Slide Room Portal?

       A useful step-by-step guide (with pictures!) on how to use the Slide Room system can be found here.

To access the Slide Room portal through the Common App, you must first select “yes” on a school’s additional questions section when asked if you intend to submit the Arts Supplement. Once you confirm your intention to submit the Arts Supplement, a tab will appear on the school’s left-hand menu labelled “Arts Supplement.” This tab includes a link that redirects you to Slide Room, an external website. After being redirected to Slide Room, you must create a new account to view all of the specific arts supplements offered by that school. Some schools have fewer choices for supplements (i.e. dance, music, art), while other schools have more specific supplements (i.e. separate supplements for different musical instruments). 

       One major advantage of Slide Room is that students only have to make an account and fill out their basic information once – this information is then available to be shared with any school that uses the Slide Room portal. Each supplement contains specific instructions on what sort of materials must be included, such as school-specific forms, an arts resume, and/or a recommendation from a music or arts teacher. 

       Depending on the type of supplement, Slide Room then allows students the option to upload images (up to 5 MB), PDF files (up to 10 MB), audio files (up to 30 MB) or video files (up to 60 MB) directly to the portal. Although there are limits to the size of these files, most schools allow for the submission of multiple files up to a certain limit (usually 5 items). Alternatively, students may directly link to media from YouTube, Vimeo, or SoundCloud (although the same “item” number limit still applies).

       In addition, most colleges charge a small additional fee (usually ranging from $5.00 to $10.00 ) to submit an Arts Supplement. The fees are separate for each type of arts supplement submitted, even if these supplements are for the same school (i.e. a student would have to pay separately if submitting a Visual Arts Supplement and a Theater Supplement to the same school). 

       Since the Slide Room system is new for many schools, students should remain patient with the system and its integration with the Common App. Students should also note that the deadlines for Arts Supplements are oftentimes different from those for the rest of each school’s application – this means it is important to gather your materials and ask for recommendations as early as possible!  No matter what schools you are applying to, it is always a good idea to make sure that you are able to upload all of your artistic work in a form that can be transmitted via the internet.


What if I decide I want to submit the Arts Supplement but I’ve already submitted my Common App?

         Don’t worry! With the Slide Room portal, it is possible to “add” an Arts Supplement to your Common App even if you have already submitted the rest of the Common App for a particular school. To do so, you must first log in to ***隐藏网址******隐藏网址***your Common App and Slide Room accounts, the portal will prompt you for your Common App ID, which is located in the top right-hand corner of your Common App screen. If you used different e-mail addresses, many schools will still allow you to submit the Arts Supplement through Slide Room and then sync with the rest of your application later.


Are all schools now using the Slide Room Portal?

       There are still a handful of top-tier schools (i.e. Princeton, Yale, Cornell, Oberlin) who have chosen not to opt in to the Slide Room system and instead to maintain their own external processes for submitting the Arts Supplement. A list of schools (for viewing or downloading) accepting the Slide Room portal and those schools requiring external arts supplements can be found here. Furthermore, some Common App schools do not accept submission of the Arts Supplement at all. For schools that don’t use the Common App, the submission of any supplementary materials is an individualized process for each school. 


Are there other Common App supplements besides the Arts Supplement?

       In the past, the Arts Supplement wasn’t the only major supplement – students also had the option to submit an Athletic Supplement. This year, the Athletic Supplement has been discontinued, and students interested in participating in athletics should connect directly with the athletic department of each individual school. By reducing the number of available supplements and partnering with Slide Room, the Common App aims to streamline communication within schools and reduce extra work for Admissions Officers, who previously had to physically sort through hundreds or thousands of additional materials.



: supple,




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