body heat(13题为什么选b 什么语法)

2024-10-20 21:45:41 0

body heat(13题为什么选b 什么语法)

各位老铁们,大家好,今天由我来为大家分享body heat,以及13题为什么选b 什么语法的相关问题知识,希望对大家有所帮助。如果可以帮助到大家,还望关注收藏下本站,您的支持是我们最大的动力,谢谢大家了哈,下面我们开始吧!


13题为什么选b 什么语法

(13) B 为过去分词作状语, 其逻辑主语为句子的主语,Lost in thought 意思为陷入沉思lose英 vt. 失去;错过;遗失;耽搁 vi. 损失;输掉;走慢;降低价值 失去; 输球; 输; 丢失 输掉(比赛、战斗、争论等) If you lose a contest, a fight, or an argument, you do not succeed because someone does better than you and defeats you. Milan lost the Italian Cup Final... AC米兰队输掉了意大利杯决赛。The government lost the argument over the pace of reform... 政府在有关改革步调快慢的争论中是输家。The Vietnam conflict ultimately was lost... 越南战争以失败告终。No one likes to be on the losing side. 没人喜欢输。2. VERB 动词遗失;丢失 If you lose something, you do not know where it is, for example because you have forgotten where you put it. I lost my keys... 我把钥匙丢了。I had to go back for my checkup; they’d lost my X-rays. 我得回去再做一次体检。他们把我的X光片弄丢了。3. VERB 动词(因被夺走或遭损坏而)丧失,失去 You say that you lose something when you no longer have it because it has been taken away from you or destroyed. I lost my job when the company moved to another state... 公司搬到了另一个州,我便失业了。He lost his licence for six months... 他被吊销执照半年。She was terrified they’d lose their home. 她很害怕他们会丧失家园。4. VERB 动词丧失,失去(某一特性、特点、态度或信念) If someone loses a quality, characteristic, attitude, or belief, they no longer have it. He lost all sense of reason... 他完全丧失了理智。The government had lost all credibility... 政府的诚信丧失殆尽。He had lost his desire to live. 他已失去了活下去的念头。5. VERB 动词(因意外等)丧失,失去(某种能力) If you lose an ability, you stop having that ability because of something such as an accident. They lost their ability to hear... 他们失去了听觉。He had lost the use of his legs. 他双腿的功能已经丧失。6. VERB 动词散失(热量) If someone or something loses heat, their temperature becomes lower. Babies lose heat much faster than adults... 婴儿散失热量较成人快很多。A lot of body heat is lost through the scalp. 大量体热通过头皮散失。7. VERB 动词损失(血或体液) If you lose blood or fluid from your body, it leaves your body so that you have less of it. The victim suffered a dreadful injury and lost a lot of blood... 受害者受了重伤,大量失血。During fever a large quantity of fluid is lost in perspiration. 发烧时,大量水分会通过排汗而丧失。8. VERB 动词减轻(体重) If you lose weight, you become less heavy, and usually look thinner. I have lost a lot of weight... 我体重减了不少。Martha was able to lose 25 pounds. 玛莎减掉了25磅。9. VERB 动词(因手术或意外)丧失,失去(身体部位) If you lose a part of your body, it is cut off in an operation or in an accident. He lost a foot when he was struck by a train. 他给火车撞伤,失去了一只脚。10. VERB 动词丧失,失去(生命) If someone loses their life, they die. the ferry disaster in 1987, in which 192 people lost their lives... 1987年那场致使192人丧命的渡轮灾难Hundreds of lives were lost in fighting. 数以百计的人在战斗中丧生。11. VERB 动词丧失,失去(亲人或朋友) If you lose a close relative or friend, they die. My Grandma lost her brother in the war. 我祖母在那场战争中失去了兄弟。12. VERB 动词(灾难)损毁,毁灭 If things are lost, they are destroyed in a disaster. .the famous Nankin pottery that was lost in a shipwreck off the coast of China. 在中国沿海的一场海难中损毁的著名白底青花瓷13. VERB 动词错过,浪费(时间) If you lose time, something slows you down so that you do not make as much progress as you hoped. They claim that police lost valuable time in the early part of the investigation... 他们声称警方在调查之初错过了宝贵的时间。Six hours were lost in all. 一共浪费了6个小时。14. VERB 动词错过,浪费(机会) If you lose an opportunity, you do not take advantage of it. If you don’t do it soon you’re going to lose the opportunity... 不赶紧行动就没机会了。They did not lose the opportunity to say what they thought of events. 他们不失时机地表达了自己对事件的看法。...a lost opportunity. 错失的机会15. VERB 动词使专注(于);使沉湎(于) If you lose yourself in something or if you are lost in it, you give a lot of attention to it and do not think about anything else. l held on to her arm, losing himself in the music... 迈克尔抓着她的手臂,沉醉于音乐中。He was lost in the contemplation of the landscape. 他对着眼前的景色沉思起来。16. VERB 动词亏损 If a business loses money, it earns less money than it spends, and is therefore in debt. His shops stand to lose millions of pounds... 他的店铺很可能会损失数百万英镑。$1 billion a year may be lost. 每年可能损失10亿美元。17. VERB 动词使失败;使失去 If something loses you a contest or loses you something that you had, it causes you to fail or to no longer have what you had. My own stupidity lost me the match... 是我自己的愚蠢使我输掉了那场比赛。His economic mismanagement has lost him the support of the general public. 他对经济的管理不善使他失去了广大民众的支持。 PHRASE 短语(表示在不成功的情况下)不会损失什么/将会损失惨重 If you say that you have nothing to lose, you mean that you will not suffer if your action is unsuccessful. If you say that you have much to lose, you mean that you may suffer if your action is unsuccessful. They say they have nothing to lose and will continue protesting until the government vetos the agreement... 他们说自己是死猪不怕开水烫,将会继续抗议直到政府否决该协议为止。Both countries have much to lose if there is a war. 若战事一起,两国均会损失惨重。20. PHRASE 短语大发雷霆;未能控制怒火(或情绪) If someone loses it, they become extremely angry or upset. I completely lost it. I went mad, berserk. 我火冒三丈,发了疯似的。21. PHRASE 短语发疯;精神失常 If you say that someone is losing it, you mean that they are becoming crazy. I’m afraid he’s really lost it. 我想他是真的发疯了。22. PHRASE 短语抓住任何机会 If you say that someone loses no opportunity to do or say a particular thing, you are emphasizing that they do it or say it whenever it is possible. The President has lost no opportunity to capitalise on his new position... 总统抓住一切机会,大肆利用自己的新职位。He said some sections of the press had lost no opportunity to create the impression that she was guilty. 他说新闻界有部分人不放过任何机会,力图制造她有罪的印象。23. PHRASE 短语不浪费时间;赶紧;马上 If you say that someone loses no time in doing something, you are emphasizing that they act quickly in order to benefit from a situation. Officials have lost no time in expressing their concern and grief over this incident... 众官员第一时间表达了他们对这一事件的关切和悲伤。Francine lost no time in defending herself. 弗朗辛立即为自己辩护。24. PHRASE 短语迷路;迷失方向 If you lose your way, you become lost when you are trying to go somewhere. The men lost their way in a sandstorm. 这些士兵在沙暴中迷了路。25. PHRASE 短语失去目标 If you say that someone loses their way, you think they no longer have a clear idea of what they want to do or achieve. For a while the artist completely lost his way. The famous humour gave way to sentimental nonsense... 有一阵子这位艺术家完全迷失了方向,其出了名的幽默风趣被伤感而煽情的不知所云取而代之。If we cannot understand that there’s an issue of principle here, then we have lost our way. 如果我们看不到这里的原则问题的话,那么我们已经迷失方向了。lose, miss, misplace这些动词均有“丢失,遗失”之意。lose: 最普通用词,侧重遗失了,难以找回来。miss: 着重发觉某人或某物不见的瞬间,也可作思念解。misplace: 指反映东西放错或故意放错地方。1.There must be adequate recompense for workers who lose their jobs. 必须给失业的工人足够的补偿。 2. He was unfortunate to lose in the final round. 他不幸在最后一轮输了。 3. It is easy for children to lose their self-esteem. 孩子很容易失去自尊。 4. He is walking proof that people can lose weight quickly. 他是人能迅速变瘦的活见证。 5. The drugs work well at first but gradually lose their effectiveness. 这些药的效果起初非常好,但后来逐渐失效。

英语Their ears shed body heat怎么翻译


Their ears help shed body heat.







镜头,音乐,画面,感觉对了,故事差了点,开始发展勾搭的时候台词,男女主角,都很不错,后面开始犯罪剧情片后不好玩了,节奏胡显得很慢。再加上最后的结局,其实还算是一个很有头有尾的电影……。不错的,81年的片子应该能算这类片子的前辈了吧。。。ps 米基洛克年轻的时候真是亮瞎狗眼啊,

电影《后天》结局1:52:40 时的背景音乐叫什么 求高人解答

原声大碟 -《后天(The Day After Tomorrow)电影原声》专辑曲目:1.Harald Kloser - The Day After Tomorrow 2.Harald Kloser - Tornado Warning 3.Harald Kloser - Sam! 4.Harald Kloser - Tidal Wave 5.Harald Kloser - Body Heat 6.Harald Kloser - Russian Ghost Ship 7.Harald Kloser - Hall’s Plan 8.Harald Kloser - Rio Grande 9.Harald Kloser - Bedtime Story 10.Harald Kloser - Blizzard 11.Harald Kloser - Superfreeze 12.Harald Kloser - Cutting The Rope 13.Harald Kloser - Because Of You 14.Harald Kloser - President’s Speech 15.Harald Kloser - The Human Spirit 16.Harald Kloser - Burning Books

女消防队员们的一天 Body Heat多少部







body heat(13题为什么选b 什么语法)






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